b'16American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comai161711257751_BaltiMORE.pdf 1 3/30/2021 9:56:18 AM(EXPANSIONcontinued fromwhich point a medium-size heavy lift page 6) vessel (HLV) would lift and upend cannotsurviveononlythegatewaytheOWTassembly.Thisinstal-traffic of Uruguay, said Vandecauter. lationmethodwouldeliminatetheBaltiMORE Uruguayhasjust3.5millionheight constraints required for trans-people,oneofthesmallestpopula- porting towers vertically and obviate tionsinallofLatinAmerica.Thatthe need for huge heavy-lift vessels to population base doesnt need all thatbe deployed in offshore wind installa-many cars, computers, and televisiontions. That would also reduce instal-sets. In global terms, its exports arelation costs, an important factor, the modest as well, largely meat, grains,articlenoted,inthehigh-cost,low-and cellulose, used for paper.margin offshore wind industry. Instead,MontevideocompetesTransporting offshore wind towers withothernearbyportsinArgen- horizontallycouldhavetheeffect tina and Brazil for trade in the threeofmakingmoresitesintheUnited countries as well as landlocked Para- States available as potential marshal-guay.Tradeisbecomingmoreanding ports. The Energy Journal article more regional. That competition willconcluded that the 150 gigawatts of heighten over time, as shipping linesstate and federal offshore wind capac-consolidate and move into ever-largerityplannedby2050yieldsmore Cvessels,Shipswillreduceportsofdemandformarshalingareathanis call and favor those that are the mostcurrently available or planned. The Mmodernandthemostefficient.(seecountry now suffers from a shortage Ysidebar, page 4). of marshaling areas, the article noted.CMTheU.S.hasjustoneoffshore-MYwind marshaling port in operation, the (CRUCIALcontinued from page 8) New Bedford Marine Commerce Ter-CYBut the Energy Policy article makesminal,inMassachusetts,originallyWELCOMECMYclearthatSouthBrooklynMarinedesignedforthesmallCapeWind KTerminalcannotbuildorshipoutproject in Nantucket Sound. Now,to the Port of Baltimoreuprighttowersnorfully-assembledthe article noted, New Bedford has turbinesbeen leased to help marshal the signif-The Equinor spokesperson assuredicantly larger Vineyard Wind 1 proj-theAJOT that there will be enoughect,an84-turbineprojectoffshore clearancetotransportcomponents,Massachusetts,butduetolimitedOn-dock railincludingtowers,fromtheSouthport area, parts will have to be mar- Robust real estate growthBrooklynMarineTerminalundershaled among three regional ports to the Verrazzano Bridge to the Empireaccommodate the projects size. Second 50-ft deep ber th under construction ter 2022Second 50-ft deep berth operational during first quarWind lease area. That suggests thatThe need to use three ports for a the towers are not going to be trans- single project, the study concluded,Double stack rail coming soonported vertically.alreadydemonstratesashortageofLess than two miles to Interstate 95ANewYorkStatedocument,U.S.marshalingportsofsufficient Assessment of Ports and Infrastruc- areaformodernturbineandproj- Access to 2/3 of the U.S. population within 24 hoursture, part of its offshore wind masterect sizes. It also increases Vineyard plandevelopedin2017,suggestedWindinstallationcosts,logisticalmarylandports.com | 1.800.638.7519 |asolutionwhenitconcludedthatchallenges,andthetimerequired,Governor Larry HoganMDOT Secretary James F. Ports, Jr.MDOT MPA Executive Director William P. DoyleGovernor Larry Hogan MDOT Secretary Gregory Slater MDOT MPA Executive Director William P. Doylethe vertical clearance for vessels towhilealsocomplicatingportavail-safely navigate below the Verrazzanoabilityforotherprojectssettobe Bridge would require some compo- deployed within the same region and(OPENINGcontinued fromofNewBedford.Thenewterminal nents to be transported horizontally.time period. page 15) willsolidifythePortsstatusasthe The documented also concluded thatAt 73 acres, SBMT is over twoTerminal is perfectly situated to supportEast Coasts leader in offshore wind, SBMT may be used as a staging andand a half times the size of the 29-acreoffshorewindprojectsontheEastcomplement our fishing industry, and installationfacilityiftheoffshoreNew Bedford. By solving the naggingCoast,saidJasonChilds,Presidentcreate opportunities for our residents, contractorweretoadoptalternativeclearanceissue,theSBMTprojectandCEOofSaltchukMarine.WeMayor Mitchell said. I congratulate installation strategies. points the way for the development ofappreciate the vision of the City andAndrew Saunders and Fosss parent, A2017articleintheJournalmore acreage to satisfy the growingPort of New Bedford and the vital roleSaltchuk Marine, for their skillful and ofMarineScienceandApplicationdemandforoffshore-windmarshal- they are playing in making this projectpersistent effort to close this impor-describes a process by which a cargoing ports, which, in the words of thea success, added Childs. tant deal.barge would transport offshore windEnergyJournalarticle,isthemostNew Bedford Mayor Jon Mitch- Congratulations to Andrew, John turbine tower (OWT) assemblies inchallenging type necessary for large- ell lauded the announcement. We areand Lou at CSH and Foss for acquir-the horizontal position to the site atscale deployment of OSW turbines. thrilled to welcome Foss to the Porting the Sprague and Eversource sites and building a marine terminal there to support the offshore wind companies. Todays announcement of the acquisi-tion for a new marine terminal brings NewBedfordanotherstepcloserto realizing the economic and environ-mental benefits of the offshore wind industry and the citys role within it. This is an exciting day for New Bed-ford and the SouthCoast region, and the role our city will continue to play inoffshorewinddevelopmentand renewableenergy.saidlocalState representativeAntonioF.D.Cabral (DNewBedford)whosedistrict includes the property.Re-dedication of this local port facilityinNewBedfordtoprovide support services for the coming Mas-sachusettswindrenewableindus-trywillprovidejobsandeconomic growthwhilecomplementingthe existing fishing, shipping and recre-ational maritime users in the harbor, said local Representative Bill Straus (D-Mattapoisett),whosedistrict includesbothportcommunitiesof NewBedfordandFairhaven.Rep. (OPENINGcontinued on page 17)'