b'FEBRUARY 22 - MARCH 7, 2021NORTH AMERICAS TRANSPORTATION & LOGISTICS NEWSPA PER 17US maritime regulator urgesPort of Long Beachs Cordero not deterred freight silos to unite in crisis by pandemicCompanies that violate U.S.While Dyes review contin-supply-chain rules around inun- ues, the surcharges have becomeBy Stas Margaranis, AJOTdatedAmericanportsmaybea symptom of wider friction in penalized,accordingtoakeyglobal shipping. Groups includ- InhisStateofthePortcargo moving during this unprec- Thenewbridgeaddsanemer-maritime regulator in Washingtoning the Harbor Trucking Asso- address, Mario Cordero, execu- edentedmomentinhistory,gency lane in each direction.whoispushingthefragmentedciation, which represents driverstive director, Port of Long Beachensuringthesafe,secureandThe Clean Air Action Plan freightindustrytoworkmorewho haul containers at the portspaidtributetothemenandtimely delivery of vital medicalgoalstotransitionawayfrom closelytoaddressthenationsof Los Angeles and Long Beach,women keeping the Port opera- equipment and consumer goods, dieselpoweredequipmentand unprecedented bottlenecks. havecomplainedaboutantional during the pandemic andHeadded:Wehavealltruckstozeroandnearzero Rebecca Dye, a member ofunwillingnessofsomecarriersdemonstratingthatthePortisenduredincrediblehardshipsemission cargo-handling equip-theFederalMaritimeCommis- worktogethertoeasesupply- not deterred by the pandemic. with COVID-19, but I am look- ment by 2030 and zero emission sion, is leading an investigationchain strains. Cordero asked for a momenting forward to 2021 as a timetrucks by 2035 remain on track into the pandemic-rattled flow ofDye,whohasservedonofsilencetohonorlongshoreofeconomicrecoveryandawithPorttenantstesting60 imports and exports. She initiallythe FMC since 2002, said shesworkers who had lost their livesrenewed focus on our industrypieces of equipment that is zero thought the shocks to global tradesympathetic to those issues andduring the COVID-19 pandemic.partners,infrastructureprojectsemission. Cordero reported that last year would be a replay of theis trying to get all parties to com- He praised the work of longshoreand community stakeholders. currently15%ofPortcargo-2010 snapback from the financialmunicate more. workers, truckers, port staff andHarbor Commissioner Bobbyhandlingoperationsarezero crisis,butinaninterview,shemaritime stakeholders. Olvera Jr., international vice presi- emission and expressed the hope saidwequicklyrealizedthatn os ilos Earlierintheweek,Jamesdent(Mainland)oftheInterna- that zero emission goals would was not the case. Ifthefreight-deliveryMcKenna, president of the Pacifictional Longshore and Warehousebe met before their deadlines.systemintheU.S.isgoingtoMaritimeAssociationreportedUnion (ILWU), also praised our perform, then everybody engagedthat 13 longshore workers based atworkforceforansweringthe has to step out of his silo and workthe Ports of Long Beach and Loscall despite the many challenges(DIVERSEcontinued from toresolvetheinefficiencies Angeles had died. He said therealong the way. page 12)nobody can do it alone, she said. hadbeen855workerswhohadTheportsbreakbulkbusi-Among the stakeholders attestedpositiveforthevirusandi no thern ews : ness is largely driven by Sunds-groundzeroofSouthernCali- thathalfthecaseshadoccurredThehighlyautomatedLongvall,Sweden-basedSvenska forniascongestionisMariosince January 1st. Beach Container Terminal (LBCT)CellulosaAB,orSCA,which Cordero,executivedirectorofIn spite of the COVID virusis in its final stage of construc- importswoodpulponWagen-Long Beachs port, the nationsCordero noted that the Port hadtionbeforebecomingfullyborgvesselsunderamultiyear second-busiest.Hesaidhesa record year. operational. LBCT operates elec- agreement. Worldwide Terminals glad FMC officials are rollingThe Port of Long Beach movedtronically with zero emissions. Atis teaming with CSX on deliver-up their sleeves to address themore than 8.1 million twenty-foottotalcapacity,theterminalcanies of the commodity throughout inefficiencies the pandemic hasequivalent container units (TEUs)handle 3.1 million TEUs. theSoutheastandMidwestvia Rebecca Dye, a member of theexacerbated. in 2020, setting a record. Thereplacementoftherail-served, on-dock warehouses.Federal Maritime Commission WhilesometalkshaveThe Port ended 2020, its busi- GeraldDesmondBridgewasThe Port of Fernandina also Now,U.S.portsaredel- been helpful, he also suggestedest year on record, with 8,113,315openedinOctober.Thenewlyhasseencompletionofitsfirst uged with demand thats under- theresaneedforthecarriersTEUsmoved,anincreaseofopenedPortofLongBeachchannelprojectintwodecades, pinningsurgingshippingcoststo get more engaged with the6.3%from2019.ImportsroseBridge will help boost trade bymaking its berths fully accessible andcomplicatinglogisticsforAmerican supply chain. 