b'MAY 15 - JUNE 25, 2023GULF COA ST PORTS 29(PUSHEScontinued fromstackerstohandleheavy page 8) cargo, making Neustadt Port Theconferenceisthetheidealsiteforthebreak-biggestannualeventofbulktraffic.Besidesloading theEuropeanportindustryonto ships sailing on the high andcommunityasESPOseas, our terminal also offers representsportauthorities,other services for the conven-associations, and administra- tionalloading,aNeustadt tionsoftheseaportsof22PortofficialtellstheAmeri-Member States of the Euro- can Journal of Transportation. peanUnionandNorwayatNeustadtPortoffersquality EU political level. environmentalandsecurity Albania,Iceland,Israel,services,complyingwiththe Montenegro, Ukraine, and theregulatory standards. United Kingdom have observerThereisalsoplentyof status with the ESPO.goodlandtosupportthe TogetherwithBremen- ports breakbulk traffic. The portsthecompanythatquays at the Port of Bremens manages the ports in BremenNeustadtHarbortotal2600Aerial view of the Port of Brownsville, TX- ESPO is putting together ameters(8.5thousandfeet) program which aims at com- withalongsidedepthof11(GULFcontinued from2023. The facility has differ- and square tubing to products biningthebroadening-the- meters(36.1feet).Neustadtpage 28) entproductionphases,withtoserveavarietyofindus-lenssessionswithhands-onHarbor offers almost 52 acresfacility. the first of those expected totries,includingautomobiles, debates, as Bremenports has(210 thousand square meters)Prepworktofinalizebe operational this July.oil,andgas.Steelproducts been saying.of warehouse space and overForzas work is blowing andTheMexicancompanymanufacturedbyForzawill Meanwhile, Bremens mayor111acres(450thousandgoing,Campiranoenthusi- Forza specializes in manufac- beshippedoverlandtocus-AndreasBoyenschultehassquare meters) of open stor- astically notes. The $60 mil- turingcarbonsteelpipebuttomersintheUnitedStates asked for more funding fromageforbothtemporaryandlionfacilityshouldbefullywill produce a wide range of(GULFcontinued on the Federal German Govern- long-term storage. operationalbythefallofproducts ranging from roundpage 31)ment, saying that the money wasneededfortheports. Bremenitselfisinvesting some500millionEurosin its ports in the next 10 years, With an eye on the upcoming 13th National Maritime Con-ference on September 14 and 15 in Bremen, Bovenschulte said:Becausetheports,as the pandemic and the energy crisishaveshown,areof national importance, we con-sideragreaterparticipation of the federal government in theportfundingtobeonly fair.Presently,thefederal government pays annually 38 million Euros for all German ports;Bremenreceives10 million Euros. The Port of Bremen and thePortofBremerhaven,as arule,jointlycompilecargo statistics.Morethan3,700 containershipsand1,200 general cargo ships call here each year; together, these two vessel types represented 70% ofallarrivingvesselsand 66% of all cargo (in gross ton-nage).Theremainingvessel types included roll-on/roll-off shipsandferries(777),bulk carriers (544), car ships (379), tankers(244),andpassenger ships (27).Majorcargoitemshan-dledatthePortofBremen and the Port of Bremerhaven includedoresandmetal waste,iron,steel,andnon-ferrous metals; solid mineral fuels;petroleumproducts, andmineralsandbuilding materials. Other non-contain-erizedcargoincludedagri-cultural products, foodstuffs, animalfodder,chemical products, and fertilizers.n euStadtp oRtSB ReakBulke xpeRtiSeNeustadt Port representa-tives have been highlighting thehigh-qualitybreakbulk expertise.We have crane and horizontal transport capaci-ties for heavy cargo of more than200tonnes,backedby adequateforkliftsandreach'