b'16American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comGlobal Steel Dynamics Forum (GSDF) offers(SOFTENcontinued fromOxygen Furnace (BOF) steel-page 14) making technology. insight into the industry at the crossroads of capacity and ideally closerT hings To Cometo 85% to be cost effective. If Decarbonization, Mexicos USMCA role and Nippon Steel-U.S. steelyoure in a market where youAworldcommittedto merger figured prominently at GSDF 2024 Conferencecan run a blast furnace at thatsolarandwindenergyas capacity it can produce steel atwell as to electric vehicleslower cost than an EAF mill.will need a lot of steel. Can By Manik Mehta, AJOT But the problem is that steel isthe industry fill the bill?seasonal and subject to vari- TheAmericansteel Thetwo-dayGlobalSteelDynam- technologicalachievementswouldhelptheabledemand.Bottomline:industryiswell-equippedto icsForum(GSDF)inNew Yorkkickedoffsteel industry: Our pipeline of over 250 kmover time, EAFs produce steelmeetfuturedemand,said onJune17,withopeningin the U.S. supplies for 65%more economically. Dempsey. Capacity (the cur-remarks by Ronald Ashburn,of integrated steel production.Little wonder steel makersrently utilized portion of total the executive director, Ameri- Lindeisthelargesthydro- arejumpingonthegreenpotential factory output) was can Iron & Steel Technology,gen supplier globally, havingenergy bandwagon. The worldrecently77.3%.Andthatis highlightingtheopportuni- invented the AOD process forof steel will be dealing withdown, slightly, from the same tiesinherentintheBidenstainless steel in 1967.decarbonization for the nextperiod last year when it was administrations$1.2trillionInterviewedonstagebytwoorthreedecades,said78.6%. So, our existing facili-Infrastructure Investment andPhilipp Englin, CEO of WorldDaleCrawford,Executivetiescancertainlyproduce Jobs Act, for upgrading roads,SteelDynamics,LourencoDirectoroftheSteelTubemore product. In addition, we bridges, electric grid, etc. asGoncalves,theoutspokenInstitute. Its being discussedhave millions of tons of new also to the H2 InfrastructurePhilipp Englin, CEOchairman/presidentandCEOateveryconferenceandinproductioncomingonline CHIPS and Science Act withof World Steel Dynamics of Cleveland-Cliffs Inc., seeneveryC-suiteandcorporateover the next couple of years.a potential investment tag ofas the architect of Cleveland- boardroom. Steel is endlesslyIn the meantime, demand $280 billion allocated for domestic semicon- Cliffs strong position in the U.S. steel market,recyclable, which is why it isfor steel is expected to remain ductor manufacturing, R&D workforce devel- and its expansion with two major acquisitionsthe most sustainable structurallackluster until certain market opment, etc. and the Inflationof AK Steel and ArcelorMit- and electrical product that youuncertaintiesareresolved. Reduction Act with an invest- talUSA,saidthatMexicocan use to make products forMany developers in the U.S. mentpotentialofUS$394should be excluded from thebuildings and infrastructure. are waiting to see what hap-billionforcleanenergyandUSMCA for allowing foreignWhiletheU.S.isthepenswiththeNovember transmission, electric vehiclecompanies to ship the heav- leader in the drive to decar- elections, for example. The incentives, etc.ily government subsidized steelbonatesteel,othernationsmarket might go in very dif-Otherspeakersfollow- produced with a high degree oframpingupproduction ferentdirections,depending ing Ashburns opening salvo,pollution to the USA. notably Indiaoften lack theon whos in the Oval Office, includedSanjivLamba,theMexico provided a dump- benefitofdecadesofacir- said Williams. Biden might CEOofLindeplc,aglobaling road for such steel ship- cular economy that can pro- continue to spend money on player in industrial gases andments.Clearly,theremarksvide enough recyclable steelinfrastructure,whileTrump engineeringprojectsfocus- Lourenco Goncalves, chairman/ wereaimedatChinawhichforEAFproduction.Asamayintroduceasignificant ing on decarbonization, withpresident & CEO of Cleveland-Cliffs U.S. steelmakers complain isresult, they are likely to keep(SOFTENcontinued on a $33 billion turnover.He maintained Lindes(INSIGHTcontinued on page 18) using the older, dirtier, Basicpage 19FLORIDAS BREAKBULKDISTRIBUTION HUBClosest port to Floridas largest and fastest growing market Expanding lumber, perishable, container, project cargo, and Nearly 500,000 SF of on-dock warehouse space and 7,000heavy-lift businesslinear feet of berth New and expanded container services with Central Floridas largest steel port America, Mexico and AsiaFive post-Panamax gantry cranesWWW.PORTTB.COM'