b'8American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comACL AJOT_SailSchedule_Irish_ACL6/7/2410:27 AMPage 1(BACK DOORcontinuedU.S. container import volume from page 4) YoY growth of 10.4% for the 138% during the same periodsamemonthaccordingtoNORTH AMERICA & IRELANDasignificantpercentageDescartesJulyglobalship-unlikelytohavebeencom- pingreport.ChinahaslostJUST GOT A LOT CLOSERpletely absorbed by the Mex- someshareofU.S.imports icaneconomywhichonlyto fast growing exporters like grew 3.4% over that period,Vietnam, but volumes of Chi-Jones observes. nese exports to the U.S. have Instead,theseChinesestillincreased.Despitethe imports are most likely finishedexpanding percentage of U.S. productsor sub-assembliesimport share gained by Viet-used to manufacture productsnam and other countries like in Mexicothat are destinedIndiaandThailand,ChinaOur New Container Service To Ireland for the US, Jones continues.hasremainedthedominant Its apparent that China nowcountry of origin in eight ofCuts Days Off Your Transit Timesrepresentsasignificantper- thetop10goodscategories centageofthevalueofUSanalyzedbyDescartesfrom imports from Mexico. 2016to2022.Inaddition,NORTH AMERICA DUBLIN BELFASTJones points out that VietnamPort Departure Arrival Transit Arrival TransitC hinad ireCT issimilartoMexicointhat Looking at the growth ofChineseproductsarealsoNew York Wednesday Sunday 18 Monday 19Chinese imports into MexicoassembledthereandthenBaltimore Saturday Sunday 15 Monday 16and considering increased USimported by the U.S. Norfolk Monday Sunday 13 Monday 14tariffs on China and MexicosAtthispointtheresHalifax Wednesday Sunday 11 Monday 12benefitsfromUSMCA,itnot a lot of evidence to say may be easy to assume thatthatChinamovingexportsUSA & Canada Toll Free: 800-ACL-1235ChinaisusingMexicoasthroughMexicohasmade abackdoortotheUStomuch of a difference in Chi- [email protected],sur- nasexportstotheU.S., prisingly,thedatadoesnotJones explains. Goods made support the idea. Even thoughinChinaarestillshippingthem to get around these sub- growing, and our economy isgoingtoallowfrozenveg-China apparently represents adirectly,theprimarywaystantial new tariffs, adds Jack- relatively strong, Jones con- etables to come north, frozen substantialpartofMexicosChinese goods reach the US. son Wood, Director of Industrycludes, adding that he wouldvegetablesthatcometothe imports to the U.S., the con- With new tariff increasesStrategy,GlobalTradeIntel- expectCanadianimportsMidwest,frozenvegetables verseisnottrueMexicoonChineseimportsofsteelligenceforDescartes.Icantobetrendinginthesameeven come to Toronto.does not represent a signifi- andaluminum,semiconduc- envisionChinesecompaniesdirection.ButCanadaisYoupartnerwithretail cant portion of imports to thetors, electric vehicles, batter- buildingevenmoreproductsnot benefiting from this, andcustomersthatmovethe U.S. originating in China.ies, solar cells, port cranes andinMexicobecauseitwillbeUSMCA is not helping driveneedle here in Canada like we ChineseproductsaremedicalproductsannouncedcheapertoshipintotheU.S.increasedCanadianimportsdo with a Loblaws and create notallcomingstraightoutbytheU.S.inMay,how- and they wont have to pay theinto the U.S., at least for thean ability for them to source ofMexico.Themajoritystillever,thiscouldchangeintariffs. I wouldnt be surprisedfirst half of this year. theirvegetablesorbring comedirectlyfromChina,the near future. The potentialifthereisafurtherevolutionthem to the Toronto markets Jonesasserts.Descartesdataimpositionofquotasbytheofthiscompaniesbasedinwheretheyredoingitby suggeststhatChinesegoodsU.S.couldalsobeafactorMexicowithamajorityChi- (HEATINGcontinued fromtrucktodaybyrail.Again, areenteringtheU.S.throughthatinducesChinatochan- nese ownership or some typepage 7) that starts to build success on Mexico, but that amount is stillnelexportsthroughMexico.offinancialpartnershipwithAdditionalfacilitiesareonto success.smallcomparedtothedirectWiththesefactorsinmind,Chinese conglomerates. the way.To increase capacity, CPKC imports from China. This indi- Mexico remains an attractiveCPKC CEO Keith Creelis building a second span of catesthat,atleastcurrently,opportunity for China to side- n orTherne xPosure talkedaboutthecompletionthe international rail bridge in Chinaisnotreroutingmoststep tariffs, as well as mitigateWhileMexicoseemstoof AmericoldsKansasCityLaredo, expected to be online exportstotheU.S.throughthe supply chain risks associ- be enjoying a boost from thewarehouse at the RBC Cana- by the end of 2024.Mexico to avoid tariffs. ated with shipping everythingUSMCA,accordingtoDes- dianIndustrialsConferenceAlonsoErikFernandez Still the major supplier todirectly from China. cartesdata,Canadaisnot.May 14.Flores,GeneralManagerat theU.S.,ChinarepresentedChinaiscreatingnewCanadianimportsintotheoncethathappens,SeaboardFoodsdeMexico 38.8% of total U.S. containertypes of business partnershipsU.S. show a decline of 2.3%thatsawholeothertrancheandPresidentofMexicos imports in June 2024, show- ingeographieslikeMexicofor the first 5 months of 2024,of business that comes on topNationalTIFPlantsAsso-ing impressive 13.8% growthbecause it will give them bettercompared to the same periodof180/181[trainpair]thatsciation(ANETIF),saidhe over June 2023even higheraccesstotheworldslargestin 2023.goingtoallowustotakeexpects the U.S.-Mexico cold thantheexceptionaloveralleconomyandwillalsoallowImports into the U.S. areproteinsgoingsouth,thatschaintodevelopbeyond food products.He said the pharmaceuticalsectorrep-resentsanincreasingfron-tier, particularly veterinarian pharmaceuticals. We are actively engaged in initiatives to strengthen cold chain integrity and compliance, ensuringthattemperature-sensitive pharmaceutical prod-ucts are transported safely and efficiently across borders. This entails strict adherence to regu-latory standards, investment in specializedinfrastructure,and continuous innovation in cold chain logistics.We can anticipate growth in other types of temperature-sensitive goods such as chemi-cals, cosmetics, and electronics. Thesesectorsareincreasingly recognizingtheimportanceof maintainingproductintegrity throughoutthesupplychain, promptinginvestmentsin advanced cold chain technolo-gies and infrastructure upgrades to support their evolving trans-portation needs.'