b'JANUARY 2025NORTH AMERICAS TRANSPORTATION & LOGISTICS NEWSPAPER 15Forecast 2025: A welcome economic rebound (PROCESSEDcontinuedsingle tank of fuel.from page 14) Everportisrunningtwo Clearing skies with a chance of showers.wardtoadeclineinbothinterestratesandupgrades.Withover$230electric top handlers as part Businessescanlookforwardtoagraduallyinflationtwobugbearsthathavedrainedmillioninmatchingfundsofa$8millionAdvanced improvingoperatingenvironmentin2025,profits in recent times. We anticipate a fed- from the Port and our terminalCargo-HandlingDemonstra-thankstolowerinterestrates,moderatingeral funds interest rate of 2.75% by the end ofpartners, the total investmenttion Project.inflation, and steady if unspectacular growth2025, down from a recent 4.75%, said Yaros.will exceed $640 million. D ePartment ofW aterin the nations overall economic activity.And we look for inflation to average 2.2% in This will allow us to deploy We look for real GDP growth of 2.5%the final quarter of 2025, which will be within250ZEtrucksandreplaceanDP oWerin 2025, said Bernard Yaros Jr., Lead U.S.spitting distance of the Feds 2% target. Thatsdiesel equipment on our docksSerokaalsonotedthat Economist at Oxford Economics (oxfordeco- an improvement from the 2.5% inflation levelwith 424 ZE units, supportedgiventheintroductionofall nomics.com). (Gross Domesticby 300 charging stations. thisequipment:Werecog-Product, the total value of the*Plus,weareworkingonnize the need to ramp up our nationsgoodsandservices,securing funding that will helpelectrical capacity. So, weve is the most commonly utilizedUnionPacificpurchaseandteamedwiththeLosAnge-measureofeconomicgrowth.develop a new zero-emissionsles Department of Water and RealGDPsubtractsthelocomotive for short-distancePowerona$500million effects of inflation). hauling within the Port. upgradetohelpusscaleup The good news is that theSerokathankedEPA,our battery electric equipment 2.5% boost is not far off whatandourCongressionaldel- andprovidereliableshore economists peg as the nationsegation, especially Represen- power.Wemustexpandour natural growth rateone thattativeNanetteBarragan,forinfrastructuretoaccommo-supportsbusinessactivityandtheirunwaveringsupportindate additional electric cargo maintainsfullemployment.establishingtheEPACleanhandlingequipment,EV AndreducedvolatilityinthePorts Program. charging stations, and overall GDPgrowthpatterninrecentoperationsinordertomeet years suggests the nation is onP rogress ByC ontainer our zero emissions targets.a glide path to a so-called softt erminalslanding,avoidingarecessionContainer terminals haveg reenP ortP artnersafteralengthyinflationaryalsobeenupgradingwithThe Port is also expand-binge (see adjacent chart). zeroemissiontechnology,ingcooperationwithport Despiteitspositivenature,Seroka noted: partners abroad: With these the GDP figure for 2025 is slightly lower than thetoward the end of 2024. (These figures repre-Last May Yusen Terminalseffortsunderway,wealso 2.7% anticipated when 2024 numbers are finallysent the Federal Reserves preferred measurelaunchedtheworldsfirstadvancedourmaritimeini-tallied. Thats because the nation is in a so-calledof inflation: the core personal consumptionhydrogen-fueled rubber-tiredtiatives. This year we joined late-stageexpansion,characterizedbyaten- expenditure deflator (PCED) which strips outgantry craneforces with 8 different ports dency to slow down while maintaining sufficientvolatile food and energy prices).Fenix Marine Services, ininChina,Singapore,Japan, force to invigorate commercial operations.Relief from the costs of interest and infla- collaboration with Toyota, isandVietnamtodevelop tion will help fatten the bottom lines of busi- testingaretro-fithydrogen- GreenShippingCorridors f airW inDs nesses everywhere. We anticipate corporatepowered top handler that canaimedatdecarbonizingthe In2025,businessownerscanlookfor- (FORECASTcontinued on page 16) operatefor20-hoursonavessel-side of our industry.BEHIND YOU ALL THE WAYAt DCLI, its not just about getting you there. Its about supporting your move every step of the way. We know your book of business isnt one size fits all, which is why we offer a variety of chassis procurement options that customize the equipment and the service depending on your needs. With chassis choice from DCLI on your side, youre guaranteed to keep moving forward. Scan the QR code or visit go.dcli.com/behindyoualltheway.Copyright 2025 Direct ChassisLink Inc.'