b'6American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(GAINScontinued fromtionaltrade?Willrelations page 4) withChina,andindeedall andagriculturalexportsarethe major trading partners be boosting our outbound cargoconducive to trade? Certainly, business. there is already a major shift TheWestCoastportsin trade routings underway as werentaloneinpostingUS and European companies impressive numbers in 2024.move to source from China to Forexample,Houstonalsofriend-shoring with near-shor-had a very good year, Charlieing well underway. And India Jenkins,CEOofPortHous- stands to be one of the biggest ton noted in a release, Thisbeneficiaries.GivenIndias yearhasbeennothingshortlocation,itisaquestionof ofexceptional.Ourrecord- (GAINScontinued on breaking volumes speak to thepage 8) Double-stacked rail operations to and from the Helen Delich Bentley Port of Baltimoretrustourcustomersplacein usThemomentumweve built in 2024 lays the ground-workforcontinuedgrowth next year and beyond.Virtually all the US East Coast ports had a good 2024. Theonlyrealexceptionto this growth trend in 2024 was thePortofBaltimoreand therewasanon-portreason responsibleforthedip.On March26,2024,allisionof the 947-foot-long Singapore-flaggedcontainershipDali whichwastransitingoutof the Port of Baltimore harbor withtheFrancisScottKey Bridge(Intheallisionthe Dali struck the southern pier supportingthecentraltruss spansoftheFrancisScott KeyBridge).Aportionof the bridge subsequently col-lapsedintotheriver,and portions of the deck and the trussspanscollapsedonto the vessels forward deck and subsequentlycollapsedinto the river, and portions of the bridgesdeckandthetruss spans collapsed onto the ves-sels forward deck.Thecollapseeffectively cut the Port of Baltimore off fromthesea.Butwithan amazingrapidresponse,the wreckage was cleared and the channels partially opened. On June 12 th , 2024, the Ports deep draftchannelwasofficially openedandtrafficresumed. Althoughthedisruptionto the supply chain was signifi-cant, what was more amazing was the ability to divert cargo to other East Coast ports and the speed at which the channel was cleared of debris from the incident and traffic restored to the Port of Baltimore, which ended the year strongly.i nDia : e ast orW estThequestionofwhether USports,especiallythetop twentyUScontainerports, will have another strong year isfilledwithcaveats.How willnewTrumpadministra-tionstariffsimpactinterna-'