b'20American Journal of Transportation ajot.comCOVID-19 effect not diminishing Canadian port expansion plans Canada Ports 2020By Leo Ryan, AJOTA year ago at this time,carriers have come back.CanadianportswereridingThe backlog of thousands highfromsolidtrendsinof containers stranded on the globalmaritimetradeanddockswasexpectedtobe respectable GDP growth hov- cleared in early September.ering around 2%, despite theWhileweenjoyeddou-Trump-ignitedtradewars.ble-digitgrowthonourUS However, 2020 has been a farMidwestcargoin2019and different story with the devas- thefirstquarterof2020, tatingCOVID-19pandemicbeforetheimpactofthe remainingverymuchalive,pandemichithard,wesub-triggering the worst contrac- sequently dropped 12% (pri-tionintheworldeconomymarilyimportcargo)which since the Great Depression ofwas diverted at origin due to the 1930s. the strike, he told the Ameri-So,whileleadinggen- canJournalofTransporta-eral cargo ports in Canada aretion. All things considered, todayfacingsingleorpossi- we only showed a 6% decline bly double digit cargo declinesin TEUs, at 950,000 units, in this year, some niche ports likethe period to end-July.Sept-Iles (biggest iron ore gate- Lastyear,thePortof wayinNorthAmerica)and(PLANScontinued on Thunder Bay (grain) are enjoy- page 22) Port of montreal moving forward in project to build a big new terminal at Contrecoeur on the St. Lawrence River.ingrobustdemand.Overall, Canadian ports have weathered the storm comparatively well, andhavemaintainedvarious infrastructureexpansionplans to bolster markets and remain competitive,especiallyinthe key container sector.Otherwise,latesteco- Celebrating 100 yearsnomic numbers are not totally negative.TheInternational MonetaryFundforecastof an 8.4% decline in CanadasREACH 3 coasts,economicgrowthin2020 isslightlymorepessimistic than such organizations as the Conference Board of Canada whichestimatesCanadian15 ocean terminals,GDP will shrink 8.2%, thenFARTHER. 23 inland terminalsspiketo6.7%growthin 2021,providedthereareno morenationallockdowns.and growing.Thelatestnumbers,notably showingbriskretailsales, suggest that following a steep decline in Q2 a GDP reboundPRINCE RUPERTcould be equally swift in the coming months. PRINCE GEORGEEDMONTONe astC oastOn the East Coast, Can- SASKATOONadassecondlargestport,VANCOUVER CALGARY WINNIPEG MONCTONMontreal,hasreturnedtoREGINA QUEBEC HALIFAXnormal operations after beingMONTREAL SAINT JOHNstruck by a series of strikes byDULUTHlongshoremen between early Julyandmid-August.TheyCHIPPEWA FALLS TORONTOwerelaunchedaspressureARCADIA DETROITtactics to resolve deadlockedCHICAGOnegotiationswithmari- JOLIETtimeemployerstoreplaceDECATUR INDIANAPOLISacollectiveagreementthat expiredonDecember31, 2018.BothsidesagreedonMEMPHISAugust 20 to a seven-month truceonworkstoppagesas negotiations resumed. JACKSONDuring the summer of water- NEW ORLEANS MOBILEfrontagitation,ToniBoemi, vice-presidentgrowthand development for the Montreal Port Authority, indicated that some21containervesselsFor the past 100 years CN has been at the forefront of innovative weredivertedtosuchotherservice and operational strategies. Looking forward is how we have portsasHalifax,SaintJohncome this far.CN is paving the way for a future ready to handle andNewYork/NewJersey. Weestimatethatapproxi- growth, to help you stay competitive in the global marketplace.mately70,000-80,000TEUsReach farther than you thought possible.|cn.cawerenotaccessible(on Montrealdocks)duringthis period. Today all our regular'