b'22American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(GREENcontinued from page 16) anenvironmentallyresponsibleglobalplanning,procurement,manufactur- as well as the ability to recognize that adopted which significantly upped thesupply chain. Thats not surprising. Ining, and logistics? your suppliers liquidity and financial ante.UndertheProtocols,signatoryJanuary of 2021, the World EconomicHere are my three suggestions forhealth are as important as your own developingcountrieswerelegallyForum in collaboration with the Bostonhowsupplychainprofessionalscanthatweareallstakeholdersinan bound to emission reduction targets.ConsultingGroupreleasedareport,embracetechnologytomanagetheinterconnected system, and there are There are 197 Parties [generally coun- SupplyChainsasaGame-Changercurrent inflationary environment. very few zero-sum games in reality.tries] to the initial convention and 192in the Fight Against Climate ChangeThe key is to create an organiza-Parties to the Kyoto Protocol.whichnoted,Eightglobalsupplye mbraCe data and analytICs tional stance flexible enough to benefit Anotherstepinaddressingcli- chains account for more than 50% ofDigitizing a supply chain end-to- from the current situation by moving mate change was taken with the Parisannual greenhouse gas emissions. Onlyend can not only drive new efficien- fast to embrace change. This is par-Agreement,adoptedonDecemberasmallproportionoftheseemissionscies but can also open new revenueticularlyimportantforbusinessesat 15 th , 2015. The primary objective ofare produced during final manufactur- streams. the growth stage of their life cycles, theParis Agreementwastosettheing. Most are embedded in the supplyIf,asseemslikely,werelikelybutembracingagilityandopenness stageforactiontokeeptheglobalchaininbasematerials,agriculture,to see ongoing abrupt shifts in bothis possible regardless of where your temperature rise in this century welland the freight transport needed to movesupply and demand, embedding dataorganization is on its journey.below 2 degrees Celsius above pre- goods around the world. capture and sharing throughout yourQuestionstoaskyourselfcould industriallevelsandtoendeavorAndaccordingtotheOrganiza- supplychainalongwithanalyticalinclude:Whatworkshouldbedone tolimittemperatureincreaseevention for Economic Co-operation andplatforms to interpret it means youlllocally, regionally, or globally? Do you furtherto1.5degreesCelsius.ByDevelopment (OECD) shipping alonebeabletoidentifytheearlyindi- have flexibility baked into your opera-benchmarkingtheplanetarygoals,represents 2.9% of total GHG emis- cationsandadaptyouroperationstion in the form of alternative sources programstoachieveenvironmentalsions.Forthisreason,muchoftheaccordingly. ofsupply? Areyoupreparedforthe objectives at the ground level couldfocus on greening the global supplyAlso,withbettervisibilityonfuture move to a more circular econ-beconstructedtohelpachievethechainbeginswithoceantransportwhere items actually arerather thanomyor do you know how to prepare? larger ambition of limiting tempera- ships and ports.where you hope they areyoull beHowcanyouredesignyoursupply ture increase to 1.5 Celsius. SpecialPresidentialEnvoyJohnabletobettercontrolandforecastchain to take advantage of both short-OvertheyearstheCOPmeet- Kerry,inhispost-meetinghigh- inventory requirements.term and short-term disruptions?ings have singularly become the mostlights,notedtheU.S.andNorwayBoth factors are what is needed toThereisnodenyingthedaunt-importantmeetingintheworldonhad announced the launching of themanageanenvironmentofdynami- ing prospect for businesses in todays climate change. The measuring stickGreenShippingChallengewith40callychangingenergypricesandeconomic environment, but for busi-bywhichtheworldsprogressonmajor announcements from countries,where transportation costs and deliv- nesses with creative and open-minded climate change is measured. COP27portsandcompaniesontheactionsery times are similarly unpredictable. leadership, there are clearly some real reportedly drew over 50,000 people.to help align the shipping sector withMost of all, however, embeddingopportunities out there. It is now a truly global event likegoals to limit global temperature risedigital in your supply chain manage-the World Cupa global gathering on1.5 degrees Celsius. mentopensopportunitiesformore climate change without equivalents. Undoubtedly,atransformationinnovativeandefficientdeployment(ADDScontinued from page 18)Asidefromthepurespectacle,of ocean transport and indeed withinofyourworkingcapital.Thelinkeverything we do.what happened at COP27?every component of the supply chainbetween logistics, transportation andIn their European port rotation, Ell-U.S.StateDepartment, Assistantisunderway.Butthereisstillgreattreasury teams needs to be stronger.erman calls at terminals in Europe that SecretaryMonicaMedina,inthedebate on what is the best path for- Data can point to financing opportuni- are smaller in size but highly focused December 6 thbriefing of the COP27ward, and who takes (and often pays)ties for companies and their supplierson the customer experience.So, choos-meetingwrote,AtCOP27,wefor the first steps.that free up trapped liquidity in waysing GCT New York aligned well with engaged the world through an Imple- Forexample,effectiveJanuarythat all can benefit. There is innova- Ellermans service model. mentation Plus approach, emphasiz- 1st, 2023, under the International Mar- tion around Early Payment programsBrianKobza,directorofsales ingthatavoidingtheworstimpactsitime Organizations (IMO) protocolsfor suppliers, accelerating receivablesandmarketingforGCTNewYork ofclimatechangerequiresnotonlyit will be mandatory for all ships tofromcustomers,andtakinginven- said