b'FeBRuaRy 8 - 21, 2021top north american exporters & importers 11(BLOCKEDcontinuedCBP intercepts threatsAgility invests $35 million in from page 10)Altria and Philip MorrisQueens Gambithavearguedthat,evenifato US agricultureviolationisfound,IQOSisAgility, a leading globaltiated network, Tarek Sultan, important in efforts to reduceU.S. Customs and Bordercontainerandcontentswerelogistics provider, announcedVice-Chairman of Agility said. smokingandshouldntbeProtectionAgricultureSpe- returned to Taiwan. that it has invested $35 mil- This is a chance to take a more excludedfromtheU.S.cialists (CBPAS) issued 171DuringaninspectionofalioninQueensGambitinclusive view of opportunities market. Philip Morris has setemergencyactionnotifica- rail container in InternationalGrowthCapital,ablank- in the market, and drive value anaspirationaltargetthreetions during the fourth quarterFalls,Minnesota,CBPAScheckcompanythatwillin the process.years ago that at least 40 mil- of2020.EmergencyActionintercepted Chloropidae (grasstargetbusinessesofferingAgility has a long-stand-lion adult smokers worldwideNotifications(EAN)alertfly) in a shipment of flowersustainablesolutionsiningpartnershipwithColle willhavestoppedsmokingtrade entities of non-compli- potsfromChina.Thegrasscleanenergy,healthcare,Capital,havinginvestedin andswitchedtoitssmoke- ance with APHIS regulations.fly is a pest that feed on thefinancialtechnology,indus- multiple companies together. free products by 2025. TheEANprovidesoptionssecretionsaroundtheeyestrials, mobility and emergingAgility brings unique capa-Thecommissionrarelyfor phytosanitary actions thatandnoseofanimalsandtechnology. bilitiestothetable,includ-optsagainstanimportbanmust be taken to prevent thehumans.ThegrassflyisQueensGambitsall- ingouremergingmarket after finding a violation, andentry of plant pests, prohib- capableofspreadingbacte- femalemanagementteamisleadership,rosterof60,000 Sladic said this isnt the caseited plant products, or animalrial infections. The containerled by CEO Victoria Grace, abusinesscustomers,strate-tomakeanexception.Itsproducts capable of introduc- wassafeguardeduntiltheNew York-based venture cap- gic partnerships, and experi-scheduled to issue a final deci- ing foreign animal diseases. threat could be mitigated. italistandFoundingPartnerence of our Ventures team, sionbySeptemberandtheCBPASinPortalfoundCBPAS in Pembina dis- of Colle Capital. The specialSultan said. ban,iforderedthen,wouldNysius, commonly known as acovered a shipment of Con- purpose acquisition companyAgilitysinvestmentin take effect in November. false chinch bug, within a ship- ventiononInternationalis supported by an all-femaleQueensGambitreflectsthe Theresnoindicationment of screws from Taiwan.TradeinEndangeredSpe- Boardwithdiverseindustrycompanyscommitmentto thatIQOSwillberobustlyThis type of seed bug is a pestcies (CITES) protected plantsexperience. sustainability and belief that adopted by U.S. consumers,thatattackswheatandotherincluding Ginseng and Den- Queens Gambits female- innovativetechnologycan andtheFDAhasnotfoundgrainsaswellasvegetables.drobium.Theshipmentwasled management team has theyieldbothsocialandeco-that the devices will reduce theDue to the contamination, themanifested as tea.potential to tap into a differen- nomic returns. harmtothehealthofsmok-ers, Sladic told the judge. The IQOSproductsaremadein Malaysia,Switzerlandand Italy, according to Reynolds original complaint.ReynoldslawyerDavid Maiorana of Jones Day said PhilipMorrishasblown publicinterestwayoutof proportion here and coached groups to submit filings with theagencyopposingany importbanonpublichealth grounds.Studies show that smokers like and enjoy the experience that IQOS provides, which is very different from e-cigarettes andunlikeotherreduced-risk alternatives, Altria and Philip MorrislawyerMaxGrantof Latham&Watkinssaidin opening arguments.While Administrative Law JudgeClarkCheneyisnt boundbythestaffsrecom-mendations, they can be per-suasive to both the judge and the commissioners who will make the final decision.The IQOS device is criti-cal to Philip Morris commer-cial strategy, which is focused ondisruptingcombustible tobacco,accordingtoNico vonStackelberg,founderat Inevitable Capital Partners, a strategy consulting firm.Its one of Philip Morris mostpromisingbetsona highly-profitable next-genera-tion future, he said. The two parties may settle their respec-tivecourtcasesandPhilip Morrismayagreetolicense BATs patents.The cases are In the Matter ofCertainTobaccoHeating Articles, 337-1199, U.S. Inter-nationalTradeCommission (Washington);RAIStrategic HoldingsInc.v. AltriaClient ServicesLLC,20-393,U.S. DistrictCourtfortheEastern DistrictofVirginia(Alexan-dria); and Altria Client Services v.R.J.ReynoldsVaporCo., 20-472, U.S. District Court for the Middle District off North Carolina (Greensboro).'