b'MARCH 14 - APRIL 3, 2022NORTH AMERICAS TRANSPORTATION & LOGISTICS NE WSPAPER 23MARADs Lessley says ports will(WARcontinued fromgoingtohavetoreexam-page 4) inetheirsourcingmarkets like fruit will be exempt fromandlogistics.Whatwillbe receive $2 billion the ban. Or more to the point,theNewNormalforcold can it actually be shipped tochain in Cold War 2.0? It is Russia?Literallythesamefar too early to tell. But it is By Stas Margonanis, AJOT canalsobesaidforthequite clear that a return to a UkraineitselfandRussiaspre-February 22 ndperishables LucindaLessley,ActingHawaii and Puerto Rico. beanServices,TOTEMari- ally Belarus. marketplaceisnotgoingto Administrator for the U.S. Mar- timePuertoRicosaidthatForexample,insurancehappen soon.itime Administration (MARAD)C oMPanye xeCutives TOTEsdecisiontoinvestcoverfortheshipmentsis saidthatMARADwouldbeP rovidedt heseu Pdates : inLNGpoweredvesselsgoing to be increasingly dif-responsibleforawarding$2ChrisHamlin,Seniorearly on has now paid off. Heficulttosecure,particularly(ACTIVITYcontinued billion in funding created byVicePresident&Generalsaidthecompanywasablewith fewer ship calls to Russia.from page 20)thePresidentsBi-PartisanManager Pasha Hawaii, ThetoavoidmajordisruptionsBeyondthecargorisk,oceancargo coming into Vancouver, Infrastructure law through thePashaGroupreportedthatinitsPuertoRicoopera- carriersandcontainerlessorsnotenoughterminalcapac-PortInfrastructureDevelop- regular service to Hawaii hastions because employees hadthemselvesarereluctant(likeity and not enough trucks to ment Program (PIDP): Thebeen maintained although thefacedhurricanesandothertheirinsuranceproviders)tomove the cargos inland, the PIDP grants are awarded oncompany has had to contendemergenciesinthepastandrisk expensive equipment likeproject forwarder toldAJOT. acompetitivebasistoportwithsupplychaindisrup- sowerepreparedtooperatereefercontainersundertheseFindinglaydownfacilities projectsthatwillimprovetions on the West Coast andfrom their homes during thequasi-wartime conditions. for interim storage of project themovementofgoodsto,challenges from the COVIDCOVIDvirusandmaintainAnditisntjustperish- cargos in and around the exist-through and around ports. virus: If you look at the on- services to customers. We inablesheadingintoRussia.ing port facilities is the biggest LessleywasthekeynotetimearrivalsofourvesselsPuerto Rico have experiencedRussia is a major exporter ofchallenge faced by both termi-speakerattheCapitalLinkover the last two years, theysignificantgrowthandseafoodproducts($4.7bil- nal operators and importers.Jones Act&USFlagShip- are in line with the last fiveour services levels were notlionin2020),andthesaleBreakbulkcargoishan-ping Forum on February 24th. years. So, we have not seenaffected at all. Our personnelcouldsoonbebannedindled through one of two ter-ShesaidtheMARADa major disruption in vesselhadtogointoremoteworkEuropeandNorthAmerica.minals at the portthe closest had distributed $51 million todelays or cargo delays. HeandthiswasreallysmoothAnd with the ban on Russianandarguablymostcompeti-25marinehighwayprojectssaidtheJones ActservicesandfantasticYouhavetoowned and Russian held ves- tive gateway for project cargo forJonesservicesrangingaremoreinsulatedfromremember that our island hassels, its difficult from a prac- bound for western Canadian from tugs and barges to oceandisruptionsexperiencedingonethroughseveralissuesticalperspectivetoseehowresource projects.going vessels. internationaltradeservicesin the past in relationship tofish will be exported for pro- Thereiseasyaccessto Shenotedamajorsuc- becausecarrierssuchashurricanesearthquakesandcessingafteralltheytoo,extensiveroadconnections, cessoftheMarineHigh- Pasha have dedicated chas- others. So we really do