b'AUGUST 29 - SEPTEMBER 25, 2022INTERMODAL9AFL-CIO transportation head says labor/shipper coalition supports tougher regulation of railroadsBy Stas Margaronis, AJOTTheheadoftheAFL- andinoperationsforcingmany ways. We are working CIOTransportationTradesservicereductionsaswelltogethertowardashared Department(TTD)saysaas higher prices for shippersgoal of a robust, efficient and coalitionoflaborunionsobligatedtotransporttheireffective freight rail network andshippersinagriculture,goodsbytruckratherthanthat can meet the needs of our1energyandchemicalslowercostrail:Weareatcountry while paying peopleW U.S 1U.SRaiRaillTraTrafffficicWeeeekk3333,,22002222EEnnddeeddAAuugguusstt2200,,22002222supportsgivingtheSurfaceastageinourstorywherewhat theyre worth. Thisis W Weeeekk Yeaar-To- 2Th Ye r-To-DateDateTransportationBoard(STB)youcannotbifurcatesomeRegan cited the StatementTo 2 Cars vs 2021 Cumulative Avvgg//wwkk 2 vs 2021Cars vs 2021 Cumulative A vs 2021strongerpowerstoregulateofthelaborstrugglesthatOfPrinciplesAndProposalTotatallCarloCarloaadsds 23377,,440044 2.9 7,,660066,,664488 23300,,550044 0.02.9%% 7 2 0.0%%Chemmiiccaallss 333,,003388 2.2 1,,111111,,441122 333,,667799 3.7Che 3 2.2%% 1 3 3.7%%the nations railroads we are experiencing with theRegarding Freight Rail ServiceCoall 688,,228800 1 6.8 2,,114488,,993366 655,,111199 3.4%Coa 6 6.8%% 2 6 3.4%FaarrmmPPrroodduuccttsseexxccllGGrraaiinn,,aannddFFoooodd 17 14433%% 53377,,555566 16,,229900 3.9%%F 17,,003311InaninterviewwithbroadereconomicstrugglesIssuesAndTheCommonForeressttProProdduucctsts 9,,998877 1.1 5 16 3.9Fo 9 1.1%% 32255,,335533 9,,885599 -1.6.6%%3 9 -1AJOT, Greg Regan, presidentthat the shippers are seeing.CarrierObligationsignedGrain 20,,997744 15566%% 73 22 -5.5.5%%Grain 20 1 7311,,999999 22,,118822 -5M 22,,227700 -5 6 2 -7Meetatalllliicc Ores Ores a anndd M Meetatallss 22 -5.3.3%% 69900,,884422 200,,993355 -7.1.1%%oftheTransportationTradesI think there is an increasedbylaborunionsandmajorMoototor Ver Vehhiicclleess a anndd Pa Partsrts 13 0.1 1 42299,,001199 13 -0.6.6%%M 13,,999933 0.1%% 4 13,,000011 -0Dept., AFL-CIO,representingawarenessofthatfrombigshippersstating:ServiceNoonnmmeettaalllliiccMMiinneerraallss 33 1.4 1,,002233,,660044 31 -1 4.4N 33,,555500 1.4%% 31,,001188 4.4%%Petrotrolleeuumm a anndd Pe Petrotrolleeuumm Pro Prodduucctsts 9,,668811 -6.1.1%% 31122,,112288 9,,445588 -111.4.4%%Pe 9 -6 3 9U.S.transportationworkersbusinessinthiscountry.providedbythemajorU.S.To Other 2 8,600 -18.5% 8 295,799 2 8,964 -9.1%Other 8,600 -18.5% 295,799 8,964 -9.1%said:IfyouwouldhaveIthinkthatthereissomeClassIfreightrailroadshasTotatallInIntetermormodadallUnitsUnits 26644,,114444 -2.4.4%% 8,,770077,,665533 26633,,886688 -5.5.5%%-2 -5TotatallTraTrafficffic 50011,,554488 0.1 16 49944,,337733 -3.0.0%%To 5 0.1%% 16,,331144,,330011 4 -3askedmefiveyearsagoifgrowing recognition that our(SUPPORTScontinued on1 ExxcclluuddeessUUSSooppeerraattiioonnssooffCCaannaaddiiaannPPaacciiffiicc,,CCNNaannddGGMMXXTTmyorganizationwouldbestruggleistheirstruggleinpage 12) 1 E2 A2 AvveerraaggeeppeerrwweeeekkffiigguurreessmmaayynnoottssuummttoottoottaallssaassaarreessuullttooffiinnddeeppeennddeennttrroouunnddiinnggsigningajointstatementTrendTrends, s, 20202222vvs 2021s 2021ofprincipleswithshippingUnited StatesUnited Statesorganizations, big agriculture,TotatallCarloCarloaadsds Th 299%%To T hiissWWeeeekk 2big energy and big chemicalChemmicicaallss YeeaarrTTooDDaattee 222%%Y 2organizationsIwouldhaveChe 6Coall 688%%told you that you are out ofCoa 14Farm Products and Food 1433%%your mind but that is what weFarm Products and Foodhave done here. Forest Prt Producoductsts 111%%Fores 115Grraaiinn 1566%%GM -5MeettaalllliiccOOrreessaannddMMeettaallss - 533%%Moto r Vehihiccleless a andnd Pa Partsrts 011%%M otor Ve 0CAPACITYNonmetallic Minerals -2 -1 855%% -1 -6. 1% -2 0% 0 144%% 100%% 155%% 200%% 255%%Nonmetallic Minerals 1Petrole -6.1%Petroleumum a andnd Prod ProducuctstsOtherr - 18OtheGreg Regan, president of theWHERE YOUTotatallTraTraffifficc -255%% -2 -155%% -1 -244%% 0% 011%% 1 1 2 2 1TotatallInInteterrmmododaallToTo-3 -200%% -100%% -5%% 5%-300%% -5 5%Transportation Trades Dept., AFL-CIO NEED IT. Weeekklyly Ra Raililroaroad d TraTrafficffic CopyCopyrighright At AAAR, 2R, 2002222 1Wer Ails trikeu nlikelyOn the issue of a possible rail strike, Regan is optimistic thatdifferencesbetween unions and the railroads will be resolved: I expect withinEach Depot thenextcoupleofdays,FeaturesthePresidentwillissueanLoad Lifts executiveorderestablishingfor Stacked aPresidentialEmergency21 and Wheeled Board(PEB)[notethePEBOperationswasissuedonJuly15 th ] which will prevent any work actionfromtherailroadsor the union. DEPOT He said: The Board wouldLOCATIONShave30daystolookatthe contractdisputebetween thetwosidesandissue recommendations for what itSolves capacity challenges for sees as a fair contract for theThe Marino Groupshippers, freight forwarderstwosides.Fromthere,thetackles terminaland truckers partiescannegotiatearoundcongestion crisis withAlleviates terminal congestion thePEBrecommendationsnew loaded containerFacilities swift movement ofthatwillencourageanimport-loaded andagreement. Thatiswhatthestorage solution. export-loaded containers unionswant:theywantaReduces pressure on thecontractthattheirmemberswarehouses and rail yards will ratify. So, I dont think a strike is imminent. Frees up much-needed chassisg rowingl ABors hiPPerd eMAndF ort ougherr AilroAdr egulAtionRegansaidthesupply chaincrisisfollowingtheTake advantage of the storage space while it is still available.pandemichasresultedin843-200-8349www.mrs-cmc.commassive dislocations in [email protected] the nations railroads who have cut back on employees BSYA Marino Group Ad 21 Depot 8x10 AJOT.indd 1 8/18/22 10:46 AM'