b'18American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comMSC adds new container serviceCalifornia Ports support floating through JAXPORTMediterraneanShippingCo.lic;FortLauderdale,Fla.;andoffshore wind development(MSC)isnowofferinganewJacksonville. SSA Atlantic will Caribbeancontainerserviceprovide stevedoring services atBy Stas Margonanis, AJOTthroughtheJacksonvillePortBlount Island.Authority(JAXPORT),whereThisserviceexpandsourThe State of California is developing regula- and Port Director, The Port of Hueneme and Larry it currently operates three otherglobal reach by growing trans- tory strategies to support the development of twoOetker, Executive Director, Humboldt Bay Harbor services.MSCsFloridaGulfshipment opportunities betweenoffshore floating wind farms planned for NorthernDistrict emphasized the importance of ports in sup-FeederrotationconnectsJack- Jacksonvilleandeverymajorand Central California. Californias ports will beporting offshore wind development.sonville to major transshipmentportintheworld,saidJAX- providing infrastructure and supply chain support. On May 14th, Governor Gavin Newsom com-hubs in the Dominican RepublicPORT CEO Eric Green. We areKaren Douglas, Senior Advisor Energy, withmitted$20millioninCaliforniasproposedFY and The Bahamas. gratefulforthestrongpartner- theOfficeofCaliforniaGovernorNewsomand2021-22 budget as a down payment to spur off-Theservicebeginscallingship with MSC and thank themCourtneyVaccaro,Commissioner,Californiashore wind power.the SSA Jacksonville Containerfor growing their business andEnergy Commission discussed the impact of Cali- Of this allocation, $11 million is earmarked as a Terminal(JCT)atJAXPORTsthe jobs and economic impact itfornia Assembly Bill 525 that requires the Califor- match for $55 million U.S. Department of Transporta-BlountIslandMarine Terminalsupports in Jacksonville. nia Energy Commission to create 2030 and 2045tion funds that will fund the offshore wind facility at with the arrival of the containerTheFloridaGulfFeedergoals for offshore wind power. Humboldt Bay. The total grant is $66 million.ship MSC Reet II on April 12. complements MSCs existing ser- ThepresentationsweremadeatthePacificOetker, toldAJOT: This is a game-changer TheportrotationisFree- vice from Jacksonville to FreeportOffshore Wind Summit held in San Francisco onfor Humboldt Bay. After we lost a lot of our timber port,Bahamas;RioHainaandthroughitsCanadaGulfBridgeMarch 29th. business in the 1990s, we also lost a lot of our Caucedo,DominicanRepub- and Bahamas Express services.Experiences from the oil and gas industry havemaritime business. This will change with the off-helped develop designs for floating wind turbinesshore wind portWe are very grateful to the Biden which will be deployed off the coast of CaliforniaAdministration and to Governor Newsom.(WELCOMEScontinuede-commerce port in the nation. because of its deep offshore seabed that will requireOetker said that the environmental reviews for from page 13) WelcomingthenewZIMfloating turbines be anchored to the ocean floor. permitting the wind farms off Humboldt Bay will OncetheOSRVMAINEservicetoSeagirtMarineTer- KnutAanstad,VicePresidentofU.S.andtake 3-4 years and so a similar timeline is expected RESPONDER,thenewcraftminalisanexampleofcon- Americas, Equinor ASA, David Anderson, Seniorfor the construction of the new port.was made available by MarinetinuedgrowthforthePortofVicePresidentforRenewablesGrowth,BPandAs part of the initial phase of the project, the SpillResponseCorporationBaltimore, said Vice PresidentJamesCotter,VicePresident,OffshoreWindexisting 6-acre Redwood Marine Terminal would after years of searching by theofPortsAmericaChesapeakeAmericas, Shell New Energies U.S. discussed howbe completely replaced with a new modern heavy-Sandy Hook Pilots for the rightBayardHogans.Theirshipsoil and gas experiences were helping to developinglift terminal, and eel grass and other impacts would vessel to replace the aging P/Bwill enhance direct service andfloating wind turbines. be mitigated, Oetker said.NEWYORK. AfullstudyofincreasecapacityfromSouth- AanstadsaidthefloatingturbineswereaBurnsnotedthatthePortofCoosBayhas the OSRV was conducted witheast Asiaincreasing volumes,proven technology that could be deployed off theextensivelandtosupportawindfarmportand surveysoftheentirevesselproduction, e-commerce and ourcoast of California. Decas said that the Port of Hueneme has extensive includingseatrialsofasisterglobal reach at the port. In2017,Equinoropenedthefirstfull-scaleinland warehousing near the Port that could support vessel on pilot station to com- TheadditionofZIMfol- floatingoffshorewindfarm,HywindScotlandwind farm development.pare seakeeping and ship han- lowstworecentcontainerser- which generates 30MW of wind power. Matt Arms said the Port of Long Beach was dling capabilities to the presentvices that recently began at thePaulaMajor,VicePresident,U.S.Offshoreinterested in supporting wind farm development but station boats. Port of Baltimore: a new South- Wind,MainstreamRenewablePowersaidshewas constrained by its container terminal operations.eastAsia,VietnamandChinawas hopeful that the first offshore wind turbinesSeveral