b'14American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comThe reefer container markets triple play for 2023: ANALYSIS & Technology,decarbonizationandsustain- PERSPECTIVE 2022able engineeringBy Greg Tuthill, COO of SeaCube, Special to the AJOTAs ocean carriers brace forthe ocean carriers will rely on rough seas in 2023, they willtechnology to measure reefer also pivot to a profit strategyemissionsassociatedwith that is linked to more reliableoverall ESG targets. andstabletrades. Thereefer markets will be on the top ofd eCarbonIzatIon andthe agenda for all ocean carri- r eefera ssete ffICIenCyers as they are acutely awareg oH and InH andthattheseperishabletradesReefer container technol-willbethemostresilienttoogyanddecarbonizationare theeconomicheadwindsassymbiotic.Thetechnology wenavigatethrough2023.applicationsandalgorithms Reliability, predictability, andused to measure reefer operat-stabilitycoupledwithstronging energy consumption will growth will continue to servebe the keys to ensuring ocean asthecatalystsforfocusingcarriers have meaningful pro-on the reefer market as theircesses in place to meet 2030 investmentstrategycenter- (TRIPLEcontinued on pieceforthenextseveralpage 17)years. While the reefer market investments will have attrac-tive dividends, three elements of this investment thesis will beparamountforoceancar-riers. These three elements of anyfuturereeferinvestment strategy will include: Technology Decarbonization Sustainable engineering under-pinningGreg Tuthill, COO of SeaCubet eCHnologyC ornerstoneforr eeferm arkets trategyTechnologywillbekey toimplementingasuccess-ful reefer strategy in 2023 and beyond.Oceancarrierswill benefit from tools such as pre-dictive analytics and pre-warn-ing diagnostics, which not only reduce cargo outcome failures, but also play a role in achieving foodwastemitigationgoals, whicharenowapriorityas we face food supply shortages around the globe. Withtechnologyplay-ingamoresignificantrole inreefermarketposition-ing, it will also be necessary for ocean carriers to measure decarbonizationefficacyfor ESG and decarbonization goal achievement.Oceancarriers will rely on newer reefer tech-nology to ensure that accurate, real-time,datadrivenscore-cards can be produced as more demands, and required audits, on decarbonization become a general operating procedure. Technology will also have astrongimpactonreaching decarbonization goals, which will be directly linked to oper-ational efficiency. In addition,'