b'24American Journal of Transportation ajot.com(MOVINGcontinued frombyimplementingprecisionreportedformovingCana- ciencyofthe8,500-footto-pointdeliverymethodsto page 10) scheduled railroading (PSR). diangrain.BothcarriersHigh Efficiency Product trainlowercostsandconsolidate indeliveringcriticalsup- Youhavetoplaythehauledover30milliontonsmodel,saidKeithCreel,networks.AtKansasCity plies connected to pandemichand youre dealt, said AARof grain during the 2019-2020CPspresidentandchiefSouthern, investments in data protectionandtreatment,Senior Vice President John T.crop year, with over 1.6 mil- executiveofficer. An8,500- analytics that accompany PSR as well as food.(See box onGray.Railtraffic,likethelion total tons moving in con- foot HEP train can carry overfacilitatereal-timemonitor-page 19.) Some have even setoverall economy, is generallytainers.CNalsoannounced40%moregrainthantheing of the health and perfor-recordsforcarryingcertaintrendingintherightdirec- thatitwasmovingrecord7,000-foottrainmodel.CPmance of our network, said commodities,notablygrain.tion, but progress is slow. volumesofpropanefromanticipates that over 30% ofSteveTruitt,therailroads TheyalsocontinuetomakeSome of that progress isAlberta and British ColumbiaCP-servedunittrainloaderschieftransportationoffi-improvements to their facili- reflectedintherecordsthatfor export to global markets.will be 8,500-foot HEP quali- cer. KCSs PSR efforts have tiesandservices,andmosttheCanadianNationalandThisyearssuccessesfied by the end of this year.yielded horsepower efficiency continue to drive efficienciesCanadianPacificrailwaysareatestamenttotheeffi- CP also continues to takeimprovementsofover20% deliveryofhigh-capacityandexpectedcostssavings grain hopper cars as part ofthis year of $95 million.ahalf-billion-dollarcom- Controllingcostsand mitmentmadein2018tomaintaining customer service purchase5,900oftheselat- levelsarethewatchwords est-generationrailcars.TheforNorthAmericasClass new cars can carry 10% moreIrailroadsastheylookto grainbyweightand15%moveforwardpastthepan-morebyvolumethanthedemic.NorfolkSouthern older cars they are replacing. CEO James Squires said the CNiscontinuinginitsrailroadiswell-positioned programtopurchase1,500tosuccessfullyweatherthis additionalrailcarsthroughunprecedented situation. 2021.Withallthose,weWe will get through the areonourwaytoreachchallenges ahead and emerge continuouslyimprovedper- as an even stronger company, formances,saidJ.J.Ruest,hesaid.Wellcontinueto president and chief executivemanageourassetswelland officer of CN. control our costs. Our empha-North AmericanClassIsisonsuperiorservicewill railroadscontinuetomakecontinuetodriveourlong-other investments to enhanceterm growth strategy.their infrastructures and ser- We are constantly assess-vices.TheBNSFRailwaying the economic situation and Companyannounceditswillrespondlikewealways Deep water port of Halifax attracting growing number of large containerships such aslatestintermodalcenterthisdo,CSXCEOJamesFoote the 13,800 TeU CMA CGM Corte Real.(Courtesy of Steve Farmer/Port of Halifax) year, Logistics Center Northtoldarecentconferencecall Houston in Cleveland, Texas,withinvestorsandreporters. (PLANScontinued from page 22) Maine & Quebec Railway (CMQ), completeddesignedtohelpbusinessesWe have worked too hard to years, the Nova Scotia port has been attract- in June. By years end, CP anticipates it willincrease their reach and speedget this right to go backwards.ing new Asian services via the Suez Canal andbeabletooffer24-hourservicebetweento the Houston-area market. new generation containerships above 10,000- Saint John and Montreal. BNSFseconomicdevel-TEUs capacity. opmentteamstrategically(REDEFININGcontinued However, first half 2020 statistics showedw estC oastP orts selectslogisticscenterloca- from page 16)containerthroughputdown23%at217,000On the west coast, cargo trends continue totions for the convergence of railtrucks on much shorter runs.TEUs.Trafficisdownbecauseofreducedunderline Vancouvers status as Canadas larg- androadatunderservedandRailroadsbelievethey Nova Scotia forestry exports, rail disruptionsest port, having handled 144 million tonnes inkeygrowingmarkets,saidarecompetitivewithtruck-(inearly2020)andCOVID-19,observed2019, down 2% from the 2018 record of 147Kristin Hansen, a BNSF eco- ingonanythingmorethan port spokesman Lane Farguson. milliontonnes.Containerthroughputhitanomicdevelopmentdirector.500miles.ButinSavan-Meanwhile, continuing with the develop- summit of 3.4 million TEUs. Customers can expect to savenah, Norfolk Southern makes mentoftheSouthEndContainerTerminal,Since the COVID-19 crisis has gatheredsignificanttimeandmoneygoodmoneymoving180 PSA Halifax, operator of the south-end