b'2American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comWar in the Ukraine and change in the cold chain TEMPERATUREANewColdWarthreatenstodisrupttheColdCONTROLLED Chain. What will be the new normal for cold chain moving forward?RussiasBy George Lauriat, AJOT up in the Port ofLOGISTICSFebruary22ndnow plying invasionoftheUkrainehasRotterdam as Dutch customs effectively rebooted the Coldattempt to scan and ascertain War. And with Cold War 2.0the nature of the goods beinglike its predecessorcomesshipped. Technically, food and a myriad of challenges to themedicines are excluded from worlds economic order.the embargo. Though there are Globally, in response to thea number of reports that some Russian invasion of Ukraine,ocean carriers are not moving theU.S.andothernationsreefers of fruit to Russia. have deployed a broad rangeMaersk wrote in its Cus-ofsanctions,bans,frozentomer Advisory Number 7: assets,embargoes(aU.S.Maersk has now suspended Russianoilembargowasbookings to/from both Russia announced at this writing), andandUkraineuntilfurther financial actions designed tonotice.Exemptedfromthe isolate and punish Russia.(WARcontinued on Amongthesemeasurespage 4)wasthebanningofRussia fromusingtheSWIFT system, a messaging network that enables financial institu- DEDICATED. RELIABLE.tionstotransmitinformation andinstructionsthrougha standardized system of codesBUILT TO SERVEeffectivelycuttingRussian economicentitiesofffrom globalfinancialtransactions. Further, European Union (EU) members are contemplating a Ukrainian government requestFor more than 35 years, TOTE has provided that Russia be expelled from the World Trade Organizationreliable, twice-weekly deliveries to Puerto (WTO).Individually,nearlyRico - offering a best-in-class customer allthemajoroceancarriers likeMaerskandMSChaveexperience.announced that they will sus-pendshipcallstoRussia. NearlyallflightstoRussia have also been cancelled fur-thercuttingoffcontactsto therestoftheworld.Tobe sure there is still some freight flowing.Forexample,two majoreconomies,Chinaand India are not part of the U.S. ledcoalitionpressuringthe Russian Federation. WhatdoesthisRussia-Ukraine war and subsequent global maneuvering mean to theColdChain?TheRus-sianeconomyisrelatively modest,ranked11th,and theUkraineeconomyeven smaller at 77th. Nonetheless, thedisruptiontotheperish-able marketplace is still very significantasthedisplace-ment could persist long after the weapons of war go silent. P erishables : C haos inb oxesTheRussianinvasion andswiftnessoftheglobal responsecaughtperishable shippers by surprise. For key perishableportslikeRotter-dam,congestionisgrowing asshipmentsdestinedfor transhipmenttoRussiaare haltedbyembargoes,bans and curtailed services. For instance, reports that 300 containers of grapes from1.877.775.7447 @TOTE_MARITIMEIndiadestinedforRussia were stopped in transit.TOTEMARITIME.COM TOTE MARITIMEReefers typically forwarded toRussiandestinationsare'