b'DECEMBER 20, 2021FEBRUARY 13, 2022MARITIME Section 19(RECOVERYcontinued fromallowed to be built at the PortscarryingretailmerchandiseupontheMississippiistooslowUnion Pacific and the Burling-page 18) Howard Terminal. Taylor saidthe river from the Plaqueminesand lacks sufficient capacity toton Northern Santa Fe railroads.2020 shows that full imports atthattheproposedballparkandPort and then transporting agri- move cargo in the timely mannerThe Port hopes to convince the Port of Oakland are up 8%condominiumcomplexwillcultural export containers for therequired by shippers to providethetworailroadsthatthenew but full exports are down 6.3%. severelyimpacttrucktrafficreturn journey. fast and scheduled service. terminalwillattractsufficient Totalcontainervolumemoving in and out of the Port. Sanderssaidthe APHser- Litrico hopes to demonstraterail capacity to make the service fortheJanuary-October2021Brandes responded that hevice will shift containers off ofnecessary level of reliability andprofitable for the railroads.period shows a rise of 1.7% overis working with Strait and Tysonhighways and on to waterbornespeed with the four vessels that will the same period of 2020. to relieve the reefer shortage. vessels featuring 2,375 TEU con- be deployed in the Plaquemines- apM T erMinalVessel calls to Oakland areBothBrandesandWantainer river carriers that AmericanMemphis service: We are bring- According to an earlier APM down30.6%,reflecting327expressed the hope that the PortPatriot Holdings (APH) plans toingstate-of-thearttechnologypressrelease:Theproposed, fewer calls, but the average callswill continue to operate withoutbuild serving larger ports such asand enhancements to the Missis- environmentally-friendly,state-sizes are up by 46.6%. major disruptions if the OaklandSt Louis and Memphis. sippi River with a purpose-builtof-the-art container terminal, will As ballpark is built at HowardTheabilitytomovelargevessel that will provide speed andbepoweredbyacombination M ajore venTs for The Terminal. numbers of containers by waterreliability and change the para- ofLNGandelectricity.Itwill p orT ofo aklanD in2021 BrandessaidthatthePortwill provide a competitive costdigmofwaterbornetransporta- encompass up to 1,000 acres and Three new cranes went intoshouldreachouttotheBidenadvantage versus trucking: tion using a design that has been8,200feetofMississippiRiver operationatOaklandInterna- Administration to support moreA smaller vessel with a 1,900extensively tested in Europe andfrontage.Specialfocuswillbe tionalContainerTerminal,thechassismanufacturingbyU.S.TEU capacity will be used to linkwill be powered by natural gas toon utilizing modern infrastructure largest terminal at the Port.builders. This will relieve delaysthe Port to smaller ports located onreduce emissions. technology for withstanding storm Onenewcranewentintoat Oakland and other U.S. ports.Mississippi River tributaries suchsurgeandwinddamage.Phase operation at Everport.Onewarehouseexecutivetoldas Little Rock and Western Arkan- D allasc ounTyi nlanDp orT One of construction is expected to FourcarriersarecallingAJOTthatanorderforanewsas. The smaller vessel will have aChris Fetters told AJOT thatlast two years and will deliver the Oakland first before heading tochassis from a U.S. builder candraft of 7 feet. the Port has been working withcapability to handle 22,000-TEU other WestCoastportsandantake six months to fill. SanderssaidthatAmericanthe Dallas County Inland Port toclassvesselswiththeabilityto additional first Oakland port-of- Patriot Holdings will have exclu- provide an intermodal rail linkexpand capacity if needed.call service is expected soon.sivity in the operation of water- forDallasandCentralTexasBrian Harold, managing direc-ThePortislookingto(IMPORTANCEcontinuedborne container services from thecompanies to ship containers totor,APMTTerminalsMobile, expand its business by attractingfrom page 18) Plaquemines APM Terminal. and from the Plaquemines APMAlabama told AJOT that APMTs new bulk, aggregate, breakbulkrelationships with other Missis- Sal Litrico is the chief exec- Terminal. experiences at the Port of Mobile and Roll On Roll Off services.sippi river ports to find a meansutive officer of American PatriotDallas County Inland Port isdemonstratedthattherewas ThePortisexpandingitsto collaborate on a joint marketContainerTransport.Hetoldisanintermodalandlogisticsaviablemarketforaccessing deploymentofelectrictrucksstrategy. AJOT that he has been meetingdistrict that encompasses 7,500importsandexportsthrough aswellashybridrubbertireSanderssaidChrisFet- withshipyardsthisweekwhoacresand5municipalities,GulfportsincludingHouston, gantry cranes.ters,chiefexecutiveofficerforwill be bidding on the construc- accordingtoitswebsite,andNew Orleans, Mobile and Tampa ThePortsSeaportLogis- DEVCO23,helpedthePorttion of the new river carriers. boasts the following advantages: providingaThirdCoastfor