b'APRIL 4 - 17, 2022NORTH AMERICAS TRANSPORTATION & LOGIS TICS NEWSPAPER 7Northeast ports: Expanding infrastructure and seekingNORTHEAST PORTS 2022new opportunitiesNortheast ports are building with purpose as new infrastructure takes shape and new business oppor-tunities appear with offshore wind power.By George Lauriat, AJOTOneobservableindica- Port is estimated at 2.1 mil-tionofbusinessgoingwelllion TEUs. And it is estimated is the ordering of new equip- by 2026 the Port will hit ter-ment.Andnothingisquiteminalcapacity.InNovem-asobservableasagantryberof2021atatechnical crane. Port of Halifax, NovabriefingthePortupdated Scotia, PSA Halifax, part ofitsprocurementprocessto theSingapore-basedPSAenablebiddingonbuilding International group, arguablyand setting a timetable for the thelargestterminalopera- Portssixthcontainertermi-tor in the world, ordered twonal. Now, assuming there are additionalSuperPost-Pana- nohiccups,timelinemarks maxship-to-shorecontainerthescheduledoperational gantry cranes. The cranes aredate for late 2026 versus the due for delivery in early 2023(EXPANDINGcontinued to the PSA-Halifaxs Atlanticon page 10) The Evergreen Fortune docked at Massports Conley Terminal.Hub terminal. The new Super Post-Panamaxship-to-shore craneshaveanoutreachof 24-wide making them capableTHE BOSTON SHIPPING ASSOCIATION, INC ofspanningthelargestves-sels being deployed along the NorthAmericaneastcoast.HELPING CONNECT The cranes will be added to PSAHalifaxsmainberth alongside the five Super PostGOODS AND PEOPLE Panamaxcranescurrently deployed at the terminal. for2021wasagoodyearSINCE 1946thePortofHalifax,not that2020wasabadyear. Bothimportsandexport TEUs were up (302,912 +16.8% and292,839+17.2%).The total was a good sign as they hadnt eclipsed 550,000 TEU since2017(559,242TEU). Inarelease,JanVanMos-sevelde,CEO,PSAHalifax tidily summed up the advan-tages of the Port by stating: Asthefirstportofcallon North Americas east coast for shipstransitingtheAtlantic from Europe and South Asia, PSA Halifax offers an uncon-gestedgatewayforimport-ers in Canada and the United States Besides the location, The PortofHalifaxsmaincall-ingcardistheon-dock-rail whichenablescargotobe shifted quickly to markets to theWestparticularlythe U.S. Midwest. The Port also received an unexpected boost when labor strikes in the rival PortofMontrealin2021 also resulted in a portion of Hapag Lloyds volumes being rerouted to Halifax. InmanywaysthePort ofMontrealisconsidered the gateway to the U.S. Mid-west.ThePortslocation over a thousand miles up the SaintLawrenceRiverfromOn behalf of its maritime employer members, the Boston Shipping Association (BSA) carries out its mission by facilitating the Atlantic has always beencollaboration between its members, labor unions and maritime stakeholders and by negotiating and administrating union an advantage, albeit weighedcollective bargaining agreements. Through its actions the BSA seeks to encourage the protection and growth of traditional against the rivers depth andmaritime industries in the Port of Boston and emphasize the safety of those industries and their workers. iceduringthewinter.The problem in recent years is that the Ports terminals are nearly maxed out. In 2021, Montreal posted1,728,114TEUandWWW.BOSTONSHIPPINGASSOC.COM theoverallcapacityforthe'