b'july 27 - AugusT23, 2020breakbulk quarterly 11DNV outlines a port strategy for(DEVELOPMENTcontin- HabibDaghertoPortof ued from page 10) LongBeachofficialssev-eral years ago. Dagher is the transition to renewable energy S oUthernCA e diSon foundingexecutivedirector WhileSouthernCalifor- oftheAdvancedStructures nia Edison is technically neu- and Composites Center at the By Stas Margananis, AJOT tral, Sandidge says, the CCAUniversityofMainewhich posesamajorthreattothebuilt the first U.S. prototype Det Norske Veritas (DNV),cations like hydrogen fuelingpower for ships at berth at theutilitys revenue base:Longfloating wind turbine.the Norwegian maritime classfor trucks, trains, vessels andPort of Tacoma would avoidBeachisthesecondlargestNow,a12MWfloat-society, has issued a report out- a wide variety of cargo han- building a substation to pro- cityinLosAngelesCountyingwindfarmpilotproj-lining renewable energy strate- dling applications.vide shore power for ships at aand contains the Port of LongectoffthecoastofMaine gies for European ports that hasStates said that plans for(STRATEGYcontinued onBeach, the second biggest portisplannedincollaboration implications for U.S. ports. a mobile unit to provide shorepage 13) in the United States, and LongwithCianbroCorporation, A DNV spokesman saidBeach Airport. theUniversityofMaine, thatelectrificationofmari- Sandidgesaysthattheand the Advanced Structures timeportsusingrenewableexistinginvestorutilityand Composites Center. The energyinstallationwillnotsystem has become a barrierwindturbineswillfloaton only reduce air pollution, andto renewable energy develop- concretehullsdesignedby fossil fuel emissions, but willment because the demands ofthe University to be made in alsoreducepowercostsforprofitstorewardsharehold- theUnitedStates.Thetur-harbortrucksandterminalers do not encourage the levelbineswillbesourcedfrom equipment to 33% of the costofinvestmentnecessarytoabroad, Dagher told AJOT.of conventional diesel fuel.replace fossil fuel sources ofCoastalCaliforniaisa The report Ports: Greenpower, including at the Port.candidate for a floating wind Gateways to Europe featuresfarm due to its deep coastal 10transitionstoturnportsF loAtingW indF ArMS waters.Aproposedwind intodecarbonizationhubsEemshavens port is close to the North sea, and well-equipped toSandidgeintroducedfloat- farmisplannedforCentral andwaswrittenincoopera- accommodate logistic offshore projects.ingwindturbinepioneerCalifornia.tion with Eurelectric, an asso-ciation of power suppliers. JenniferStates,director ofblueeconomy,DNVGL EnergyandMaritime,based inSeattle,toldAJOTthata collaborationwithTacoma Power and the Port of Tacoma supports a project to develop hydrogen gas using renewable energy sources. This will then beusedtopowerterminal equipment,trucksandclean shore power for ships arriving atthePort.Otherwise,ships would utilize polluting diesel marineenginestoprovide electricity when at berth.Statesprovidedback-groundthatdescribedthe process:Constructionofa maritimehydrogenecosys-tem through a project at the Port of Tacoma that demon-strates the concept of a port-based hydrogen (H2) solution utilizingFormicAcidfor lower cost and safer storage and movement. Thisdemonstrationfea-tures a system that creates a liquid H2 carrier, formic acid, directlyfromgreenrenew-ableelectricity,waterand recycledCO2.Thisunique technologyisprovidedby twoofthepartners:OCOMORE BIG CARGO Inc., whose electrolyzer tech-nologycreatestheformic acidasaliquidH2carrierPOSSIBILITIESandthePacificNorthwest NationalLaboratory,that providesareformertech-nologytodecomposeand releasetheH2fromformic acid when needed.What happens when you combine two of Americas leading ports?Tacoma Power will pro-videthegreenelectricity,The \x1fexibility to handle all of your diverse cargo needs.which comes primarily fromBene\x1et from heavy lift capabilities and deep water, on-dock rail, hydroelectricityandis97% carbon free. They will also beand a dedicated and experienced workforce.the end user of the H2, to gen-erateenergyondemandforExperience the future of big cargo.cold-ironing(shorepower)253-592-6792services to berthed vessels.The Northwest Seaport Alliance is now a major American shipping gateway formed through DNVGLwillprovidenwseaportalliance.com/bigcargo the collaboration of the Ports of Seattle and Tacoma.techno-economicmodeling so that this demo can be used to provide the anchor applica-tion for scaling-out hydrogenVisit us at the Breakbulk Americas Conference this September (Booth #531)use in other maritime appli-Breakbulk.indd 1 1/18/2017 4:13:08 PM'