b'MARCH 14 - APRIL 3, 2022TEMPERATURE-CONTROLLED LOGISTICS 9(TRENDScontinued from page 4)AccordingtodatafromPHILADELPHIA, PA Deloitte,frozenfoodsalso(856-423-0700)sawsignificantgrowthinCHARLESTON, SC 2020,withsalesup21%(843-790-7878)compared to the year before. FreshandfrozenfoodMIAMI, FL itemsmaycontinuetoplay(305-493-3041)a much more important role than other product segments.NEW YORK / NEW JERSEYAs a result, cold chain logis-(908-258-0690)tics that can prevent spoiling while in transit may becomeNORFOLK, VA much more critical.DRAYAGE & TRUCKING SERVICES (757-673-8696)CannedandpackagedATLANTA, GA fooditemsmayplayaless(706-333-8747)importantroleformanufac-Local, Regional & Over the RoadHazardous Materialsturers. This could encourage Full Containers Heavy Overweight Containers JACKSONVILLE, FL them to invest in cold chain(904-475-2858)logisticssystemsand3PL Reefer ContainersTransload Servicesprovidersthatcanmanage United States Customs andBorder Protection Bonded Carrier TAMPA, FLtheir cold chain logistics. Owned Fleet of 40 & 20 Chassis & Specialized Tri-Axels for Overweight Containers (813-241-0035)3. i nnovations int eMPerature -C ontrolledP aCkagingM aterials NORTHSTAR TRANSPORT SERVICES DryicehaslongbeenAL IANNELLI | ext. 202 PHILADELPHIA, PA 19148 856-423-0700 JOE LOCASTRO | ext. 206thego-tomaterialforlogis- 856-423-0700 WWW.NSTRANSPORT.COM 856-423-0700ticsmanagersthatneedto keep items cold in transit. It remains crucialincluding fortheCOVID-19vaccine supply chainbut compa-niesseemtobelookingfor moreeconomicalandeffec-tivealternativestokeep goods cold.One new option from FedEx usesaliquidnitrogendry vaporproducttokeepitems between -150 to -195 C (-238 to -319 F) while in transit. The productismarketedtoward companiesshippingpharma-ceuticals that must be kept at ultra-cold temperatures. Otherbusinessesareoffer-ingphase-changematerials (PCMs),whichfreezeand melt at around the same tem-peratures needed by the prod-uctstheyprotect.APCM product is reusable, which can make them more economical thanothertemperature-con-trolled packaging materials.Thesenewofferingsare unlikelytocompletelydis-place dry ice in the near term. Still, they can provide a valu-able alternative for businesses experimenting with more effi-cientandcost-effectivetem-perature-controlled packaging. 4. n ewf oCus ont ransParenCy andt raCeabilityConsumers want to know where the goods they purchase comefromparticularly when buying food products. Concerns around product quality, environmental impact and ethics may be driving this trend. In addition to demand-ing environmentally friendly orethicallysourcedgoods, consumersalsowantproof thatbrandsareasgreenor sociallyconsciousasthey claim to be.This trend will likely be mostrelevanttobusinesses managing cold chain logistics for food and beverage manu-facturers. Still, all brands will (TRENDScontinued on page 12)'