b'DECEMBER 20, 2021FEBRUARY 13, 2022ANALYSIS & PERSPECTIVE15(NEWScontinued fromcisco,forexample)thereTarget Please bring my toysOnland,trucksarealso(SAVEcontinued from page 6) areahostofyetuntalliedon clean ships.Amelie, 9. turning to electric power andpage 9)viaazoommeetingatthecostsassociatedwithcli- WhileTargetsgoalofit has even been suggested thatcan carry up to 337 t. CONECTannualTradeandmate change and the supplyjust getting their cargo deliv- rail could use battery power asWeuselithiumferrous Transportationmeetinginchain. Dr. Walter Kemmsieseredontimeisparamount,a replacement for diesel and inphosphate(LFP)batteries December,Carrierswontwroteinhispresentationatthere is a sea-change amongthe process save over $94 mil- becausetheyhavealonger want to be on the other sideCONECTthathebelieves,consumersindemandingalion over 20 years.cycle life and lower tempera-[of a 364-60 vote].Morefrequentdisruptionscleaner supply chain.Producingcleanelectric- turesthandolithiumnickel Itissomethingofawill increase cargo owner andItisntasifthereisntity is the key to clean trans- manganesecobaltoxide double whammy for US ship- service providers direct andamovetodecarbonizetheportation. Of the technologies(NMC)batteriesandare persasfreightrateswereindirectcosts.Theindirectsupplychain.Nearlyeveryavailable, wind power is themoreeconomicalgiventhe astronomicallyhigh(Thecostsaremostlyinsuranceoceancarrierhasadecar- mostadvanced.InEuropedistances travelled by freight costtoshipacontainerhascosts, however risk monitor- bonizingprogramunder- and Asia offshore wind powertrains(2.4millionkmover increasedbetween300%ing costs will also increase. way.Manyoftheprogramsiscommonplaceandexpan- 20 years). Furthermore, LFP and 500% in the past 2 yearsDr.Kemmsiesalsosaidinvolve using LNG but othersion plans are well underway.batteriesrequirenegligible althoughleveledoffsomethat the next generation of con- fuels are being explored. OnThe U.S. with only one activeservicemaintenance,havea since September) and servicesumers cares about the environ- December8thA.P.Moller- offshorewindfarmlagsfarrechargerateupto4C,are quality low.ment and that it will influenceMaersk announced that it willbehindbutthecommitmentcheaper than lithium titanate Ofcourse,thisisnttheir spending habits. be building eight 16,000 TEUto offshore wind on the Eastoxide (LTO), are not sensitive justabouttheoceancarri- RecentlyinMinneapo- shipspoweredbycarbon- Coastcouldnotonlytrans- to unpredictable price fluctu-ers,everysectorhasbeenlis,hometoTarget,Shipneutralmethanolwithanform the U.S. power mix butations in cobalt or nickel and impacted.AircarriershaveitZeroheldapresscon- alternative capability for lowcreateaneweco-systemofcan operate over a wide range strappedinpackageswhereferencetoendits[Tar- sulphur diesel fuel. Even usesupporting industries.of temperatures. passengersusetosit,asairgets]contributionstotheof sail as an assistant propul- As 2021 draws to a close,While LTO presents some cargospace,partlyinreac- nationsportpollutionbysion is being explored. WhileitwasindeedanunusualadvantagesrelativetoLFP, tiontotheoceanshippingtransitioningtozeroemis- not entirely a new idea, goingyearanditisdifficultnotsuchasextremefastcharg-problems when space becamesions of their ocean carrierselectricisanotheralterna- tobelievethatmanyoftheing, we select LFP due to the tight. Trucking is also underby2030.Toemphasizethetive that carriers are explor- headlining trends that beganlowerprice,higherenergy pressureasashortageofpoint,theygatheredundering along with fuel cells andthis year will be with us fordensity,highervoltageand trucks,chassisanddriversa billboard that read, Dearother technologies. years to come.relative stability.has driven a run of mergers and acquisitions (see George Lauriatarticleonpage15). Whatthetruckingindustry will look like down the road isstillanybodysguessbut fewerMomandPopopera-tionsarelikely.Technology is both a boom and bane as increases in efficiency come with a price tag that smaller carriers often cant meet.Onesideeffectofthe supplychaincrisisisanew emphasis on developing portsCLOSERand services in the middle of the country and having the abil-ity to reach both East and West. (see Peter Buxbaum article 10)Railroads also have come into the crosshairs of shippers. Liketheoceancarriers,ship-pers have vented that the rail-roads arent responsive enoughON THE COLUMBIA RIVER IN WASHINGTON STATEto moving their freight throughFASTERthe port system.Of course, the real conun-druminthesupplychainis simply the fact that the volume ofinboundconsumergoods, largelyfrom Asia,isgreater than return exports, and con-siderably more valuable. TheDIRECT CONNECTIONS TO MAINLINE RAIL & INTERSTATE HIGHWAYSpremium is put on getting theSMARTERcontainersbacktoAsiafor reloadbut no elected official willeversupportthenotion thatU.S.exportswhichare oftenagriculturalareless valuable than imports. Added to this mathemati-calproblemistheongoing political and economic wran- STORAGE OPTIONS & FOREIGN TRADE ZONE SPACEgling between China and theBETTERU.S.TheBidenadministra-tion, like the Trump Admin-istration,seenoreasonto reducetariffstogiveor relinquish the upper hand in negotiations. The problem is thatweaponizingtariffscan entangle friend and foe alike and rarely works.ON-DOCK RAIL & DUAL-SERVED BY BNSF & UPs TorMyW eaTherClimatechangeiscom-pelling us to adjust to a new paradigm. Besides the infra- CONTACT US AT [email protected] | PORTOFLONGVIEW.COMstructure challenges like new seawalls(PortofSanFran-'