b'16American Journal of Transportation ajot.comAir C ArgoAir CArgoNEWSNEWSAmerican Air makes big bet on NYC, Boston with JetBlue allianceAmericanAirlinesGroupInc.isour larger rivals in New York, but even-formingacommercialpartnershipwithtuallysomethinggreater,VasuRaja, JetBlue Airways Corp. to spur growth inAmericans chief revenue officer, said in New York, years after largely ceding thean interview.citys two largest airports to rivals. Thepartnershipdoesntportenda The deal includes a codeshare agree- mergerbetweenthetwocarriers,said mentthatenablesthetwocarrierstoScott Laurence, JetBlues head of revenue booktravelersoneachothersflightsand planning. With its valuable New York andofferreciprocalloyaltyprogrambase, the company has been a perennial benefits. Passengers will be able to usefocusofmergerspeculation,withFort either companys website to purchase aWorth, Texas-based American seen as one single itinerary that includes flights onof its potential suitors.both airlines, American and JetBlue saidItseemslikeamarriageofcon-inastatement.Thearrangementalsovenienceaseachmanagesthroughless covers Boston. demand over the next few years, Fergu-The agreement heralds a new face- son said. Once demand returns, I suspect offbetweenAmericanandDeltaAirthis partnership wont be as desirable.lATAM Cargo Boeing 767 being loaded with cargo on the tarmac. Lines Inc., which boasts a major presence in Boston and New York. American hasb eForeC ovid -19LATAM Cargo consolidates its positionambitionstorebuildJohnF.KennedyTalks between American and JetBlue International into a major trans-Atlanticon the codeshare pact began before the with cargo service between So. America,hub,fedinpartbyJetBluespopular- coronavirus outbreak, the airlines said.ity with domestic travelers. JetBlue willWere passionate about our organic Los Angeles and Mexico City secure a broader network, and the part- plan and what we can do with that, Lau-ners expect the deal to help speed recov- rencesaid.Itsthecreativityofideas In April, LATAM Cargo announcedCargos Alliances and Network Director. ery from the travel collapse caused by thelike this that makes our organization so that Los Angeles and Mexico City wouldcoronavirus pandemic. strong.Byworkingwith American,we be incorporated to its cargo network ino therM eASUreSA doPted by The alliance is a confirmation thatcan not only see a strategic advantage, but ordertomitigatetheimpactsofbellylAtAM C Argo these airlines see a lot of excess capac- it moves us toward recovery from Covid capacityrestrictionspreviouslyusedDuring the last four months and inity in domestic markets over the next fewat a faster rate.to serve these marketsand maintain itsthe midst of the pandemic, LATAM Cargoyears, said George Ferguson, a Bloom- Thecodeshareagreementincludes operation in its clients relevant markets. Group has made a series of modificationsbergIntelligenceanalyst.American489 daily flights and 120 nonstop desti-After the incorporation, LATAM Cargoto its itinerary and operation in order tocouldrationalizesomecapacityinthenations from the New York City area, the has consolidated its service and has becomemitigatethenegativeeffectsthatbellyNortheastasJetBluefeedsitsinterna- carrierssaid.Americancustomerswill akeyplayerinpermanentlyconnectingcapacity restrictions may have on custom- tional business with lower-cost seats. gain access to 130 JetBlue routes, with South America to and from Western Northers. Likewise, the company is constantlyAmerican tumbled 5.8% to $12.66 atmore flights to the southeast U.S. from America. Concretely, it is the only airlineevaluating its operation in order to satisfy11:29 a.m. in New York and JetBlue fellNewYorkandBoston,plusadditional that offers a stable itinerary and capacity. its clients needs. 2.1% to $11.31 amid a broad decline inserviceontheEastandWestCoasts. Inaddition,LATAMCargosrobustOneofthemeasuresconsistedofstocks on mixed U.S. economic data. JetBlue customers can tap 60 American network is one of the most relevant aspectsmultiplyingthecargocapacitybetweenroutes, including international options.of its service in these locations, as it is theSantiago(Chile)andMiami(USA)byk ennedyF lightS JetBlue operates domestic routes out only one that offers direct routes to connectfive, going from 6 to 31 weekly frequen- The deal expands on recent moves byofKennedy,whichservesasaninter-Chile to Los Angeles and Mexico City, andcies in order to offer salmon exporters both airlines that seem to fly in the facenationalgatewayfornumerouscarriers Peru to Mexico City. Likewise, the com- one of Chiles main industriesa robustofdrasticallyreduceddemand.Ameri- basedintheU.S.andabroad. Through panyoffersdirectconnectionfromLossolution.Inaddition,connectivityfromcan, which recently put 141 parked planesinterline agreements, JetBlue ferries trav-AngelesandMexicotoChile and Peru.Miami to South America was increasedback into service, will add its first newelers