b'20American Journal of Transportation ajot.com(BACKcontinued fromn page 19) PaulsboroMarineTerminalisa forfinalprocessingatregionally- 190-acre facility inaugurated in 2017, based confectionary companies suchprimarilytobeefupSouthJerseys as Hershey and Blommer, which arebreakbulkcapabilities.Initially,70 headquarteredinPennsylvania,andacres will be leased to EEW for mono-Mars, which is based in New Jersey. pilemanufacturing,saidBrendan The breakbulk beans handled at theDugan,assistantexecutivedirector South Jersey port make the logistics pro- and director of business development cess far more efficient than container- at the South Jersey Port Corporation. ized beans, said Jeff Wheeler, presidentrstedisalsotheconcernthat of the Camden International CommoditywillbedevelopingtheOceanWind Terminal. We eliminate that additionalgenerationprojectoffshoreAtlantic step of loading and unloading millionsCity, N.J. In July 2019, EEW signed of bags of beans from containers, bothamemorandumofunderstanding here and at the source. with rsted towards establishing the Cocoabeaninventoriesinthemonopile fabrication facility in Pauls-U.S. are comparatively low and needboro that is now coming to fruition. tobereplenished,Wheeleradded.The Paulsboro facility, in addition to As consumption ticks up, so will thebuilding monopiles for Ocean Wind, need for more imports.willlikelyalsoserveotheroffshore o FFshoReW Indo FFeRsb oost wind sites around the United States,EXPERIENCE & INTEGRITY as specified in the MOU.CHOOSE THE FUMIGATION COMPANY WITH BOTHDevelopments involving the off- Themonopilefacilitywillrepre-shore wind industry in southern Newsent the largest industrial offshore windWhen you need a fumigation company for your import/export treatments, Jersey are moving rapidly. Only a fewinvestment in the United States to date,choose the company that is: months after Governor Phil Murphyaccording to the New Jersey governors announcedaplaninJune2020tooffice. Construction on the facility will build a wind port on an artificial islandbreak ground in January 2021, with pro- Serious About Safety and Integrity:Not only do we use our own in the Delaware River, came anotherduction beginning in 2023.lock-down system, but we provide security 24/7 throughout the announcementinDecemberherald- EEW will bring forward a fac- fumigation.inga$250millioninvestmentinatory capable of producing the worlds wind-related manufacturing facility inlargestfoundationsrequiredtosup- Unmatched in the Industry:Our fumigation experience andthe Port of Paulsboro to be operatedport the ever-increasing wind turbinesknowledge of food safety and FMSA requirements are top-notch, by EEW Group, a company based inof the future, said Schorge. including Sanitary Transport and Supply Chain preventive controls.Erndtebrck, Germany. The EEW plant also creates excit-EEW has been in the business ofing potential to support hundreds of new producing steel pipe constructions andjobs in the wind energy logistics busi- Trustworthy for Your Peace of Mind:Rest easy knowing you have components for over 80 years. Its EEWness, said Tom Holt Jr., principal of thea fully documented safety program and that licensing and fumigation Special Pipe Constructions subsidiary,Holt Logistics real estate arm that servesrecords are always available for full transparency and traceability.based in the Rostock Port on the Balticas landlord of the Paulsboro terminal. Sea,manufacturesfoundationstruc- The wind energy marshalling port tures for the offshore wind and oil andproposed by New Jerseys governor,WESTERN FUMIGATION CHECKS ALL THOSE BOXES.gas industries. EEW is already part ofwhichwillbedesignedtoassembleCONTACT US TODAY!the supply chains for the first two U.S.wind components for transport to off-offshorewindprojects,notedChris- shoresites,willcostbetween$300610-595-2100tophSchorge,EEWsCEO,[email protected] companyhasdeliveredtwo900-ton,develop,accordingtogovernmentwesternfumigation.com25-footmonopilesandothercompo- estimates. Construction is planned in nents for the Coastal Virginia Offshoretwo phases, with 55 acres to be devel-Wind (CVOW) demonstration projectopedbeginninginmid-2021,while as well as the pipes for the jacket foun- another 150 acres will accommodatean agency of the U.S. Department ofsaid Dugan. Camdens inclusion in dations at the Block Island Wind Farmmarshalling and manufacturing activ- Transportation,approvedthedesig- the project designation makes us eli-offshoreRhodeIsland,bothbeingities beginning in 2026.nation of SJPCs Camden facility asgible for grant funding for any infra-developed by rsted, the Danish windpart of its Mid-Atlantic Marine High- structure or handling equipment that energy company. Monopiles are part ofm Id -a tlantIcm aRIneh IGhWay wayproject.Thisistheroutecur- couldbenefittheservice.Colum-the foundation of offshore wind instal- p RoJect rently served by the weekly Columbiabia Coastal added Philadelphia to its lations that are driven into the seabedInotherdevelopments,theUSCoastalcontainerbargefromNor- Norfolk-Baltimore route with weekly with large hydraulic hammers. Maritime Administration (MARAD),folktoBaltimoretoPhiladelphia,service in 2012.Thebargeisnotyetcallingon Camden,Dugannoted,butthereis alotofinterestamongimportersand Large enough to serve you, small enough to care. exporters who currently use Camden for breakbulk shipments, so we are working to make this a commercial reality.Large enough to handle any tasknimble, creative, and motivated to actually do it.(JUMPcontinued from page 19)Origin to destination, your business is ourTata Steel International and Thyssen top priority !Krupp Steel accounted for 16% of the SJPC steel imports. NLMK,theRussiansteelcom-pany, accounts for over 60% of SJPCs total ferrous product imports, operat-ing year-round at the Paulsboro Marine Terminal to supply three U.S. finish-ingplants.Tariffsonsteelimports combined with the COVID pandemic Customs brokerage and Import Facilitationdepressed our steel import business in 2020,particularlyNLMKsimports Global Transportation, Forwarding, and Logisticsfrom Russia, said Dugan. Air FreightOcean FreightImportsofBraziliansteelhave increased recently, mitigating some of FMC Licensed NVOCCthe decline in Russian imports, but are constrainedbyquotas,Dugannoted. The SJPC expects that trend to reverse this season, he added, as vaccines to 399Market Street, Suite220 19106neutralize the virus come online and , Philadelphia, PAthe new administration in Washington Phone:610-994-5060 www. 721 Email:Info@ 721 helps to reinvigorate the global econ-Logistics.com Logistics.com www.721Logistics.comomy and consumer demand.'