b'july 27 - AugusT23, 2020breakbulk quarterly 13(STRATEGYcontinuedchallenges.Itrequireseffi- constructionalongtheU.S. from page 11) cientdesignandinfrastruc- Atlantic coast.savings of millions of dollars. ture of ports to deal with theRaadschelders said a sim-The success of the proj- storage,assemblyand(un) ilar port already exists in the ectdependsonamulti- loadingofthecomponentsNetherlands at Eemshaven. stakeholdercooperationtopriortotheoffshorewindTheEemshavenport makethisawin-winsitua- installation.4Coffshore,aboasts it has become a base, tion, she said. market research organizationmarshalling and service port IntheDNVreport,thefocusedonoffshorewind,for offshore windfarms espe-challenge for power compa- identified 46 European portsciallyintheGermanneigh-niesandutilitiesistostartthataresuitableforassem- bouringpartoftheNorth thinking outside the box: bling offshore wind turbines.Sea.Eemshavenisclose TheelectricitysectorSome examples are the portstotheNorthSea,andwell-can play an important role.in Esbjerg in Denmark, Cux- equippedtoaccommodate if it manages to look beyondhaveninGermany,Hullinlogistic(offshore)projects. electricity. Not only becausethe UK and Rotterdam in theMany facilities are available portsareeconomicallyveryNetherlands. such as business sites, service important,butalsobecauseStates noted that the statelocations,storagepossibili-itwillrequirethedevelop- of New Jersey is developing aties, (heavy load) quays, jet-mentofskillsandcompe- new wind support port on theties, office space, etc. port on an island in the Northwhich thus far has comprised tences that eventually will beDelaware River at an invest- RaadschelderssaidaSea. This would support layTenneTTSOB.V.(Nether-requiredinotherindustrialment of $400 million dollarssimilarwindfarmsupportdown and assembly for windlands), Energinet (Denmark), areas.Electricitygenera- with a projection of generat- facility is planned for the Portturbines as well as for resup- TenneTTSOGmbH(Ger-tionandelectricitydemanding 1,500 new jobs. of Rotterdam.ply vessels. many)andGasunie(Neth-willcontinuetobecomeTheNewJerseyfacilityInaddition,hesaidtheIn 2017, the Port of Rot- erlands),welcomesastrong much more integrated in theisdesignedtoprovidelay- scope of wind farm develop- terdamannounceditisthepartner with a clear sustain-operationofindustryanddownareaandmanufactur- ments in northern Europe islatestpartnerintheNorthabilitystrategy.ThePorts otherinfrastructuresandingforoffshorewindfarmssovastthatthereareplansSeaWindPowerHubCon- (STRATEGYcontinued on energy vectors.However,thatarebeingplannedforto build a new wind supportsortium(seeimageabove),page 15)if the electricity sector man-ages to rise to this task it can become an active and respon-siveparticipantincreating energyecosystemsaround ports.Thiswillstrengthen the position of electricity as a universal energy carrier and will have a huge dividend far beyond ports.States said that the $1.5 trillioninfrastructurebill passed by the U.S. House of Representatives but opposed byRepublicansintheU.S. SenateincludesfundingforCLOSERports to make climate change related investments: Theres aslightmodificationtothe ClimateSmartPortsact whichreducesthefederal share to 70% from 80%.But thegoodnewsisitsinthe finalHousebillandshould pass the House this week. ON THE COLUMBIA RIVER IN WASHINGTON STATEJillis Raadschelders, busi- FASTERnessdirectorenergytran-sitionDNVGL,basedin Rotterdam,saidthePortof Rotterdam proposes a mobile shorepowerunit,similarto the Port of Tacoma. The Port is looking to deploy a floating barge that will provide elec- DIRECT CONNECTIONS TO MAINLINE RAIL & INTERSTATE HIGHWAYStricity to ships at berth pow- SMARTERered by LNG.Thereportnotesthe potential of ports to support andsupplyoffshorewind farms:.portsarevital forthedevelopmentofoff-shorewindtosupport theconstructionandopera-tion activities of the offshoreSTORAGE OPTIONS & FOREIGN TRADE ZONE SPACEwindfarms.NotonlytheBETTERinstalledcapacityofwind turbines, but also the size of individual wind turbines will significantlyincrease.To manufactureandtransport the materials needed for these largewindturbines,large lay-downareasandheavy lift equipment is required, atON-DOCK RAIL & DUAL-SERVED BY BNSF & UPlocations close to the shore. The only logical locations to do this are ports. This raises opportunities for ports to con-tributetotheoffshorewindCONTACT US AT
[email protected] | PORTOFLONGVIEW.COMmanufacturingindustry,but alsoimposeslargetechnical'