b'22American Journal of Transportation ajot.comAir C ArgoAir CArgoNEWSNEWSANA Group unveils a new network model forDHL plays vital role in the Okinawa International Aerial Logistics Hub COVID-19 vaccine logistics ANAHOLDINGSINC. (hereinafterANAGroup),in the AmericastogetherwithOkinawaPrefec-ture,willstrengthentheinter- DHLExpress,theworld- ing lives, said Tim Robertson, nationallogisticsoperationsatwideleadingexpressserviceCEO for DHL Global Forward-NahaAirportinOkinawa.Byprovider, has successfully deliv- ing Americas.Inthe Americas, shiftingfromthepreexistingeredthefirstshipmentsoftheDHL already has delivered sev-logisticsoperationscenteredCOVID-19 vaccine in the Amer- eral shipments of the vaccine to onfreightersatNahaAirport,icas, reaching the first countriesMexico,Chile,CostaRicaand ANA will expand the usage ofto receive the first doses in SouthPanama,andwillcontinueto the cargo capacity of passengerAmerica: Mexico, Chile, Costadeliver additional batches of the aircrafts of Peach Aviation andRicaandPanama.Thecom- vaccine in the next few months. otherairlinestocreateanewpany has operated more than 60OthercountrieswhereDHL modelfortheOkinawaInter- flightstransportingthenumer- deliveredthevaccinesinclude nationalAerialLogisticsHub.ousshipmentsoftheurgentlyAustria, Bahrain, Bulgaria, Croa-Throughthisnewapproach,consumers. The ANA Group willpossible to transport cargo to aneededvaccinesaroundthetia, Greece, Finland, Italy, Lithu-ANA will expand its network tocontinue to cooperate with Oki- wide range of destinations moreworld, ten of which carried theania, Norway, Oman, Romania, meet the growing needs aroundnawa Prefecture to contribute tofrequently and to expand deliv- temperature-controlledship- Singapore and Sweden.Asia as demand increases from athe formation of an internationalery for smaller volumes as well.ment to the Americas. OurExpressnetworkhas rise in e-commerce and deliverylogisticsbasebyshiftingfromFurthermore,byutilizingtheThecurrentcrisisfirstprovenitsstrongresilience of other products. the previous model centered oncargo space of international pas- showed how indispensable inter- duringthispandemic.While GloballogisticnetworksANA freighters to a new modelsenger flights, ANA will be ablenationallogisticsnetworksarealmostallnationswentinto andsupplychainshavesig- that utilizes the passenger-cargoto strengthen alliances with otherfor ensuring that societies havelockdowns, none of our opera-nificantly changed over the pastspaceofaircraftsoperatingatcompaniesandfurtherdevelopthenecessarypersonalprotec- tions have stopped, said Parra. few years, which is why ANA isNaha Airport. the Okinawa International Aerialtive equipment and test kits toIt is in our DNA to deliver, even working to evolve our approach2. n eWn etWoRKm odel LogisticsHubinordertobestsecure their health. Now, we arein times of global crisis. Thanks sothatwecan,inpartnershipserve both passengers and cargo. proud to be part of the next stepto our people and infrastructure, withOkinawa,continuetooFo KInaWaI nteRnatIonal in our common fight against thewe are able to keep trade lanes serve emerging needs and meeta eRIall oGIstIcsh ub 3. u tIlIzatIon oF then eW coronavirus.Ourteamsacrossopen and enable our customers demand, said Toshiaki Toyama,The new model for the Oki- n etWoRKm odel 220countriesandterritoriesto continue their businesses.Executive Vice President of ANAnawaInternational AerialLogis- TherearecurrentlyatotalworkedforseveralmonthstoIn the United States, DHL and President of ANA CARGOticsHubwillcreateanetworkof 20 domestic routes that ANAprepareforthedistributionofSupplyChain,thedivisionof INC. Building on our longstand- utilizing the cargo capabilities ofGroup offers to Naha Airport. Asthe COVID-19 vaccine. WeveDeutsche Post DHL Group that ingrelationshipwithOkinawa,passengerflightsofferedbyallANA has signed a space usagedelivereditsuccessfullytospecializes in contract logistics, we look forward to the successairlinesoperatingatNahaAir- contract with airlines that operateeverycountryassignedandis also part of the international thatthisnewnetworkmodelport,includingflightsoperatedinternational flights to Naha Air- were ready to continue deliver- efforttosuccessfullydeliver approach brings to better connectbyPeach Aviation. ANAGroupport, together with the domestic Japan to global markets. will oversee the cargo operationsflightnetworksof ANAGroup through establishing an agreementthatconnectsNahaAirportto 1. o veRvIeW contractwithotherairlinesandcitiesacrossJapan,ANAwill Over the past 10 years, theefficiently manage the utilizationworktorevitalizethelogistics ANA Group has worked in closeof each cargo space. In addition,operationstoawiderangeof partnershipwithOkinawaPre- while airlines continue to suspendlocations and support the contin-fecture to establish the locationinternational flights due to the out- ued development of