facility,force in recent months, the Port of Vancou- when locating their facilities atmiles to Atlanta, Hatch said.welcomed in late June another major piece ofversoveralltraffichasnotbeenimpactedthese prime locations.Whats more, Hatch main-superstructure with the arrival of a new Super- substantially, just showing a 1% drop in theCNsQuebecContainertained,railhasbecomemore Post Panamax (SPPX) ship-to-shore containerfirst six months of 2020 at 71.6 million tonnesTerminal,tobeoperatedincompetitive with trucks recently gantry crane. Through strategic planning andthankstodouble-digitincreasesinwheatconjunctionwithHutchisonbecause of an industry shift to investment, the Halifax Port Authority is near- and canola shipments. On the other hand, inPortHoldings,isscheduledprecisionscheduledrailroad-ing completion of a deepwater berth extensionthe period to end July, container volume hadtoopeninearly2024anding,orPSR,inwhichtrains that will meet the growing deployment of thedeclined by just 5% to 1.3 million TEUs, withwillprovideshipperswithrunonschedulesratherthan Ultra-Class Containerships. imports showing greater strength than exports. improvedaccesstomarketsrollwheneverenoughcars OntheBayofFundy,PortSaintJohnWith projected long-term growth in con- inEurope,theMediterra- are filled. Theyre more reli-handled 25.4 million tonnes in 2019. Amongtainer trade, the Vancouver port authority isnean,andSoutheastAsia.able, said Hatch. Less stuff thehighlightswerea17%increaseincon- leadingtwocontainerterminalprojectsandThe project includes a directgets in their way.tainer tonnage at the DP World terminal. Buthas partnered with government and industry toconnection to CNs intermo- Of course, these kinds of this should be seen in the perspective of lowinvest in road and rail and other infrastructuredal network.shiftshelpwiththereduction volume of under 70,000 TEUs in 2019. Theprojects to support a more fluid supply chain. CP launched a new inter- inoverallfreightcostsand ports west side facilities are currently a bee- InnorthernBritishColumbia,thefast- nationalintermodalserviceshouldntbeminimized.But hiveofactivitywiththe$205million Westrising Port of Prince Rupert has seen its bulkin August through the Port ofcriticsofcurrentintermodal SideModernizationprojectwellunderwayoperations offset a downturn in the intermodalSaint John, New Brunswick,designationmaintainthatthe and slated for completion by 2023. sector, which has been the most impacted by themarking CPs first access toriseofAmazon,e-commerce Container activity at the Port of Saint JohnCOVID crisis on the Asia-Pacific trade route. a deep-water Atlantic port inandafarmoresophisticated seems destined to increase as a result of theInthefirstsevenmonthsofthisyear,a quarter-century. CP gainedand complicated system of dis-introductioninAugustbyCanadianPacificthroughput at DP Worlds Fairview TerminalaccesstoSaintJohnwithtributionunderscorechanges Railway of an international intermodal serviceplungedto5milliontonnes(about500,000itspurchaseoftheCentralalong the whole transportation through the New Brunswick gateway. TEUs) from the year-earlier 6.6 million tonnes.Maine&QuebecRailway,chain, which also is becoming The new Port of Saint John service offersBut overall volume increased slightly to 16.8completedinJune.Themorecomplex.Theybelieve shippersacompellingvalue:acongestion- million tonnes, thanks to increased shipmentsnew service offers shippers athe segmentation of intermodal free port with a world-class operator, matchedof wood pellets, coal and petroleum coke atcongestion-free port and CPsjust gets in the way of a better withCPsprecisionscheduledrailroadingRidley Terminals. Last year, the port handled aprecision scheduled railroad- understandingofpresent-day model,saidKeithCreel,CPPresidentandrecord 1.2 million TEUs and record total cargoing model, said Creel. logistics. We should be think-Chief Executive Officer. CP has been with- of nearly 30 million tonnes. ingofmodalitiesintermsof out access to a deep-water Atlantic Ocean portAnimportantrecentdevelopmentoni mPaCt ofPsr distributionmodels,said for a quarter-century, and today Im pleased tothe expansion front was the final regulatoryMost of the Class I rail- Buffington,adding:Distri-deliver a simple message: Were back. approval granted to DP World to boost Fair- roadsareinvestinginpreci- bution centers and modality of CPgainedaccesstothePortofSaintviewsannualcapacityto1.6million TEUssionscheduledrailroadingtransportation are just a means Johnthroughconnectionsofshortlinerail- from 1.35 million TEUs by 2022, with more(PSR),astrategythatusesto an end. And the end is how wayswithCPspurchaseoftheCentralto come later. departure schedules and point- we serve the consumer.'