havelikeoligarchyachtscouldaswellasestablishedcorri-wayprogram:Ouroldestsisinthefleet,dedicatedvery strong resiliency plans.be exposed to seizure.dors for overweight and over Marine Highway project thetruckersinthefleetandinSincethepandemicToteThe Port of Antwerp, whichdimensional project cargoes. James River Expansion proj- some cases dedicated termi- Puerto Rico has been operat- handledoveramillion TEUsCN and CP railways service ect moves tens of thousandsnals and berths. ingwithabouttwothirdofinreefers,hasaPerishableson-dock rail facilities at all 29 of trucks from the I-64 cor- JoelM.Wine,Seniorits employees working fromExpertise Group, composed ofterminals and provide service ridorbetweenRichmondVicePresidentandChieftheir houses highlevelstakeholdersinthetokeydestinationsacross andHamptonRoadsTheFinancialOfficer,Matson,MitchLuciano,Presi- perishables business. RecentlyNorthAmerica.BNSFand servicehasalsoattractedInc. echoed Hamlin that Jonesdent & CEO, Trailer Bridge,the group wrote in response toSouthern Railway of British 1,000 warehouse jobs to theActservicestoHawaiiandInc.saidthatamajorchal- the increasing pressure on theColumbia (SRY) links further region. Alaska have been operatinglengeforthecompanywascool chain, To be less affectedenhance these networks.Lessley said: the U.S. isextremelynormally.Therekeeping our people healthyby such disruptions in the logis- DPWorldFraserSurrey facing a shortage of marinershavebeensomeupsandandobservingallproto- ticschaininthefuture,youis a multi-purpose marine ter-withunlimitedtonnagecre- downs with labor availabilitycolstominimizeemploy- could look for shippers closerminal handling containers and dentials as such we are work- thatthathaveimpactedter- eestoCOVIDexposures.to home. This, of course, is notbreakbulkcommoditiessuch ingonthefiscalyear2022minal operations. Wine saidAsfarasserviceiscon- obvious in the case of tropicalasgeneralcargo,logs,steel, throughfiscalyear2026thatoneofthechallengescerned,Lucianosaid:Wefruits. Another solution is to bemachinery, and project cargo. marinerworkforcedevel- Matson faces going forwardalso serve Puerto Rico andless dependent on one maritimeLynntermistheconsolida-opmentplanandsupportisreducingitscarbonemis- theVirginIslandsandoneconnection. For example, yoution centre for forest products, marinerworkforcediversitysions on its ships and notedthing we have been able tocan import mangoes from bothsteel,andotherbreakbulk andworkplacesafety.Wethat three new ships the com- provideistheconsistency.India and Mexico. As such, youcommoditiesinthePacific anticipate this will help nur- panyplansonorderingwillIn the Jones Act you knowspread the risk and guaranteeNorthwest.Ithandleswood ture.astrongU.S.mer- be LNG powered. that ship is going to be thereprovisioning. pulp and paper, lumber, panel chant marine To attract theEduardoPagan,Viceon Monday and its going toThe Group is right. Bothproducts, steel products, proj-nextgenerationofmarinersPresident&GMCarib- be there on Wednesday. producersandbuyersareect cargo, and machinery.wehavetoensurethatour merchant marine reflects the diversityandvaluesofthe nation it serves.In addressing the issue of marinersafety,Lessleysaid MARADbrieflysuspended theU.S.MerchantMarine AcademySeaYearpro-gram in which students work alongside predominantly male crew members on ships. The suspensionoccurredafter a19-year-oldmidshipman reported being raped at sea.Lessleyexplained:We paused our Sea Year train-ing for a short period while we worked to improve safety andsupporttheculture ofrespectWepublicly announced a multipart plan to provide safety for all cadets andindeedforallmariners on commercial vessels.In other news, Jones Act carriers reported that they are weathering the challenges of higherprices,COVIDand supplychaindisruptionsin thedeliveryofcargoesto'