of the liners choice of the New implementingthecommitmentsandcalculate their attained Energy Exist- tory off the books for both the buyerYork facility for the first inbound call, goalscountrieshavealreadymade,ingShipIndex(EEXI)tomeasureand seller. All of this requires a levelWe are proud that Ellerman City has but also enhancing commitment wheretheirenergyefficiencyforreportingofdataanddigitalization,butthechosen GCT New York as their first they are insufficient.their annual operational carbon inten- rewards can be massive. portofcallfortheirnewUSXser-Although there was considerablesity indicator (CII) and CII rating. Thevice.TheiruniqueVIPexpressser-engagement among the Parties, howimpending application has triggered ad evelopI nnovatIvep ayment vice aligns with the terminals ability muchactuallygotdoneisamatterstrongpushbackfromcontainerships olutIons toprovidebest-in-classvesseland ofconjecture.ABrookingsBriefoperators. The Alphaliner [NovemberEmbracingdata-enrichedsupplytruck service.from December 14 thin summing up11-15, 2022] newsletter in a detailedchainmanagementandthetechnol- GCT New York, located on Staten the meeting succinctly wrote, If youarticle delving into the controversialogy that underpins it in turn createsIsland, near the Goethals Bridge is a ask people who paid attention only toIMO rating system, wrote, MSC,opportunitiesforinnovationinyourfull-service container and cargo han-the formal negotiations, the answer isMaerskandHapag-Lloydindividu- financial operations. dlingfacilitysituatedon187-acres, not much.ally criticized the IMOs approach toForexample,offeringbroaderand is fitted with an expanded on-dock There was as Medina mentionedcalculating the CII, claiming the rulesearlypaymentoptionstosuppliersrail service, and a 3,012-foot (918.1-in her brief, an initiative to set up awere not sensible or even counter- willallowthemtoovercomegapsmeter) contiguous berth, six container newfundingsystemtocompensateproductive.Adding,MSCstatedintheircashflows,makedecisionsgantry cranes, two RTGs and around developingcountriesforlossandthatenforcingtheCIIcouldreducebased on predictable settlement dates,30 Top Loaders/Reach Stackers. GCT damagecausedbyclimatechangeeffective container vessel capacity byhave cash on hand should the unex- also operates a near-dock Centralizedalthough exactly how the initiativeup to 10%, because it will force somepected occur, and ultimately invest inExamination Station and an on-dock willbefundedandwhatitwillbeless efficient ships to reduce sailingsand grow their businesses. refrigerated warehouse facility.spent on is still a mystery to be revis- speed in order to remain compliant. This would deliver obvious ben- TheGCTNewYorkterminals ited at COP28and beyond. efitsinundergirdingasuccessfultruck turn times average less than 30 Even on some of the fundamen- working relationship going forwards,minutesforasinglemoveandless tal issues there was little consensus.(CHALLENGEScontinued frombut why stop there?Why not link pre- than 50 minutes for a double move. For example, on mitigation, only 30page 16) ferred rates for accessing this liquidityAnd truck tolls to GCT are less than nations agreed to update their commit- COVIDstrategythattheCommunistto higher scores in the area of ESG or$40.00roundtripifthetruckeris ments to cut emissions. And COP27Party has shown no indication of ending,DE&I?Embrace the mantra of doingenrolled at the PANYNJs Toll Reim-avoided including any plan to phasesome of these issues are still with us andsome good while doing well. bursementProgram.Additionally, out coal or fossil fuelsa key elementlikely to be so for some time. Treasury, procurement, and logisticsthe container gantry cranes can make in limiting warming to 1.5 Celsius. So,timesaretoughforsupplyteams are starting to come together to35 moves per hour per crane, the high-This isnt to say that COP27 waschain professionals. embrace solutions that will ensure theirest in the Northeast.afailure.Farfromit.RatherthatBut we can either cross our fin- companieshavetheflexibilityneededAnd the addition of the Ellerman COP27soverarchingendeavorofgers and hope the situation fixes itselfto manage and excel in an inflationaryCity USX service isnt the only new implementation is more about gettingovernight, or we can pursue innova- environment. It will take teamwork. call for GCT New York. The terminal the participants to agree to march intive solutions to these challenges. also added a service by KCN (Kalypso stepit is more about being a clearingTechnology holds the key to man- m ovef ast CompagniaDiNavigazione)which house for new ideas on how to limitagingtherapidpaceofchangeandYes, there is a growing range ofmade its first call early in December.globalwarmingthanaregulatorymeeting the challenges we face. software available to buyers and sup- As Kobza says of the service addi-body. Within that context, COP27 wasIndeed, in a 2021 survey of supplypliers,butthemostimportantthingtions, The addition of KCN and now a resounding success. chain executives, EY found that 64%is culture. I.e.its not the tools, itsEllermanCityisatestamenttoour of respondents believed digital trans- how you use them. management and labor team at GCT f Irstl Ink In tHeg reenC HaIn formation is set to accelerate thanks toTheenvironmenthaschangedNY. Day in and day out they are com-Intertwinedwithinmanyofthethe causes listed above. radically in recent years, and changemitted to our customers with a unique COP27discussionsandproposedini- Whatdoesthislooklikeacrossis only likely to accelerate. A mindsetfocus on the customer in all aspects of tiatives is the question of how to buildtheinterconnectedspecialismsofthat embraces this change is crucial,our operation.'