b'APRIL 4 - 17, 2022N O R T H E A S TP O R T S 15New Bedford Foss Terminal opening to support offshore windThe Port of New Bedford will addinvestors of New Bedfords Cannon another base of operations and termi- StreetHoldingsLLC(CSH)to nallogisticsfacilitytosupportoff- developthe30-acresite.Andrew shore wind projects off MassachusettsSaunders,localcommercialoff-and the northeastern coast seaboard. shore marine industry attorney with TheformerSprague/EversourceCannonStreetHoldings,willserve site was selected for its proximity toasPresidentoftheNewBedford offshore wind blocks located approxi- Foss Marine Terminal.mately15milessouthofMarthasToday marks a big day for the VineyardandNantucketislands.Port of New Bedford and the City as The site will undergo redevelopmenta whole, said Saunders. The repur-overthenextyearandberenamedposing of this facility to support off-theNewBedfordFossMarineTer- shore wind has been a vision for many minal.Theterminal,slatedtoopenand it is great to see this project now in March 2023, will provide storagebegin to materialize. This day was and laydown yards for equipment andthe result of a lot of support from the materials, berth facilities for tug andmany key local and state government barge operations, and host crew trans- stakeholders as well as industry stake-fer vessel (CTV) and service opera- holders and we would not have gotten tion vessel (SOV) support services. Itto this point without this support. Both (INTERVIEWcontinued fromhere. We have had a huge advance- will create new office space for proj- Sprague and Eversource also helped page 12) ment and General Dynamics investedect teams and a marine coordinationgreatly in bringing this day to reality. mean in terms of the QDC? $800 million in building the facilitiescenter for technicians involved in off- Thank you to all involved.Steven KingIt means homethat were allowed to happen by virtueshore wind projects. TheNewBedfordFossMarine base for operations, for both the con- of the investment in the infrastructure. Foss is partnering with key local(OPENINGcontinued on page 16)struction of the wind farms, as well as the ongoing operations and main-tenance.YoumayknowtheBlockE B R A T I NIsland Wind Farm was the first proj- E L Gect built in the offshore waters here inCthe United States. And the operation andmaintenancecrewforthatfive turbine project is housed here across19 0-2020the [Quonset] business park. 2We like to look into the future, soOF Ewe can capture jobs for the long term.SERVICI mean the construction jobs are ter-rific but once the projects built, weSUCCESS STARTS WITH A WINNING TEAM!want to continue to have job oppor-tunities for our citizens here long into the future.ThehomeportingofthecrewSince our establishment in 1920, we haveWE OFFER OUR CUSTOMERS:transfer vessels is key to that. To bebeen providing our global customers aOn-site Storage and Multi-modal able to have berth space to accommo- premier level of service through superiorDistribution Servicesdate and service offshore vessels andhandling and performance, technological become just the logistic space for theadvancements, and a perpetual eyeCustomer Access to 24 hour Inventory Tracking supplies for both people, food, equip- on customer satisfaction. Also, we offer one Standard Berths and Ro-Ro Ramps are available ment,tools,materials.Everythingof the most cost effective and reliable labor Specially engineered Lifting Gear youre going to need to work some 15,forces in the North Atlantic. Container Transloading from / to Rail or Truck20 miles offshore building this project. On-site service provided by 2 Class I AJOTWhat are the goals longerWe have the ability to accommodate aRail Carriersterm? I mean, I think you alluded to themvariety of automobile, breakbulk, bulk,Efficient Distribution to Two Thirds of the already, in saying that you want to pro- container and forest products. Our United States and Canadian populations within tect and build these jobs. And obviouslydistinction, is based on our ability to closely48 - 72 Hours the commitment to offshore wind powercoordinate your Stevedoring, Warehousing is one aspect of that. Is this the soup toand Distribution Logistics. nuts type of vision that you have?Steven KingYes, for the actual windpart.Yeah,butImean,the businesspartitselfistremendously successful. We have over 210 compa-nies and more than 12,900 jobs here everyday,folksthatcometowork here. And weve been engaged with our largest tenant General DynamicsFOR MORE INFORMATION Electric Boat that builds the new sub- CONTACT US AT:marines for the Navy. You may know about that, but they are building a newJH STEVEDORING, INC. strategic, ballistic nuclear submarine,2147 South Columbus Blvd. whattheycalltheColumbia-classPhiladelphia, PA 19148submarine that will replace the Ohio- TEL: 215-218-3060FAX: 215-218-3078classstrategicsubmarinesthatwereWEB: www.jhstevedoring.combuilt here in the late 1980s.Weve been engaged in a program PENN WAREHOUSING & DISTRIBUTION, INC. for the last three or four years and QDC2147 South Columbus Blvd. has built $65 million of infrastructure.Philadelphia, PA 19148Most recently building a new pier toTEL: 215-218-3000accommodatetheirtransportbargeFAX: 215-218-3043that they had to construct special toWEB: www.pennwarehousing.commovetheColumbia-classmodules between both here and New London, Connecticut and Newport News, Vir-ginia. That project just got completed. And theres been tremendous growth. I mean, I can go back to days when we had around 5,000 employees working'