b'4American Journal of Transportation ajot.com(TIMELYcontinued fromcient supply chain operation.page 2) Overall, CIC-Joliet serves bytakingtruckmilesoffmorethanthree-dozenten-roadways as shipments moveants, annually completing effi-greater distances via rail. cient moves totaling 3 million According to figures from20-foot-equivalentcontainer the Associationof Americanunits of freight at the epicenter Railroads,movingfreightof U.S. Midwest transportation by rail on a 24/7 basis savesinfrastructure. And such activ-money for shippers, who fur- ity continues on an upswing.thermoreareabletoreduceOver the past few years, drayagecostsbyanaveragewealreadywereseeing of 25 percent by using ware- anincreaseindemandfor housesthatareadjacenttologisticshubinfrastructure, intermodal rail hubs. McKiernansaid.Now,the In addition to being at thepandemic and the most recent crossroads of east-west Inter- economic concerns are fuel-state 80 and north-south I-55,ing further demand.CIC-Joliet is anchored by theB enefitsa Boundf or The Kansas City Southern Railway Co.s Wylie Intermodal Terminal, northwest of Dallas, is recently enjoying 835-acre Union Pacific Jolietenants a significant spike in retail and package business.Intermodal Terminal and thet770-acreBNSFLogisticsTenants of CIC-Joliet are(SAVINGScontinued fromand yield for intermodal andimprovements in the Chicago Park Chicago, with intermo- offered a vast array of advan- page 2) automotive at NS, told AJOT.area; and development of the dal rail services to and fromtages,includingForeign- terminalinNorthBaltimore,ThiswasnodifferentasaHeartlandCorridorproject, every major U.S. West CoastTrade Zone status that affordsOhio, 40 miles south of Toledo.result of COVID-19. designed to allow for double-port, as well as Houston. Inbenefits related to U.S. Cus- Strategically situated alongOver time, we have seenstack operations on the fast-addition, intermodal interlinetoms;enterprisezonetaxourrailcorridorbetweenthe Midwest region continueest route between the Port of services of Norfolk SouthernexemptionsandinvestmentChicagoandtheNortheast,to develop as centers for DCVirginia and Chicago.andCSXlinkCIC-Joliettocredits for qualifying compa- thelogisticsparkwillpro- [distribution center activity],Canadian National Rail-anevenbroadergeographicnies and jobs; and additionalvide value-added services forwarehousing and freight for- wayofficialsseeMidwest reach throughout the nation.financialincentivesavail- shippers, offering opportuni- warding for a wide variety ofintermodalhubsplayingan able on city, county and statetiestoreducetransportationproducts, ranging from auto- increasingroleinCOVID-e- CommerCed emands levels. costsandaugmentdistri- mobile parts to clothing and19-impactedU.S.supply r ising The master-planned Cen- butionfootprintsbyseam- electronicgoods,Luebberschains,accordingtoDerb-With progressively moreterPointIntermodalCenter- lesslymovinggoodsfromwentontosay.Weantici- hlaDunne,seniormanager consumersturningtoonlineJoliet campus features in-parktrain to truck to warehouse,patethatthesemarketswillformarketinginnovation shoppinginapandemic- roadways that allow transportSchildsaid.Tocomple- continue on this trajectory. atMontreal-headquartered affected world, retailers largeof heavyweight loads. Ame- ment the logistics park, CSXLuebbersnotedthatanCN. U.S. Midwest terminals and small are relying in bur- nitiesalsoincludearound- has enhanced our intermodalarrayofservicesconnectofCNhandleimportand geoning numbers upon inlandthe-clockfireandpoliceserviceofferingwithpre- Midwest markets to port hubsexportcargostoandfrom intermodalhubs,accordingprotectionanda24/7travelmiumandexpandedserviceonbothPacificandAtlan- 15 Canadian and U.S. ports, to McKiernan. center replete with food andbetweenNorthwestOhioticcoasts,aswellasmajorincludingNewOrleansand E-commerceisplayingfuel offerings, restrooms andand East Coast ports, south- domestic markets throughoutMobile,Alabama,inthe a huge role, he said. Aboutshowers,andtruckparkingernandnorthernCalifornia,the East and South. U.S. Southeast.80percentoftodaysnewand scale facilities.aswellasservicefromtheNorfolk Southerns pres- Globalsupplychains industrial real estate require- CenterPointoffersCIC- Pacific Northwest. ence in these markets stretcheswerebeingdisruptedbefore ments for logistics nationwideJolietcustomersgreatflex- Norfolk,Virginia-basedbackfordecades,but,overCOVID-19 appeared, Dunne are related to e-commerce. ibilityrelatedtoscopeandNorfolkSouthernRailwaytime, we have made signifi- toldAJOT.TheU.S.-China terms of agreements, includ- has a long history of servingcantimprovementstoourtradewarhadcompanies ingbuild-to-suitopportuni- theMidwestviaintermodalterminalandnetworkinfra- rethink their globalized supply tiesforsaleorlease.Andservices as well. structurethathaveallowedchains as they questioned their the region provides a robustIntermodalhubsintheus to grow with the changingheavily outsourced networks.labor pool. Midwestplayakeyroleindemands of each market, heCOVID-19 has certainly supplychainseveryday,said, highlighting Ohio termi- helpedthisthoughtprocess s trategye mBraCes bringing in goods from over- nals coming online at Cleve- along,shecontinued.As s ustainaBiLity seas and then pumping themland in2001andColumbuscompaniesmaketheU.S. CIC-Joliet is emblematicback out to domestic markets,[RickenbackerIntermodalMidwest a larger component (TIMELYcontinued onChrisLuebbers,assistantTerminal]in2008;ongoing(SAVINGScontinued on page 6) vicepresidentforplanningexpansionsandefficiencypage 7)Brian mcKiernan, senior vice president of CenterPoint, sees CenterPoint Intermodal Center-Joliet providing significant savings for shippers increasingly focused upon supply chain costs. Single Source Solutions S3In the longer term, accord- Learn how our S3 can empower your intermodal ingtoMcKiernan,big-boxtransportation program. Its the Single Source retailers in CIC-Joliet will con- Solution that will pay dividends for you from tinue to add rail-adjacent ware- ports and rails to warehouse and distribution house and distribution facilitiessolutions nationwide.tomeetgrowinge-commerceLETS CONNECT. 855-4ROADONE demands.Meanwhile,amongOne Kellaway Drive(855-476-2366)newest leases signed for tractsRandolph, MA 02368www.roadone.comwithin and proximate to CIC-Joliet are those inked by such diverse giants as major retailersSolutions That Connectand e-commerce companies. Corporate HeadquartersDomestic Intermodal Trucking Solutions Regional OfficesL oCationf aCiLitates Service Centerse ffiCienCies International Intermodal Trucking Solutions Northeast RegionContainer Terminal Solutions Midwest RegionGlobal demand is mount- Regional Dedicated Truckload Solutions South RegioningtomoveproductsmoreWest Regionquickly,McKiernansaid.National Transloading, Warehousing and Distribution SolutionsChoosingtherightlocation can result in immense transpor- ReliabilityTenacitySafetyIntegrityLoyaltytation savings and a more effi-'