b'8American Journal of Transportation ajot.com(DIVERSEcontinued from page 6) servicetoParamaribo,Suriname, 25,hasopenedinpartnershipwithaugmentingitsextensiveroutes CenterPointProperties;and,incol- throughout the Caribbean and Baha-laborationwithpetroleumindustrymas. Tropical also has upgraded its partners, Slip 1 is expanding to effi- vessel fleet and added a 3-acre yard ciently accommodate larger tankers. for refrigerated containers.Amongnewestcargosmoving P ort ofP alMB each through the Port of Palm Beach are The Port of Palm Beach is look- artificial reef modules, being deployed ingtomorethandoubleitsinter- to help protect natural reefs off South modal rail throughput capacitytoFloridas coast, supporting marine life 95,000 TEUs a year from the pres- whileprovidingadditionalareasfor ent 44,000 TEUswith the help ofsuch recreational activities as fishing, a $13.2 million U.S. Department ofdivingandsnorkeling.Porttenant Transportation grant, to be matchedHeavy Lift Services, which has han-by a similar sum from port and pri- dled more than 800,000 tons of mod-vate-sector funds. The $26.5 millionules over the course of five years, is to projectincludesrailreplacements,be joined this spring in such efforts byDiverse Port Canaveral sights includes a SpaceX booster to be lifted by the ports mobile crane, truck interchange relocation and newResolve Marine Group. plus a new fireboat.radiation portal monitors. blossoming commercial space indus- rebuild North Cargo Pier 3.Meanwhile,theportslongtimeP ortc anaveral tryisamongfactorskeepingPortPortCanaveralslatestbusiness leadingtenant,TropicalShipping,AlongwithhealthyvolumesofCanaveralbusydespitethepro- addition is Yara North Americas dis-haslaunchedanewtwice-monthlyconstructionmaterialimports,thetracted pause of cruises. The Centralchargeanddistributionofpremium Florida ports $6.2 million Liebherrcropnutritionproducts,launchedin 600 mobile harbor crane was integralNovemberinpartnershipwithter-in14returnsofrecoveredSpaceXminaloperatorAmbassadorService rocketboostersinthefiscalyearInternationalacquired in September ended Sept. 30, 2020, with port offi- byEnstructureLLCwithTampa-cials anticipating an ongoing rise inbasedA.R.Savage&SonLLCas activity as the space launch cadencesteamship agent.accelerates. The Liebherr unit, deliv-ered in early 2019, is touted as theJaXPortnations largest such crane. InNortheastFlorida,theJack-The port has completed a 120-footsonvillePort Authority,marketedas extension of its North Cargo Berth 8,JAXPORT, sees 2021 as a big year for its newest multipurpose quay for han- infrastructureadvancement,includ-dlingspacecomponentsandothering at the SSA Jacksonville Container heavycargos.SlatedtocommenceTerminal at Blount Island, where 700 in 2022 is the $37 million, two-yearlinear feet of newly rebuilt deepwater Tropical Shipping, the Port of Palm Beachs largest tenant, has augmented its footprint, adding aproject, supported largely by federalberth space has recently been added, 3-acre yard for refrigerated containers. andstatefunding,torenovateand(DIVERSEcontinued on page 12)Bulk. Breakbulk. And so much more.Fairless Hills, PA - Palm Beach - Port Canaveral - Port Everglades - Port Manatee - Wilmington, DEportcontractors.com 1-800-792-PORT'