b'AUGUST 29 - SEPTEMBER 25, 2022NORTH AMERICAS TRANSPORTATION & LOGISTICS NEWSPAPER27Port Milwaukee works on present, plans for future MIDWESTare key to PortBy Tad Thompson, AJOT forthisandotherPORTS 22Resiliency and reinvestmentmarkets Milwaukeesproducts. operating strategy. Tindall-Schlicht said DDGs AdamTindall-Schlicht,shipped from his port is sourced directorofPortMilwaukee,from ethanol plants in Wisconsin, has developed immediate tradeIowa,andMinnesota.Key growth,whilealsoplanningglobalmarketsforDDGs for this Wisconsin facility toareinnorthernandwestern be the Great Lakes premiereEurope,northAfrica,and port for the next 50 years.Mediterranean Basin countries. Futureserviceatthe d eVeloPing Ag exPorts facility will also include the In 2019, Port MilwaukeeexportofWisconsin-grown was among the first ports tosoybeans, corn, and grain. receivea$16millionPort InfrastructureDevelopmentP lAnning For the nextProgram grant from the U.S.50yeArDepartment of TransportationTindall-Schlicht,whos Maritime Administration. servedasPortMilwaukees For Port Milwaukee, thisdirectorsinceAugust2018, partiallyfundsanew$35(PLANScontinued on millionagricultureexportpage 28)facility.Constructionstarted in2021andwillbefully operationalbythesummer of 2023. In August, Tindall-Schlichtreportedthatthe construction was on budget Adam Tindall-Schlicht, director of Port Milwaukeeand on time.Beyond the federal grant, thisfuturefacilitysfund-ing came from the Wisconsin DepartmentofTransporta- Where everything is biggertion, Port Milwaukee, and The DeLong Company, Inc.networking, project cargo DeLongsparticipation makesthisapublic-private investment project, which isdeals and Texas hospitalityexpected to increase Milwau-kees ag exports by 400,000 metric tons annually, accord-ing to Tindall-Schlicht.BasedinClifton,WI,SEPTEMBER 27-29, 2022DeLong is a sixth-generationGEORGE R. BROWN CONVENTION CENTER | HOUSTON, USAagribusinessfirm,withsix divisions:agronomy,grain and transportation. The new agricultural export facility,accordingtotheport, will be one of the first on the GreatLakes-St.Lawrence Seaway system to handle var-ious agricultural commodities by truck, rail, and international vessel.Foremostamongthe commodities is dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGs). DDGs are an ethanol byprod-uct,creatingahighlydesir- Go Big. Register Now.able,high-nutrientfoodforamericas.breakbulk.comlivestock worldwide. Milwaukees new ag facil-itywillopenWisconsins maritimeandagricultural economies to new international'