b'20American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(GULFcontinued fromlocated in a single building.page 18) Butthenewlookhead-Gulfport, specifically Termi- quartersisonlypartofthe nal 4, will drive an economicstoryasthePortofSouth boost to the area. The addi- Louisiana is also rebranding tionofnewbusinessattheitself as Port SL.Port of Gulfport is expectedA contributing reason for to result in more longshore- PortSLscargotonnageis man hours for the local ILA,grain. PortSL claims the title and an increase in through- ofAmericasleadinggrain putfortheport.Thepart- exportingportdistrict.In nershipshouldalsoresult2022, the Port handled over in increased ship traffic and43 million tons of maize and provide a basis for the portsmore than 42 million tons of ongoingprojecttodeepensoybeans, enough to make it and widen the channel. the largest argi-business port. These cargos along with other p oRt ofS o . l ouiSiana , la liquid and dry bulk commod-The Port of South Loui- itiesmakeupamajorityof siana might just be the larg- PortSLs cargo mix.Aerial view of the Port of South Louisianas Avondale Global Gatewayest port239 million tonsButitisfairtosaythe worthoflargenessthatPortSL is looking to expandtems and is positioned at theBut there is still a criti- establisharesearch,training, peopleknowtheleastitsreachandonepotentialinterchangeofsixClassIcalhurdletobecrossedand technology demonstration aboutbut that is all chang- deal could be the cornerstonerailroads, providing the capa- beforethedealisfinalized.programatGWTsfacility ing. And the change is wellof the ambitious strategy. bility to distribute cargo in allThefundingforthePortwithintheAvondaleGlobal underwayasnotedbytheBackin2018TParkerdirections. And in October ofSLs acquisition would comeGateway. Port of South Loui-March 1st ribbon cutting cer- Host,awell-knowntermi- 2022Hostheldtheofficialthrough the issuing of bondssianaCEOPaulMatthews, emony for the ports officialnaloperatingandstevedoringgrandopeningofthe Avon- that would need the approvalsaidofthemove,When openingoftheirnewstate- company, acquired the formerdale Global Gateway. of the bond commissionathePortofSouthLouisiana of-the-art 30,000-square-footAvondaleShipyard,whichOnJanuary1st,2023,processcurrentlyunderway.begantolookatacquiring headquartersthatappropri- shutdown in 2014. Located atHostagreedtosellthe254- ItisexpectedthatthebondthetransformedAvondale atelyoverlookstheMissis- mile108ontheMississippiacre logistics hub to Port SLcommissionsdecisionandGlobal Gateway, we were not sippiRiver.Thethree-storyRiver, Host set to work redevel- for $445 million, with the ideaindeedtheapprovaloftheonlyimpressedbythecur-headquarters cost nearly $12oping the site into the Avon- theauthoritywouldmanagedealitselfwillcomesome- rent activity on the property, million to build and includesdaleGlobalGateway.ThethefacilityandHostwouldtime during the summer.butwealsorecognizedthe twostoriesofofficesandsiteincludeshugeacreageremainonasthestevedore.However, in the meantimepotentialforfuturedevelop-meeting rooms and a ground- alongtheriver,fourberths,Host is also re-locating its cor- Avondaleisalreadyattract- ment,especiallyinthearea floor garage. The new head- anddraftrangeof32-47porate headquarters from Nor- ing business. In March Newof renewable energy. Todays quarters marks the first timefeet. Further Avondale offersfolk, Virginia to Avondale, aOrleans-basedGulfWindannouncementfromGulf intheportshistorythatimmediate access to regionalmove that shows the companyTechnology (GWT) announced(GULFcontinued on theentireadministrationisandinterstatehighwaysys- is in for the long haul. it is collaborating with Shell topage 22)All freights. All weights. All business.When shippers around the globe require efficient, large-scale handling, they rely on the Port of Lake Charles and the Calcasieu Ship Channel in Louisiana, recognized as Americas Energy Corridor.The Calcasieu Ship ChannelOur capacity and efficiency have is an ideal connectionlong made us a global choice. along the central Gulf Coast.We also offer ideal real estate for lease and development. Let us put our capabilities to work for you. PORT OFLAKE CHARLESLAKE CHARLES, LOUISIANA,
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