b'12American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comWarehousing trends for 2025 WAREHOUSE PROVIDERS 25Warehouses are undergoing rapid change with the introduction of new technologies pushed by customer demands.By Debra Phillips, AJOTWarehousesareafundamentalaudible and visual signals that serve as aspect of the supply chain that manyeffectivealertsforforkliftoperators. mayconsiderunchangedfromyearThe application also limits the speed of to year. However, that is not the case,a forklift to what is deemed a safe level. aswarehousescontinuetoevolvePedestrians in the vicinity of forklifts to meet the changing needs of busi- arealertedbyvibrationswithinthe nesses and consumers. From commer- digital Personal Protective Equipment cial real estate firms to transportation(PPE) provided with the system.and logistics providers, most predictTheforkliftcollision-avoidance that by 2025, the use of technology insystemusesprecisionUltra-Wide-warehouse operations will grow expo- band (UWB) technology for detecting nentially.Sustainabilityandenergynearby forklift trucks and restricting efficiencywillbetopprioritiesforthe units speed to prevent collisions. warehouses in 2025 as they strive toAudio-visualsignalsalertoperators meet the requirements of the EPA. immediately,makingthemawareof However, the biggest factor driv- trucks in their proximity.ing change in warehouses in 2025 con-tinues to be e-commerce. While nots ustainaBility& e nergye ffiCienCyanewfactorinwarehousemanage- Like most industries, warehouses ment,thepopularityofe-commerce(WAREHOUSINGcontinued on will significantly impact warehouses,page 14)from their locations to the tools and technologyneededtooperateware-houses serving this market segment. E B R A T I Nt eChnologya DvanCes in E L GW arehouses CTechnology to support warehouse operationshasgonefarbeyondthe traditionalwarehousemanagement20-2020system(WMS).AccordingtoIntek19Freight & Logistics, a company spe- OF SE ICEcializingintransportationmanage- RVmentservicesandtechnology,there will be a significant rise in automationSUCCESS STARTS WITH A WINNING TEAM!and robotics. ArtificialIntelligencewillbe heavily used for predictive analytics,Since our establishment in 1920, we haveWE OFFER OUR CUSTOMERS:optimizingwarehousespaceutiliza-tion. This is to be expected with thebeen providing our global customers a On-site Storage and Multi-modalpremier level of service through superior cost of commercial real estate remain- Distribution Servicesing high in certain markets and avail- handling and performance, technological Customer Access to 24 hour Inventory Trackingability being constrained in other areas.advancements, and a perpetual eyeon customer satisfaction. Also, we offer one Standard Berths and Ro-Ro Ramps are availableIncreased adoption of robotic systems of the most cost effective and reliable labor Specially engineered Lifting Gearfor picking, packing, and material han-dlingoperationswillbecomepreva- forces in the North Atlantic. Container Transloading from / to Rail or Truck lent, leading to greater efficiency and On-site service provided by 2 Class IWe have the ability to accommodate a accuracy.ThesetoolswillalsohelpRail Carrierscompaniesmanagealaborshortage.variety of automobile, breakbulk, bulk, Efficient Distribution to Two Thirds of the container and forest products. Our While not as severe as the truck driverUnited States and Canadian populations within shortage,findingqualifiedworkers,distinction, is based on our ability to closely48 - 72 Hours especiallywithchangingregulatorycoordinate your Stevedoring, Warehousing requirements, has become challengingand Distribution Logistics. in some markets.Real-timedatafromIoTsensors willprovidevaluableinsightsinto inventory levels, warehouse conditions, and shipment tracking to enable better decision-making.Shippersareasking for faster deliveries, partially due to new consumerdemands.Beinglatewith a shipment for big box stores can alsoFOR MORE INFORMATION result in fines, some as high as five or tenCONTACT US AT:percent of the orders value. If a truck has an appointment time at a warehouse,JH STEVEDORING, INC. and the load is not ready, a shipment2147 South Columbus Blvd. Philadelphia, PA 19148may not reach its destination on time.TEL: 215-218-3060Other consequences can be congestionFAX: 215-218-3078in the warehouse dock area or driversWEB: www.jhstevedoring.comrunning out of hours of service if delays are extremely long at a pickup location. PENN WAREHOUSING & DISTRIBUTION, INC. s afetye nhanCements 2147 South Columbus Blvd. Philadelphia, PA 19148Technology is also playing a bigTEL: 215-218-3000role in improving dock worker safety,FAX: 215-218-3043especially regarding the operations ofWEB: www.pennwarehousing.comforklifts. TIO MOBIL is one of many companies developing applications to make operating or working around a forklift safer. This companys forklift-pedestriansafetysystemisdesigned todetectpedestriansinthevicinity offorklifts. Thesystemwillprovide'