b'JULY 2024GREAT LAKES & ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY PORTS 23(PLANcontinued from page 22) 12,000 foreign and domestic passen-By learning more about our tenantsgers to the city of Milwaukee. Port businesses and needs, we can createinformationnotes,VikingCruises optionsthathelpmeetthoseneeds,leverages Port Milwaukee as a turn-which will make us a more competi- around port for the companys Great tive option when they are looking toLakes itineraries.choose which port to partner with forAnotheroptionfornewrecre-their shipping needs, Carter reported. ational business tenants is within an area that already has established busi-s easonali ssues andl everaging nesses that include a restaurant, festi-s PaCe val grounds, and a science museum. While the Port continues to be pro- Carter said the focus on how to grow activeinsolidifyingitsrelationshipsthe Ports capacity through diversifi-with tenants to make Port Milwaukeecation efforts could also serve to help a more appealing port of call, there arethe Port move away from a landlord-seasonal issues that offer the opportu- tenant relationship to one that is more nityforoperationaldiversitytohelpreflective of business partners.regain revenue lost to the weather.Carter said, At Port Milwaukee,s Treamlinings uCCess wiThwe are trying to diversify the way weT eChnologyoperate.Weareheavilysalt-driven,As Port Milwaukee looks to become so when we have a mild winter, thata more cost-effective port of choice for commoditydoesntmoveasmuch,businesses and owners of cargo, it alsoThe largest breakbulk commodity at Port Milwaukee is steel.leaving us with empty parcels. Part oflooks to embrace technology such as our planned diversification is trying toartificial intelligence (AI) that can helpOther issues that are front of mindbenefitstechnologymayofferPort figure out the best way to use avail- streamlineand/orautomatereportingat Port Milwaukee focus on advanceMilwaukee, they may all be second-ableparcelsforcommoditiesotherprocesses for enhanced efficiency andpreparation.Inrelationtoissuesofary to the benefits of simply listening than salt. accuracy. Carter elaborated on the ben- piracy and cybersecurity, technologyand learning, according to Carter.ThetenantsatPortMilwaukeeefits AI offers. could play a future role in helping theTechnologymaybegreatfor encompass three industries: commer- With so much going on with ves- Port prepare to help, as long as anyprocessautomationandefficiency, cial,tourism,andrecreation.Cartersels coming and going, paperwork cansolutiondoesnotinhibitthePortsbut a lot of benefits can be found in asserted there are a lot of areas wheresometimesbecomeanafterthought.ability to operate.our communication with other ports. the Port operates that offer opportuni- AI as a tool to automate our processesCarter also mentioned another areaIbelieveweshouldbecontinually ties to create new tenancy, includingand track cargo in a more streamlinedof preparation that is a front-of-mindlearning and sharing with each other at the Ports cruise dock. One optionwayandwouldmakeusmoreeffi- concern at the Port. We are lookingto see what works and what doesnt. beingconsideredistheconstructioncient overall. AI could also be usedat how to prepare to start transitioningIf we are always listening and learn-ofadeep-draftdock,whichwouldwithoperatorsvesselstocommu- to alternate fuels. How do we prepare?ing from other ports, we can see what bewelcomingandhelptoattractnicateinformationthatweallneed.What kinds of precautions do we needchallenges other ports are facing, and additional cruise lines. Port statisticsThe use of AI could become a way toto take? These are questions we havewe can work together to find solutions showthatduringthe2023season,gather and disseminate that informa- been thinking about. thatworkforeveryonefacingthe 30cruiseshipvisitsbroughtnearlytion, Carter suggested. When it comes to the numeroussame challenges, Carter summed up.EUROPE - GREAT LAKES SERVICELiner servicebetween Europeand the Great LakesContainer service between Antwerp and Valleyfield, Cleveland and Duluth CONTAINERS Liner owned equipment door-to-door serviceBULK CARGOMore info:www.spliethoff.com or
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