b'july 27 - AugusT23, 2020NOrth AmericAs trANsPOrtAtiON & LOGistics New sPAPer 17I NtErmodal& l ogIStIcSN EWSsponsorED ConTEnT CenterPoint signs lease FourKites solves systemic LTLwith TTX at CenterPoint Intermodal CenterJolietarrival time challenges CenterPointPropertieshastherailroadswithawell-main-announced a build-to-suit (BTS)tained fleet of railcars.leaseforadistributionfacilityCo-locating near its owners By Paul Scott Abbott, AJOT for TTX Company at 2400 Cen- was an obvious goal for TTX. terPoint Way in Joliet, IL. TheTheCenterPointIntermodal As more carriers rely uponOLakes,describesFourKiteslease at the CenterPoint Intermo- CenterJolietisthepremier less-than-truckload shipments toDynamic ETA for LTL as a genu- dal CenterJoliet (CICJoliet)locationinAmericaforany deliverabroadeningspectrumine industry breakthrough. will put the freight car providercompany that needs to be adja-offreightincludingcriticalAccordingtoBraun,thein position to better service thecent to rail lines with heavy rail goods related to the COVID-19companysuseofthesolutionClass I Railroads that own it. traffic, and wants to realize sig-pandemicdemandisrisinghasenabledtheiroperationsThe 6,400-acre CICJolietnificantdrayagecostsavings, for reliable precision tools thatteamtoproactivelymanagegivesTTXaclearlogisticalsaid Brian McKiernan, Center-accuratelypinpointLTLdeliv- throughdisruptions,whichareadvantage with its direct accessPointSeniorVicePresidentof ery times.increasinginfrequencyandto terminals operated by the rail- Development.In fact, essential healthcaremagnitude. The predictive ana- roads that own it. The 90,480 SFAccordingtotheIllinois equipment, front-line protectivelytics and visibility allows themBTSfacilitysitsonmorethanDepartmentofTransportation gearandhigh-value,limited- to improve the overall customerseven acres of land, two of which(IDOT), Chicago is the nations shelf-lifepharmaceuticalsareexperience while reducing inter- willbepavedoutdoorstorage.busiest rail freight gateway and among the many goods movingPriya Rajagopalan, chief productnal workload. The building will have nine exte- the third-largest intermodal con-today via LTL. At the same time,officer of FourKites, saysC UStoMerS AtiSFACtion rior docks, one drive-in door andtainer/trailerportintheworld. theriseofe-commerceputsDynamic ETA for lTl brings anetS A ooSt a 32 clear-height that will allowIDOTpredictsIllinoisfreight pressure on shippers to provideunprecedented level of predictabilitygb TTX to store material centrallyvolumewilldoubleby2025, superior supply chain transpar- to less-than-truckload deliveries. Shippersandreceivers,asso that it can better serve itself atmaking CICJoliet even more ency and best possible ETAs. well as carriers and third-partyitsfieldmaintenanceoperationattractiveforcompaniesthat FourKites,theleadingreal- animal feedswhich rely heavilylogisticsproviders(3PLs),canlocations,and,inturn,provideneed close rail proximity.time supply chain visibility plat- upon LTL for getting relativelyexpecttoderiveanumberof form, buildinguponitsprovensmall orders to rural destinations. benefits from the accurate deliv-expertiseindeliveringtheOne of the technologys earlyery times for LTL loads. WSP USA begins design for freightindustrysmostaccu- adopters,DustinBraun,seniorAs Braun points out, ship-rate estimated times of arrival,directoroflogisticsforLandpers such as Land OLakes aretwo TX transportation projectsis once again raising the bar innow better able to manage their supply chain management withresourcesbynotplayingtheWSP USA, a leading engi- plans,specificationsandesti-Dynamic ETA for LTL, furnish- telephone game with custom- neering and professional servicesmates (PS&E) and related docu-ingend-to-endtrackinganders and carriers. consultancy,wasselectedbyments for improvements to the ETAs with up to six times theInstead,thevisibilitypro- the Texas Department of Trans- depressed I-30 roadway known accuracy previously available. vided by Dynamic ETA for LTLportation(TxDOT)toprovideas the Canyon, extending from allows Land OLakes and its cus- design services for the Interstatethe Interstate 35E interchange to P rediCtAbilityM eetS tomers to gain access to real-time30(I-30)DallasCanyonInter- theInterstate45/Interstate345 g roWingn eed delivery estimates, thus generat- change project and the planninginterchange. Becky Fly is serv-After several years of devel- inggreaterefficienciesfortheof highway improvements in theing as WSP project manager.opment, FourKites industry-firstcompanys operations teams. Odessa Districts Permian Basin. The1.5-mile-long,$369 Dynamic ETA for LTL solutionmillion project includes the traf-could not have arrived at a moreP oWer oFd AtAh ArneSSed d AllASi-30 C Anyon ficcontrolconceptstoaccom-propitious time. Dustin Braun, senior directorFourKitescomprehensiver eConStrUCtion modatethe244,800average Earlierintheyear,manyof logistics for land Olakes,solutionsspanallmodesofWSPwilltaketheleaddaily vehicles and the design of companiesscrambledtomeetperceives FourKites Dynamic ETA(SOLVEScontinued onroleinproviding TxDOTwith(PROJECTScontinued on demand for critical goods relatedfor lTl as a genuine breakthrough.page 19) thedesignandpreparationofpage 19)totheCOVID-19outbreak. Although supply chain disruptions haveretreatedfromheadlines, the pandemic continues to propel marketplacevolatility,drivinga significant increase in LTL freighta mode that can be far more cost-effectiveforpalletizedproducts. In fact, FourKites reported a 182 percent jump in LTL shipments inSingle Source Solutions S3the first quarter of 2020 compared with a year earlier. Learn how our S3 can empower your intermodal Given the increased reliancetransportation program. Its the Single Source onLTL,theabilitytoprovideSolution that will pay dividends for you from highlyaccurateestimatedarrivalports and rails to warehouse and distribution timesisbringingmuch-neededsolutions nationwide.predictabilitytoasectorthat has historically been plagued byLETS CONNECT. 855-4ROADONE uncertainty,accordingtoPriyaOne Kellaway Drive(855-476-2366)Rajagopalan,chiefproductoffi- Randolph, MA 02368www.roadone.comcerofFourKites.Rajagopalan explainsthatdeliverytimesfor inherentlycomplexLTLship-ments have long been notoriouslySolutions That Connect Corporate Headquartersunreliable, with even rough day- Domestic Intermodal Trucking Solutions Regional Officesof estimates often being missed. Service CentersInternational Intermodal Trucking SolutionsNortheast Regionl Andol AkeSS eeS Container Terminal Solutions Midwest Regionb reAkthroUgh Regional Dedicated Truckload Solutions South RegionThelatestFourKitesoffer- National Transloading, Warehousing and Distribution Solutions West Regioning has been deployed by Arden Hills,Minnesota-basedLand OLakes in two of its three busi- ReliabilityTenacitySafetyIntegrityLoyaltynessunitscropinputsand'