b'SePTemBeR 14 - 27, 2020MaritiMe Section 27ACL AJOT_SailSchedule_2020_ACL2/27/209:33 AMPage 1OONNEESSHHIIPPC onCo nttaaiinneerrss,,RROORROO,,BBrreeaakkbbuullkkCCaarrggooThe Port of Savannahs 1,345-acre Garden City Terminal is North Americas largest single-operator terminal, with superior ability to handle the influx of cargo carried by super-post-Panamax vessels, including those transiting the expanded Panama Canal.(Photo credit: Georgia Ports/Stephen morton)RORO Customer Service(VALUEcontinued fromsome of the tallest cranes onA SERVICE AL1 SERVICE AL2 SERVICE 877-918-7676Cuto Friday Cuto Thursday Cuto Mondaypage 18) the U.S. East Coast. GPA isFROM NEW YORK LOLO RORO LOLO LOLO Export Customer ServiceMason Mega Rail will be therenovatingandexpandingTO Transit Time Transit Time Transit Time Transit Time 800-225-1235nations largest on-dock inter- itscontaineryardwiththeANTWERP 1620 18Export Documentation 888-802-0401modal facility, increasing therecent purchase of 145 acresDUBLIN 12Import Customer Servicenumber of working tracks atadjacent to the Port of Savan- BELFAST 13888-802-0403GTEBORG 21 GardenCityTerminalto18nah and, separately, bringingHAMBURG 13 17 15 22 Logisticsfrom eight. online another 6,000 TEUs ofLE HAVRE17 866-821-7449Thefirstbundleofnewcontainer stacking space. LIVERPOOL 9 13 Credit & Collectionsworking tracks went into useGPA has also added truckLONDON GATEWAY20 19 888-225-7747thisyear.OnJuly1,GPAgates and rubber-tired gantryROTTERDAM11 20commissioneditsfirsttwocranes at Garden City Terminal.rail-mounted gantry cranes toAdditionally, the Savannah work the terminal. SpanningHarbor Expansion Project is on ninetracks,themachinestrack toward late 2021 comple-speedthetransitionofcon- tion, with the outer harbor fin-tainersbetweentrainsandished and dredges now working trucks.ThenewRMGsareto deepen the river channel. By the first of 10 that will servebetter accommodating todays the rail yard. larger,moreefficientvessels, When complete, the expan- the $1 billion channel project sionwilladd97,000feetofwill yield $7.30 in benefits for new rail track at Garden Cityevery $1 spent on construction.Terminal, for a total of nearlySavannahsroleasa 180,000 feet, or 34 miles, ofmajorhubportforvessels on-terminal track. withcapacitiesof14,000 What impact will MasonTEUs and more makes Mason Mega Rail have on the over- MegaRailevenmorevital. all rail capacity of the Port ofTheexpandedrailcapacity Savannah? and the increased cargo flu-Savannahs containerportidity it provides complement alreadyhasthecapacitytoourabilitytoservetheseThe Savannah River channel is being deepened to 47 feet at low tide54 feet at high tidewhich will allow move 1 million 20-foot equiv- larger vessels as they delivermega-containerships to call on the Port of Savannah carrying even greater loads within an extended tidal window. alentcontainerunitsbyrailand take on ever-greater con- (Photo credit: Georgia Ports/Stephen morton)annually.Whencomplete,tainer exchanges. I-16 and on-terminal rail. TheThrough our partnershipsTheindustrialparkcan Mason Mega Rail will doubleSince the Panama CanalSavannahmarketfeaturesawiththeILA[Internationalalsoservetobothdecon-GPAs on-terminal rail capac- opened its new, wider locksdeepinventoryofindustrialLongshoremensAssocia- gest the port area and bring ity to 2 million TEUs per year.in June 2016, container tradesites and parks, while the statetion], stevedores, motor carri- togetheroperationsnow HowdoyouseeMasonat the Port of Savannah hasof Georgia offers a business- ers, the shipping lines and ourspreadout.Wearetalking MegaRailinterfacingwithgrownby25percent,tofriendly tax structure and tar- GPAemployees,wemadetoseveralpeoplenowwho the overall infrastructure pro- nearly 4.5 million TEUs pergeted workforce training. theadjustmentsnecessaryhave several facilities in the gram at the Port of Savannahyear. This is thanks in part toHow have team commit- tokeepworkerssafewhileSavannah area that are look-in facilitating sustained solidthe larger containerships thatmentandperseverancekeptkeepingcommerceflowing.ing to consolidate them into cargo volumes and optimumare now bringing more cargoGPAanditsPortofSavan- That reliability is a hallmarkour location, said Shuba.value for customers? to the U.S. East Coast via thenah resiliently strong in theseofGPAscustomerservice,OmniTRAX is construct-TheMasonMegaRailexpanded canal. challenging times? carryingonatraditionbuilting spurs to connect CSX, on project is part of a continuumThePortofSavannahDuring the pandemic, ourover GPAs 75-year history. the east, and Norfolk South-ofeffortstogrowcapacityprovidesoptimalschedulingoperations have never ceased.Our central focus is on theernonthewest.Bothwill across the terminal. GPA hasflexibilityandmarketreachAnd this includes continuingfundamentals of providing theconnect with the new rail yard increaseditsship-to-shorewith 36 weekly containershiptosafelyworktowardcom- flexibilityandefficiencyourthatwillliebetweenthem. cranefleetto36,includingcalls, direct links to I-95 andpletion of Mason Mega Rail. customers have come to relyThisarrangementoffersthe on from GPA as they get backpotential as well to serve as on their feet from the globalaninlandport.True,its economic downturn.only 12 miles outside of [the port], but it is, in many ways, an inland port and similar to (FACILITYcontinuedwhatGeorgiaPortsAuthor-from page 12) ity wants to do in other loca-where product comes throughtions, said Shuba.the port and then could moveThisisntOmniTRAXs up to this area and then go outfirst such effort in this direc-by rail, Shuba said.tion. It has developed a simi-There are various com- larly ambitious project about modities that also could move50 miles north of Denver. The bothways,cominginfromGreat Western Industrial Park the port up to our facility oralso offers connections to two coming into our facility andClassOnerailroads,inthis then going down to the portcasetheUnionPacificand With its ability to carry more than 15,000 twenty-foot-equivalent container units, evergreen Lines Tritonfor export, Shuba added. HeBNSF. Its a 3,000-acre devel-is emblematic of the supersized boxships calling upon the Port of Savannah from Asiacited lumber, wood chips andopmentthatOmniTRAX following opening of the Panama Canals wider locks.(Photo credit: Georgia Ports/Stephen morton) poultry as potential examples. began to manage in 2006.'