b'FEBRUARY 22 - MARCH 7, 2021NORTH AMERICAS TRANSPORTATION & LOGISTICS NEWSPA PER 13Beijing Pyongyang North Korea N Will CPTPP welcome US back?Seoul Welcome backnot so fast.South Korea Japan Tokyo By Peter Buxbaum, AJOTIn April 2018, 15 monthsstory.) WhethertheCPTPP-afterhepulledtheUnited11wouldre-welcomethe States out of the Trans-PacificU.S. back in the fold is also China Partnership, former Presidentan open question. It appeared DonaldTrumpreportedlyat the time that CPTPP mem-ordered the U.S. Trade Repre- berswerenotenthusedby NORTH ASIA TRADE 2021 sentative to look into the pos- Trumps overture, but things sibility of rejoining the accord.have since changed.Taipei After Trump provoked a tradeTheelevenremaining Taiwan war with China, he may haveTPPmembershavesince Macau Hong Kong concluded what President Joeconcluded their own separate Bidenalreadyknowsthatdeal,nowcalledtheCom-the U.S. could use a few alliesprehensiveandProgressive Will Biden bring US back into TPP? as it seeks to curb a would-beAgreement for Trans-Pacific dominant China in the Asia- Partnership (CPTPP). CPTPP A multilateral approach to diplomacy and trade is consistent withPacific region. doesnthavethesamejuice his administrations diplomatic and economic pronouncements. Itsunknownwhetherabsent the U.S., but its still a Trumps move to rejoin TPPsignificant free-trade area, the By Peter Buxbaum, AJOT was at all seriousof course,worldsthirdlargestbehind it never came to fruitionbutNAFTAandtheEuropean PresidentJoeBidenmayintheAsia-Pacificmarket,in the region. Title:AJOT nowthat Biden is president,Union, with a population of File Name:NCP 14316 - 31 Min Later - AJOT - 8x10 - v2.0 Here Today. Gone 31 Min Later.havetojumpthroughafewwhichisabreakthroughClient:NC Ports (TPPcontinued onthe issue may once again be(CTTPPcontinued on for14316 Pub:Full Page 8x 10Job #:Trim Size: ps4C Bleed Size:No Bleedpoliticalhoopstomakeitmultilateral trade relationshiApp:InDesign CC page 14) ontheagenda.(Seemainpage 16)Colors:Close Date:1/31/20happen,butheseemstobe inclinedtohavetheUnited States rejoin the Trans-Pacific Partnership(TPP).Doingso would advance his avowed dip-lomatic and economic agenda.TPPwasinitiatedduring theincumbencyofformer President George W. Bush and was concluded in 2015, when BarackObamaoccupiedthe Oval Office. Former President DonaldTrump,onhisthird day in office in January 2017, removedtheU.S.fromthe agreement, after which the 11 remainingpartiesAustralia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia,Mexico,NewZea-land,Peru,Singapore,andHere Vietnamcontinued in a trade relationshipnowknownas theComprehensiveandPro-gressive Agreement for Trans- today.PacificPartnership(CPTPP). CPTPPsuspended22TPP provisionswhichwereurged on the group by the U.S., pre- Gonesumably as an incentive for the U.S. to rejoin. (See sidebar on next column)1 min later.Welcome to done.President Joe BidenThink fast. Thirty-one-minutes-pedestal-to-Meanwhile, in Novemberpedestal for a dual move. Our uncongested port 2020, China and 10 members ofthe AssociationofSouth- and efficient gate turns have made us the port east Asian Nations (ASEAN)with the fastest turn times on the East Coast. plusAustralia,Japan,NewAdd three neo-Panamax cranes, our strategic Zealand,andSouthKorealocation, customized logistical solutions, and inkedtheRegionalCompre- readily available berths and storage areas for hensiveEconomicPartner- container, bulk, breakbulk and ro-ro operations, ship (RCEP). That agreement,and its goods delivered, job done and mission which has yet to be ratified,accomplished. See how were never done aimstoeliminate90%ofhelping you discover the power of DONE. tariffs on imports among the signatorieswithin20years.800.213.4430 // NCPorts.comAccordingtoS&PGlobal PlattsAnalytics,Thenew accord demonstrated Beijings commitmentofengagement'