ticsComplexwillbeexpand- develop a strategy that ultimatelyLitrico graduated from theTheconfluenceofthreeshippers in the South and Mid-ing its cross-dock capabilities asled to attracting APMT. The PortState University of New Yorkmajor railroad networks (Unionwest. This Third Coast will soon wellasexpandinggrain/aggre- was able to convince APMT thatMaritimeCollegein1977,Pacific,BurlingtonNorthern- includethePlaqueminesPort gate transloading and expandedthe Ports proximity to the GulfwithBachelorofScienceSantaFe,andKansasCitywhichwillincreaseopportuni-fumigation facilities.was an important asset. Degree in Marine Transporta- Southern). ties for shippers to benefit from BrandessaidthePorthasLouisiana 23 Developmenttion Management. Direct access to three majoroceanshippingserviceslink-also embarked on: Company,LLC(Devco)istheHe said that the initial planinterstatehighways(I-35,I-20ing them to Asia and Europe asA new land use study to improveexclusiveprivatedevelopmentis to build four river carriers that&I-45)withallmajorNorthan alternative to West and East its revenues and product mix. partnerforPlaqueminesPortwill have a loaded capacity ofAmericanmarketsaccessibleCoast ports. An upgrade for the now idledsupporting development of rail,1300 TEUs each and run riverwithin 48 hours by truck. HaroldsaidAPMTplan Outer Harbor Terminal to attractwarehousing and utilities. transportservicesbetweentheTheUnionPacificDallasfor the Plaquemines terminal is a new container terminal opera- Plaquemines Port and a terminalIntermodal Terminal in southernto begin operations with 4 and torortousethe120-acresitep roposeDa Mericanp aTrioT at Memphis, Tennessee that willDallasCountyprovidesinter- possibly 6 ship to shore gantry toexpandexistingterminalM arineh ighWays ervice be announced very soon. modal access to the Ports of Loscranes. This will provide service operations. The existing ship toSanders said a collaborationThe new terminal will uti- Angeles and Long Beach. for 1-2 ships with a capacity of shore cranes need major repairswith American Patriot Holdingslizecontainerhandlingequip- Foreign Trade Zone 39 and8,500 to 10,000 TEUs.estimatedtotake6monthsto(APH)alertedhisteamtothementtounloadandloadtwoits alternative site managementAsvolumesincrease,he complete.Thehopeisthatthepotential of linking Mississippivessels at one time. frameworkallowsforusage- expectslargervesselswilluti-facilitywillprovideadditionalriver ports such as St Louis andLitricoprojectsthatthedriventradezonesitesinthelize the terminal.cargo-handling for ships sailingMemphis by water transport andvessels will require 2 days sail- Dallas County Inland Port area. HaroldnotedthatMaersk between the West Coast and Asia. embracing the Marine HighwayingnorthboundtoMemphis,Major Dallas County Inlandwas only one of many possibleThe activation of the Freight Intel- concept championed by officialsone day in port for loading andPorttenantsincludeAmazon,carriers that would use the ter-ligence Transportation System willat the U.S. Maritime Adminis- unloading, then two days south- HomeDepot,LOrealandminal.Theterminalwouldbe improve truck flows at the Porttrationand,mostrecently,byboundtoPlaqueminesParishNational Tire & Battery. open to all ocean carriers.by providing traffic updates. U.S.TransportationSecretaryand one day in port loading andSandersishopefulthataTomBoyd,Maerskmedia Following Brandes presen- Pete Buttigieg. unloading for a total round tripraillinkcanbedevelopedtorelationsmanagerforNorth tation, several executives warnedAPH plans a service using aof 6 days. supportintermodalcontainerAmerica, told AJOT that Maersk that problems still exist at the Port. state-of-the art fast river carrierHesaysthatthecurrentmoves between the Plaqueminessees great potential in the new RandyStrait,seniordirec- totransportimportcontainerscontaineronbargetechnologyPortandDallasutilizingtheAPMT/ Plaquemines venture.tor transportation meat and pork, Tyson Foods, says the company is a major exporter of proteins to Asia. He is worried that Tyson andthePortmayloseexport sales to Asia as a result of con-gestion,delaysandalackof reefer capacity at the Port.Susan Ransom is the client service manager for Stevedoring Services of America which runs Oakland International Container Terminal (OICT). She said SSA willbeimposingfeesoncon-tainersthatdwelltoolongon the terminal to encourage com-panies to pick up their boxes. Ransomsaidthathightruck dwelltimesatwarehousesare slowing the return of chassis and hurting our ability to move con-tainers out of the terminalWe are scrambling to repair chassis because of the shortageThe chassis shortage is dire.ScottTaylor,chairmanof harbortruckingcompanyGSC Logistics,saidhehadadis- customs brokers&freight forwardersturbingconversationwitha BCO (beneficial cargo owner), whoexpressedconcernaboutwww . jfmoran.com: 800.944.1041the future of the Port of Oakland iftheOaklandAsballparkis'