b'OCTOBER 23 - NOVEMBER 19, 2023NEW YORK PORTS15APM Terminals Elizabeth, New Jerseyyour supply chain gateway to the robust economies of the U.S. Northeast, Midwest, and CanadaAPM Terminals Elizabeth connects you to the largest U.S. and Canadian consumer markets with ideal connections via road and rail. Our strategic location brings the most attractive regional consumer markets in the U.S. and Canada closer to you:130 million consumers 46 million of whom are within a four-hour radius of the port; and14 million within one hourWe have invested more than $200 million in our facilities to serve you. In addition to modernizing IT systems, APMT has invested in ten ZPMC Super-Post Panamax ship-to-shore (STS) cranes. The first four cranes arrived in 2018 and two new cranes were just delivered in September 2023. The remaining four are expected by the first quarter of 2025. The new cranes improve ability to work multiple large ships simultaneously which reduces port stay times and speeds customer supply chains.Our new truck gate and appointment system offers some of the fastest transit times in the harbor, averaging under an hour for all move types. Expanded rail services easily integrate your supply chains. Contact us today to learn how we can do more for [email protected]|908-558-6292|www.apmterminals.com'