participants noted the success of the e nd of Ane rA serviceonMaerskandanewwould be deployed off the California coast in 2030. New Jersey Wind Port.Thenow-retiredP/BNEWIndian Subcontinent and Medi- PatriciaDiOrioheadstheNorthAmericanThefacilitylocatedinSalemCountybroke YORK was always On Stationterranean service through Medi- Offshore Project Development for Orsted. She saidground in September 2021.forpilots,whoseguidanceandterranean Shipping Co.that stakeholder involvement needs to occur earlyAccording to a Salem County report, the Wind safe navigation skills have a longInSeptember,Marylandson in the project development process. Portwillprovidealocationforessentialstaging, tradition, upon which the maritimePort of Baltimore welcomed fourShe added that wind port development neededassembly, and manufacturing activities related to off-industrystakeholderswithintheadditionalsupersized,Neo-Pan- to be supported by ports and that the supply chainshore wind projects on the East Coast. At full build-port have come to depend.amax container cranes as part ofwill require training and pre-training. out, the Wind Port has the potential to create up to Thevesselproudlyserveda $166 million investment madersted operates the Block Island Wind Farm,1,500 manufacturing, assembly, and operations jobs, NewYork/NewJerseyHarborbyPortsAmericaChesapeakeoff the coast of Rhode Island, Americas first off- and drive billions of dollars in economic growth.as a prominent fixture that shipsat the Seagirt Marine Terminal.shore wind farm, Theportwillbeanassemblypointforthe callingthebi-stateportcouldThe cranes are undergoing thor- ArneJacobson,Director,SchatzEnergywindmilltowers,whichalsoincludesitsrotors, always find reliable. But in addi- ough testing and are expected toResearch Center, said that developing transmissionnacelles,andblades. Thefinishedstructuresare tion to its traditional duties, thebe operational next month. Thecapacity was another critical priority and this wastransported upright and are too heavy and tall for boat, built in 1972 and designednew cranes will serve the Portscomplicated by the deep sea depths of the Pacificland transport. This was one reason the site located byM.Rosenblatt&Sons,thesecond 50-foot-deep berth, whichOceanthatthefloatingwindturbineswouldbeat the mouth of the Delaware Bay.now-retiredP/BNEWYORKwas completed last year. Havinganchored in. The wind port also recently announced it had served multiple roles and manytwodeepberthswillallowtheMatt Arms, Director, Environmental Planning,received offers for leases from six of the largest tur-pilotsactiveandretiredspentPorttoservetwosupersizedPortofLongBeach,JohnBurns,CEO,Oregonbine manufacturers and offshore wind developers countless hours aboard trainingcargo ships simultaneously. International Port Coos Bay, Kristin Decas, CEOin the world.as apprentices. The new Seagirt berth andACL AJOT_SailSchedule_2020_ACL2/27/209:33 AMPage 1Overthelast50years,craneswillcomplementthe thevesselassumedvitalrolesCSX-ownedHowardStreetOduring some of the worst daysTunnel expansion project whichONNEESSHHIIPPinthehistoryofthiscountry,willallowfordouble-stacked including the September 11 ter- containerrailcars,clearinga rorist attacks in 2001. For twolongtimehurdleforthePort weeks,theP/BNEWYORKand giving the East Coast seam-servedasthemainCommandless double-stack capacity fromC onCo nttaaiinneerrss,,RROORROO,,BBrreeaakkbbuullkkCCaarrggooCenter for public agencies suchMainetoFlorida.Theproject as the US Coast Guard, the Newinvolvesclearanceimprove-YorkPoliceDepartment,thementsinthe126-year-old Fire Department of New York,tunnelandat21otherloca-the FBI and first responders. tionsbetweenBaltimoreand Philadelphia.Withthetunnel expansionproject,Baltimore (NEWcontinued fromwillbeabletosenddouble page 17) stacked containers by rail into LongshoremensAssociationthe Ohio Valley and onto Chi-labor force, said MDOT MPAcago.Groundbreakingonthe ExecutiveDirectorWilliamP.projectoccurredinNovember Doyle. ZIM is one of the top2021 and the project is sched-ocean carriers in the world, anduled to be completed in 2025.A SERVICE AL1 SERVICE AL2 SERVICE RORO Customer Servicewere pleased to welcome themThe Howard Street Tunnel proj- Cuto Friday Cuto Thursday Cuto Monday 877-918-7676Export Customer ServicetoBaltimore.Withouraddi- ect benefits from public-privateFROM NEW YORK LOLO RORO LOLO LOLO 800-225-1235tional ultra-large, Neo-PanamaxinvestmentfromthefederalTO Transit Time Transit Time Transit Time Transit Time Export Documentation cranes, our future double-stackgovernment,Maryland,CSX,ANTWERP 1620 18888-802-0401rail capabilities and an incred- and others, and is expected toDUBLIN 12Import Customer Serviceible network of regional distri- increase the Ports business byBELFAST 13888-802-0403GTEBORG 21 bution,fulfillmentandsortingabout 160,000 containers annu- HAMBURG 13 17 15 22 Logisticscenters, Baltimore is extremelyally. It will also generate aboutLE HAVRE17 866-821-7449well-positionedtocontinue6,550 construction jobs and anLIVERPOOL 9 13 Credit & Collectionsgrowingourcontainerbusi- additional 7,300 jobs from theLONDON GATEWAY20 19 888-225-7747ness and serving as number oneincreased business. ROTTERDAM11 20'