the interna-as a major hub for internationalbreakofCOVID-19,ANAwilltional logistics hub, which is an logistics,greatlycontributingoperatefreightersbetweenOki- industrial promotion measure of to the development of networksnawa and the Tokyo area (Haneda/ Okinawa Prefecture. In addition, withinJapanandacrossAsia.Narita)tomaintainthelogisticsANA will contribute to the con-Sincetheprojectfirstbeganasupplychainuntilglobalcondi- tinuedexpansionofOkinawas decade ago, the total volume oftions allow for the resumption ofagriculturalandmarineexports cargo exports from Okinawa hasinternational flights. by distributing them from loca- ing anytime and anywhere itsthevaccine.Thecompany grown 120 times. Onceinternationalflightstions in each region of Japan toneeded, said Mike Parra, CEOdeployed a Control Tower solu-Currently,theaviationnet- resume,byutilizingthecargointernational destinations via thefor DHL Express Americas. Thetion to support the distribution work of the Okinawa Internationalspace of passenger flights to andOkinawaInternationalAerialinternational distribution of theofCOVID-19vaccineswithin Aerial Logistics Hub is primar- fromNahaAirport,itwillbeLogistics Hub. COVID-19 vaccine started earlyNorth America and internation-ily serviced by ANA freighters.December as flights operated byally, providing customized tech-However, due to the widespreadDHL Express and DHL Globalnology and a dedicated team of impact of COVID-19, all opera- Forwardingbroughtthefirstexperts to perform key logistics tionsspecializinginfreightersChinas challenger to Boeing,batches of the vaccine to Israel,functionsaround-the-clockand have become suspended at Nahathe first country recipient. DHLincrease visibility of the supply Airport,and ANAhasdecidedAirbus to begin deliveries GlobalForwarding,theinter- chainfromthemomentwhen to extend the suspension in FYnationalfreightspecialistarmordersarereceivedthrough 2021 as well. China is finally reaching theyearsbeforeComacbecomesaof Deutsche Post DHL Group,tothefinaldelivery. Withthis At the same time, the grow- finishlineinitslong-delayedserious threat to the Western aero- dedicatedacharterflightforsolution,DHLSupplyChain ing popularity of products fromattempttobuildajetcapablespace duopoly, according to Peteradditionalsuppliesofvaccineprovidessupportinplanning OkinawaandacrossJapanof competing with narrowbodyHarbison,chairmanemeritusofdoses, which arrived at the Ben- andallocatingorderstothe has led to a growth in the totalplanesfromAirbusSEandSydney-basedCAPACentreGurion airport. majorparcelcarrierscharged exportsfromtheisland,whichBoeingCo.,accordingtothefor Aviation. The company wontThe development of a coro- withdeliveringvaccinedoses includes agricultural and marinestate-owned company in chargehave the sales volumes necessarynavirus vaccine is a crucial firstin the U.S. and monitoring each productsaswellasindustrialof the program. to convince mainstream non-Chi- step in ending this pandemic andindividual order through to their products. Furthermore, the rise inCommercial Aircraft Corp.nese customers they should take awe are proud to play an activefinal destination.e-commerce has led to a greaterof China, or Comac, will deliverchance on a new aircraft, he said. role as the most global logisticsMore than 9,000 specialists needfordeliveryandlogisticsits first C919 single-aisle jet byStill,withPresidentXiJin- providerindeliveringthevac- workacrossDHLsdedicated services,andcargotransporta- the end of the year, Communistpings government eager to reducecinetopeopleinmanycoun- globalnetworksothatphar-tion is expected to reach a greaterParty-backed newspaper GlobalChinasrelianceonAirbusandtries. With our extensive logisticsmaceutical,medicaldevices, number of destinations while alsoTimesreported,citingComacBoeing, Comac can afford to planexpertise in the Life Sciences &clinical trials and research orga-operating at a higher frequency. general engineer Yang Zhigang. for the long term. Thats why itsHealthcaresectorpairedwithnizations,wholesalersanddis-Giventhesefactors,theTheC919,comparabletomoving ahead on an even morethe commitment and passion oftributors,aswellashospitals OkinawaInternationalAerialthe Airbus A320 and Boeing 737,ambitious project this year, withour people, we hope to play sig- andhealthcareprovidersare Logistics Hub will shift towardshad its first flight in 2017 but hasYang saying it would begin manu- nificant part in the battle againstconnected across the value chain a new operation model that canyet to carry any passengers.facturingoftheCR929,atwin- COVID-19.Thatsthepurposeand through digitalization, from manage sustainable growth whileEven if the first C919 is deliv- aislejetitsdevelopingwithaof Deutsche Post DHL Group clinicaltrialstopointofcare, meetingthediverseneedsofered as promised, it will take manyRussian partner. connectingpeopleandimprov- and every step in between.'