b'10American Journal of Transportation ajot.com(KODAKcontinued fromonsmallervehicles,i.e., page 7) drones, small package deliv-offering,theshipmayhaveery bots, etc. as a source of sailedunlessyouhavethefuture revenue.cash to buy a company thatOur analysis is that geo-hasaproductcurrentlyinpolitical tension with China, productionorsoonenteringasignificantsourceofthe production.Asuppliercon- NorthAmericanautomo-solidationisemergingandtive supply, and the rise in duetothehighinvestmentsdisruptive events will force requiredbyOEMsforEVadditionalcostsforOEMs and Autonomous, some Tierand suppliers, leading them 1 companies will experiencetoimplementnear-shore massivegrowthandemergeproduction, increase inven-as Tier 0.5. tory, and/or increase moni-Rickenbacker International Airport in Columbus, Ohio has benefitted from increased air cargo volumes. Aftertheenormousre- toringofproductionand tooling,capitalexpendi- shippingthroughadvanced tureandre-trainingofthesoftware. North Americas middle ground: NewworkforceneededinorderSeraph Consulting, which to launch electric vehicles,workscloselywiththeauto cargo routes to and from the Midwest wewillseetheemergenceindustrytosupportproduct of more automated vehicleslaunches, recently conducted The pandemic-fueled supply-chain mess has spurred innovations, includingand an increase in subscrip- an informal survey of OEMs greater use of air cargo, Gulf and Great Lakes portstion/sharedmobility.Fullyand suppliers, to better under-autonomousvehiclesarestandthecomplexitiesof By Peter Buxbaum, AJOT stillnotgoingtobecomelaunching EV production.We mainstream until the 2030sdiscussedtheriskstothe The COVID-19 pandemic and its resultantsecond half of 2020 clogged the ports of Longdue to the current high retailindustry of shifting to EV and supply-chain crisis has provided an opportu- Beach and Los Angeles, carriers and shipperscost of $150-$200,000, butAutonomous;thesumma-nity for shippers and carriers to tweak Northcontinued to route cargo away from Southernitiscoming,anditwillrizedresponsesindicatethe American transportation routes. But its not asCalifornia in an effort to expedite its handling.impacttheindustry.Carsscope of this challenge: if no one thought about this before. CongestionIn December 2020, Jay Y. Lee, CEO of HMMare sitting idle 95% of the at the ports of Southern California is nothing(America) Inc., noting that shippers voicedtime and this will drive anc apaciTyi ssuesnew, and some transportation patterns began totheir desire for options between the U.S. Gulfincrease in shared/subscrip- Is there enough capacity? change even before the COVID-19 virus wasandAsia,launchedanewTHEAlliancetionmobility.ThemarketNo, however, OEMs and sup-detected on North American shores, especiallytranspacific service that made Houston its firstwillforcetheautomotivepliersareintroducingaddi-for cargo destined for the broad midsection ofU.S. port of call in a string that also includedindustrytobecomemoretional capacity.the country.six Asian ports, New Orleans, and Mobile.efficient,impactingglobalAre there trained employ-As early as late 2019, transpacific routesIt makes sense that cargo owners in thepassengercarproduction.ees available? No, not only do begantoincludecallsatHoustoninabigU.S.MidwestwouldpreferthattheirgoodsSomesuppliersarepivot- (KODAKcontinued on way. Then, as the COVID cargo spike of the(ROUTEScontinued on page 11) ing and focusing resourcespage 16)Tampa Marriott Water Street, Tampa, FL, USAFEBRUARY 14-16, 2022RETURNING LIVE,Bigger and better than ever beforeTampa Steel Conference 2022 will have more content than ever before, including a half day of pre-conference workshops, and an enhanced agenda. Plus, there will be opportunities to network at functions and importantly, do businessJoin other industry leaders. I find that the TSC gives me a fantastic understanding of the industry forecast and the inputs affecting it so that I am better prepared to manage my business.Troy Underwood, CEO Tampa Steel & SupplyPresented byHosted bywww.tampasteelconference.com'