b'34American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(DIGITALcontinued fromchain.Everythingfromcon-page 32) tainers, trucks, trailers, ships, since2020withcompa- andplanes,alongwiththe niesincreasinglyinvestingactualitemsbeingshipped intechnologysolutionstowith RIFD tags, are now vis-streamlineoperations.How- ibletherenowarefewer ever, the industry as a wholeand fewer holes in the cover-CYBER SECURITY 2023 still has a long way to go toage for both shippers and car-capitalizeonevolvingtech- riersandtheexpectations nological advancements, withof visibility within the supply many organizations still rely- chain have grown as a result.ingheavilyoninefficientE-commerceanddigital manual processes. forwardingareverymuch Itwouldseemodd,thatspinoffs of global digitaliza-repetitivemanualpro- tion. And daily, more adapta-cesses would still be featuretions are being introduced.oftheglobalsupplychainForexample,routinga movement that is oftensystems and software (which portrayedlikeaphalanxofwere derived from the digita-freight moving with conveyorlization of GPS data) is grow-belt efficiency from one partingatanastoundingrate, of the world to another.drivenbyboththeneedto Forexample,thereportbe more efficient to improve noted, Automation and digi- visibility,toreduceexpen-Cyber vulnerabilitiesa toptization: 24% of respondentsditures,andalsotoaddress still have completely manualthegrowingneedtocome processes,asinnoERPortogripswithacompanys supply-chain riskspecializedfreightforward- carbon footprint. technology ing software. Andthe Still,infairnesstothereachesbeyondthemove-Reducing attack surface is key to shoring up security, expert says. industry,thewidespreadment of goods. For example, digitalinnovationledmanyeven the hiring of truck driv-By Peter Buxbaum, AJOT practitionerstocreatetheirers has become a feature of own WMS or TMS systems.digitalizationprocesses,as Thedigitalizationofinfor- ing supply-chain partners.ing risks and managing thoseAnd moving on from legacydriversnowfindjobswith mationprocesseshasfacili- risks,saidBobKolasky,systemswasoftenbothdigitalheadhuntersmatch-tatedtheintegrationofC yBeRR iSk : a C RitiCal former assistant director at theexpensiveandburdensomeingdriversandcompanies. supplychainsandhaspro- S upplyC hainf aCtoR U.S. Department of Homelandto integrate into their opera- Andonceinthecab,the motedsupply-chainvisibil- A recent study from Gart- SecuritysCyberandInfra- tions.Withtheadoptionoftruck drivers are increasingly ity.Theadventofmodernner indicated that cyber secu- structure Security Agency andportals and platforms and thebecomingdigitalextensions technologies like cloud com- rity risk has become a primarycurrentlyaseniorvicepresi- SaaS business models [whichof the information flow of the putinghasincreasedthebuyingconsiderationforsup- dent at Exiger, a supply-chainhas expanded to other fieldssupplychainmorepilot agility of supply-chain orga- ply-chain executives, and that(RISKcontinued onsuch RaasRobotics-as-Ser- than truck driver.nizations, enabled more reli- 60%ofsupply-chainorgani- page 35) vice and DaaSDrones-as-a-ableplanningandspeedierzations will gauge cyber secu- Service], it has, over the lasta i ,anda ll theR eStcollaboration,andloweredrity risk as a significant factordecade, become much easierWiththemanydiverse operational costs.in conducting transactions andforlogisticscompaniesandaspects of digitalization in the The advantages that moti- business engagements by 2025.their clients, to not only worksupply chain, there is a ques-vated supply chain organiza- Regulatorsarealsoincreas- withtheirownsystemstion of where it is all leading, tionstoparticipateintheseingly focusing on cyber secu- but to network in ways oncewhatisnext.Ai(Artificial complex digital environmentsrity,andcompanieswithoutunimaginable.intelligence),Blockchain, also has its downsides in therobust cyber risk managementEarlyondigitalizationBig Data and Telematics are many cyber security risks tostrategiesmayfacepenaltieswas deployed to create trackall part of the mix. supply chains that have beenshould incidents occur. and trace and visibility in theAiisoftenusedinter-spawnedbythatconnectiv- Thereisanimperativesupply chain. The level of datachangeably with Machine Learn-ity.Assupplychainshaveboth from a policy landscape, agathering has vastly improveding(ML),althoughtechnically become more connected andregulatory landscape, and alsoand as telematics have gainedwhileallMachineLearning more global, the potential forfromabusinesslandscapetoafootholdinthevarious(DIGITALcontinued on supply chain disruption fromdo a better job at understand- Bob Kolasky movingpartsinthesupplypage 35)a cyber event becomes more likelyanditsimplications more severe and widespread. Italsobecomesmorechal-lengingtosecurethemany supply-chainandcomputing componentsthatrepresent points of vulnerability.Digitalvulnerabilitiesin the supply chain can compro-misetheintegrityandreli-abilityofdata,systems,and thetransactionsandflows ofgoodsthattheymanage, allofwhichcannegatively impactthetrustthatusers haveinthem.Cybervulner-abilitiescanbeusedtogain accesstosensitiveinforma-tion, intellectual property, and data. Software vulnerabilities sometimes come about due to poorlydesignedsystemsbut also as a result of intentional flaws introduced into software by malicious actors. Theintegrityofsupply- customs brokers&freight forwarderschainsystemsanddatais becominganincreasinglywww . jfmoran.com: 800.944.1041important business consider-ation when it comes to choos-'