b'MARCH 14 - APRIL 3, 2022GEORGIA PORTS13(GROWcontinued from page 10) sizing its Berth 1, increasing on-dock TEUs of annual container spacearecapacity by 25 percent. In the spring playing as a supply chain relief valve.of 2023, the expanded berth will allow He also spoke to the nations truckerSavannahtosimultaneouslyserve shortage,andhowSavannahhasfour16,000-TEUvesselsaswellas reversed that trend by registering 80threeadditionalships.Therenova-new drivers a week to serve Gardentions will add an estimated 1.5 million City Terminal, or a total of 1,200 newTEUs per year of berth capacity.drivers and 370 new trucking compa- Anothergamechangerforthe nies just since November. Lynch alsoGPA is the Savannah Harbor Expan-detailedGPAsworkforcedevelop- sion Project, which will come online in ment effort, the YES+ program. Now,March. The deeper river channel will in addition to hiring new high schoolallow 16,000+ TEU vessels to take on graduates to work in maintenance andheavier loads and transit the river with container operations, GPA has broad- greater scheduling flexibility.enedtheprogramtoincludecareerThis project has been more than opportunitiesforyoungworkersin20 years in the making, Lynch said. other departments. Through it all, there has been strong Higherdemandforourser- supportacrossseveraladministra-vicesisthereasonwehaveexpe- tions, from the General Assembly and dited major expansions at the Port ofour congressional delegation. A spe-Savannah,saidGPABoardChair- cial debt of gratitude goes to the late man Joel Wooten. Georgias growingSenatorJohnnyIsakson,whoshep- With its Garden City Terminal already moving record levels of container trade, the Georgia Port manufacturing, distribution and retailherdedourharbordeepeningeffortsAuthoritys Port of Savannah is ticketed for a 60 percent container capacity expansion over the sectorswillmeanadditionalcargothrough the federal process. next three years.(Photo credit: Georgia Ports Authority/ Stephen B. Morton)through the Port of Savannah, driving the need for increased container han-dling capacity.The Savannah market added 6.5 million square feet of industrial spaceSimply World Classin2021,foratotalof84million, accordingtoColliersInternational. Savannah led the nation in terms of net absorption of overall inventory, so the vacancy rate remains at 2.3 per-cent. Another 17 million square feet arenowunderconstruction,lifting the market beyond 100 million square feettobetteraccommodateheight-ened cargo volumes.Lynchthankedthe1,200guests forcomingtothefirstliveStateof the Port since 2019, and congratulated them on persevering through the pre-vious, challenging year. The unprec-edented level of trade crossing GPAs docksisexpectedtocontinuewell into 2022, Lynch said.ToensureSavannahsabilityto handle these volumes, GPA is super-(TRENDScontinued from page 12)temperatureinformationforallthe goodstheyship.Ifadevicesship-ping environment begins to drift into unsafe temperature ranges, the system can automatically alert drivers, man-agers,andotherworkers.These employees can take immediate action to prevent spoilage. Forespeciallyhigh-valueitems, likepharmaceuticalsandvaccines,JIT Warehousing & Logistics is a proven leaderOver a quarter of a century in the import/export thistechnologycanbeavaluablein the warehousing and distribution industry. JITindustry, JIT offers world class warehousing, form of insurance. Whenever temper- operates throughout the United States movingtrucking, shipside delivery, intermodal services, atureexcursionsoccur,themonitorvarious commodities including steel and metalspecialty hauling, crane services, cross docking, can help ensure workers who can fixproducts, machinery, wood products, palletizedescort services and so much more. All Company the issue are aware of the threat.cargo, and more. owned equipment! If spoilage isnt preventable, dataJIT is your turn key, Just-In-Time operator.from these IoT devices can also makeOur Savannah, Georgia warehousing facilities it easier to determine fault or identifyconsist of over a million square feet of insideNow breaking ground on another 226,000 sq ft which items spoiled while in transit. storage and an additional 10 acres of outsideNorfolk Southern rail served warehouse, JIT h ow theC oldC haini sl ikely to storage. We are located only a half mile from thecomplexes can meet all your logistic needs.e volvet hisd eCade Georgia Port Authoritys Ocean Terminal and 3.5 Coldchainprofessionalsfacemiles from Garden City Terminal.significantchallengesandopportu-nities.Acombinationofchanging marketconditionsandIndustry4.0 innovations means the cold chain is primed for a transformation over the next few years.With changing consumer demands, the growing 3PL provider market and smart supply chain technology will help the cold chain reinvent itself through the866-522-2200end of the pandemic and beyond.Emily Newton is Editor-in-Chief216 East Lathrop Ave.PO Box 861Savannah, GA 31402912-201-0050Fax: [email protected] Revolutionized, she regularly covers how technology is changing the industry.'