across the U.S. to and from larger Furthermore,LATAMCargoprovidesby 15%, going from 23 to 26 frequencies. international flights out of Kennedy sincecarriers. The company still plans to begin coverage extension opportunities, connect- Regarding its operation, the company2016 under the partnership. Even beforeflights to London in 2021 and wont join ing Western North America to Brazil andbegan to use passenger aircraft exclusivelytheagreementwithAmerican,JetBluethe Oneworld airline alliance that Ameri-Argentina via Santiago, Chile. for cargo transportation on a regular basis.wasplanningtoadd30newdomesticcan belongs to.In terms of Northbound flows, theseThis occurs both in international and domes- routes concentrated in the New York area.routes facilitate South American exports,tic routes using different aircraft, includingBy coming together, we can createS eASonAlS erviCeincludingChileansalmon,Peruvianper- B777, B787, B767, A320 and A321. a network thats not just competitive withOncetheJetBluepartnershipisin ishablesandtextilesandgeneralcargoplace,Americanplanstobeginflights fromBrazil.TheroutetoLosAngelesfrom Kennedy to Tel Aviv, and seasonal becomesespeciallyrelevantforperish- Alaska Airlines adds 12 new destinationsservicebetweenKennedyandAthens able exports, as this is a connection pointnextsummer.Dailyseasonalserviceto towards Asia. In all, the company offersin 2020 from LAX Rio de Janeiro will start in early 2021. 350 tons of capacity each week from SouthThe partnership is subject to government America to Western North America. Alaska Airlines has announced sevenableopportunitiesforselectiveexpan- review and a definitive agreement.Moreover,byofferingconnectiv- newroutesfromLosAngelesInterna- sion, said Brett Catlin, Alaska AirlinesJetBlue is what makes our growth ity from Los Angeles and Mexico City,tional Airport (LAX) to further connect itsmanagingdirectorofcapacityplanningpossible, in New York, Raja said. Were LATAM Cargo contributes to supplyingguests between Southern California andand alliances. The addition of these 12growing our mainline operations in New SouthAmerica.Thetransportedprod- key markets around the country, includ- newroutesfromLAXalongwithourYork, which we havent done in years.ucts mainly include fruits and vegetables,ing the first nonstop service from the WestupcomingmembershipintheoneworldThe agreement resembles Americans medicines and electronic devices, in addi- Coast to Fort Myers/Naples, Fla. (RSW)alliance sets the stage for future growth. move earlier this year to establish Seattle tion to airplane, automobile and miningfrom both LAX and Seattle. Alaska will also start new service inas an international gateway for westward spare parts, among other goods. The com- TheaddedservicebuildsonfiveNovemberfromadditionalWestCoastflights to India and other Asian destina-pany offers a total capacity of 190 tonsrecent additional routes that link LAX toairports:Seattle-FortMyers;Portland- tionsthroughareinvigoratedcodeshare each week from Los Angeles and Mexicocities across the West for a total of 12 newFortLauderdale;andSanDiego-Fortdeal with Alaska Air Group Inc.City to South America. routes this year. Alaska will fly to 35 non- Lauderdale.TheaddedservicetoFortThatpactalsostokedAmericans TheincorporationofLos Angelesstop destinations from LAX this winterLauderdale complements Alaskas exist- rivalry with Delta, which built Seattle into and Mexico City to our cargo network iswith a strong platform for future growth.ingnonstopservicetoSeattle,Sana hub by more than doubling departures part of our strategy, focused on provid- The new routes will connect AlaskasFrancisco and Los Angeles. Alaska willbetween 2014 and 2019.ing a robust connectivity service withinguests in Southern California to destina- operate 14 routes between the West Coast Americathroughareliableandperma- tions in Florida (Fort Myers and Tampa);and Florida this coming winter. d eltAS trengthnent solution for our clients. These mea- Hawaii (Kona and Lihue); Montana (Boz- Alaska Airlines and its regional part- InNewYork,JetBluehelda36% sures are complemented by the increase ineman) and Oregon (Eugene and Medford).nersservemorethan115destinationspassengershareatKennedyforthe12 frequencies between South America andServicestartsonOct.1fortheOregonacross the United States and North Amer- monthsendedinMarch,accordingto North America, which was implementedmarkets, and between Nov. 20 and Decem- ica, providing essential air service for ourU.S.TransportationDepartmentdata. when the pandemic began. Through this,ber 18 for the remaining destinations. guests along with moving crucial cargoDelta,whichbeganexpandinginNew we have consolidated our position in theLAX is one of Alaskas importantshipments, such as food, medicine, mailYorkaround2011,wassecondat34% region,statedKamalHadad,LATAMhub markets and continues to offer valu- and e-commerce deliveries.(ALLIANCEcontinued on page 19)'