b'FEBRUARY 2024PROJECT CARGO/ HEAVY LIFT 37ACL AJOT_SailSchedule_2023_ACL11/10/239:01 AMPage 1(GROWTHcontinued fromthat, if the entire solar supply page 36) andOceanWindchainmanufacturesatfullThe UltimateWind1capacityallyearround,it 2projectsofftheU.S.Incould in one year manufactureCARRY ALLresponse to rising costs and800 GW of solar, 242% more largerturbinesizes,origi- than the roughly 330 GW that nal equipment manufacturerswas installed in 2023.haveraisedaveragesellingHowever, solar is a prime prices for turbines in the pastexampleofaconcentratedContainers, RORO, Breakbulkcouple of years. supplychain.Chinacontrols This could lead to chal- 82% of global module manu-lenges when or if competitionfacturing, 90% of cell-making, increases, as Chinese OEMsas much as 96% of ingot and looktoexpandtheirglobalwafer manufacturing, and 95%A SERVICEfootprintwithpotentiallyof production of polysilicon, aFROM NEW YORK TO TRANSIT TIMESsignificantlylowerprices,a key raw material in the solarANTWERP 20Rystad said. photovoltaic,orPV,supplyDUBLIN 21Wood Mackenzie, the globalchain, Rystad said. BELFAST 20research and consultancy groupElsewhere,majorgov-fortheenergy,chemicals,ernmentalforcesattemptedGOTHENBURG 25renewables, metals, and miningtoalterthispicture,withtheHAMBURG 17industries,saidthatonshoreU.S.InflationReduction Act,LIVERPOOL 13winddevelopmentsinChinathe EU Green Deal IndustrialRORO Customer Service Export Documentation Credit & Collectionscontracted by 11%. Plan,andSelf-ReliantIndia877-918-7676 888-802-0401 888-225-7747Qualityisanothertopicaskeyexamplesofpolicyrorona@aclcargo.com [email protected] [email protected] was particularly discussedpackagesaimedatexpandingExport Customer Service Import Customer Servicein the wind industry in 2023.local supply chainsso-called800-225-1235 888-802-0403SiemensGamesareported(GROWTHcontinued [email protected] [email protected] year that there were qual- page 38)ity issues with a small share ofits108-GWonshoretur-bine fleet. This put a spotlight onqualityassuranceinthe industry and raised questions about the pace of research and development.Meanwhile, Wood Mack-enziesawthewindenergy landscape poised for a sig-nificant turnaround in 2024, basedonrecordwindtur-bineorderbacklogs,policy momentumglobally,and increasedeffortsbygovern-mentstoacceleratewind energydeploymenttomeet climate goals.However, the analyst said onshoreandoffshorewind turbine OEMs need to return to profitability, highlighting a slowdown in product inno-vation and a focus on simpli-fying portfolios.Europe, particularly Spain, isanticipatedtoexperience substantialgrowth,driven byimprovedpermittingand policy support, Wood Mack-enzie said. The Middle East andAfricaarealsopoised for significant market expan-sion,withnotablegrowth inEgypt,Saudi Arabia,and South Africa.S OlarS OarSMeanwhile,solarhas emergedastheclearglobal leader,andRystadEnergy saw parts of the supply chain catching up in 2023 with mas-sivemanufacturingcapacity additions in China.Emergingcelltechnolo-gies, such as TOPCon (Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact), and HJT (Heterojunction Technol-ogy), have fueled considerable growth for the year.Commercialcellsare alreadyattainingover25% conversionefficiencywith TOPContechnologydem-onstratingadvancesineffi-ciency.Higherefficiency levelshavebeenprovenby HJTtechnology,whichfre-quently achieves 24% to 25% in commercial applications.RystadEnergyestimates'