6.4% to 3,998,340 TEUs. Exportsreducing delays and bottlenecksto ships with 40-foot drafts. And companies ranging from fitness- You just cannot bring a con- totaled 1,475,888 TEUs, up 0.2%,and increasing the flow of truckit has acquired a tugboat to help equipmentproviderPelotontainer from whatever part of thewhile empty containers increasedtraffic between the Ports of Longlower port costsan action taken Interactive Inc. to Timken Co.,world and then drop it and pre- 9.9% to 2,639,088 TEUs. The PortBeachandLos Angelesandtoin conjunction with a $1.3 million a maker of industrial bearings.tend not to think that you shouldexceeded the previous annual recordSouthernCaliforniafreeways.Americas Marine Highway grant Thesnarlshavealsoheight- have some concern with regardset in 2018 by 22,292 TEUs. Thenewbridge,whichcostfrom the U.S. Maritime Adminis-enedtensionswithintheship- to how that cargo will impact aCorderothankedthePortnearly $1.5 billion, increases thetration to assist in launch of con-pingindustryitselfbetweensupply chain, Cordero said. workforce for this achievement:number of lanes in each directiontainer-on-barge service that could the container carriers that criss- CorderosaidtheFMCIwanttothankourfrontlineto 3 compared to the 2 lanes onextend along the M-95 corridor as cross the worlds oceans and thecould go a step further and lookworkers on the docks who keptthe old Gerald Desmond Bridge.far as Virginia and Miami.truckers, railroads, retailers andinto the alliances that the com- ACL AJOT_SailSchedule_2020_ACL2/27/209:33 AMPage 1others linked to those services. panies formed a few years ago practice used by some shippingofmoney-losingstretchesofONNEESSHHIIPPA focus of Dyes probe is theto share ship space after yearsOlines and port-terminal operatorsovercapacity. He was the FMC of tacking on fees for late pickupchairman in the Obama adminis-or overdue returns of containers.tration during a period when the ThoughtheFMCannounced2M alliance joined the worlds ruleslastyearrestrictingso- largestcarriers,A.P.Moller- C onCo nttaaiinneerrss,,RROORROO,,BBrreeaakkbbuullkkCCaarrggoocalled demurrage and detentionMaersk A/S of Copenhagen and penalties during periods of con- Geneva-basedMSCMediterra-gestion,Dyesaidtherehasntnean Shipping Co.been universal adherence. Not all the benefits of indus-try consolidation are apparent to e nforcingr ules thosecurrentlypayingrecord-Were now collecting somehigh rates for delayed deliveries.examplesandIwillpackageThe FMC is in an excellent thoseupandhaveaconversa- positiontolookbackandsay, tion with my colleagues, and if Ithe carriers represented that not had to say right now, I would sayonly this model of economies-that I believe that we should moveof-scale was necessary for cost-toward enforcement, Dye said. Ieffective measures but to create RORO Customer Serviceknow that some carriers, some ter- efficiencies, Cordero said. SoA SERVICE AL1 SERVICE AL2 SERVICE 877-918-7676minals who are doing their best tounder that umbrella, I think theCuto Friday Cuto Thursday Cuto Monday Export Customer Servicecomply but Im very concerned FederalMaritimeCommissionFROM NEW YORK LOLO RORO LOLO LOLO 800-225-1235thereisntabroadcompliancecan bring the carriers in and say,TO Transit Time Transit Time Transit Time Transit Time Export Documentation with the rule. look,hereswhatweseenowANTWERP 1620 18888-802-0401DUBLIN 12 TheFMChasfourotherandhereswhatwethinkyouBELFAST 13Import Customer Servicemembersandanenforcementneed to do about it. GTEBORG 21888-802-0403bureauthatprosecutesviola- Dye said the commission isHAMBURG 13 17 15 22 LogisticstionsofthenationsshippingalwaysmonitoringcompetitionLE HAVRE17 866-821-7449Credit & Collectionslaws,administerscivilpenal- under the alliances and wouldntLIVERPOOL 9 13 888-225-7747ties such as fines and negotiateshesitate to act if it had evidenceLONDON GATEWAY20 19settlements. of anti-competitive behavior. ROTTERDAM11 20'