b'30American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comPOH_127_x_152.qxp_(AJOT)09.07.2113:46Seite 1(HALALcontinued from page 29)Journal of Transportation. Turkish Airlines and other Middle Eastern carriers offload a large volume of halal cargo at European airports - GermanhalalexportersarekeentoYOUR PORTbreakintonewmarkets;traditional halal-product exporting nations such asTurkey,Malaysia,SaudiArabia, UAE, etc. are keen to build up a cus- JUST ONE CLICK AWAY.tomer base in Europe, particularly in Germany.Malaysia,forexample, evenorganizesaspecialhalaltrade show called MIHAS; it will be held this year in Kuala Lumpur from Sep-tember 7 to September 10.Malaysian Consul General in Frankfurt, h AlAl As AB usinessV Alue Farzamie SarkawiP roPosition AgriculturalSociety;andRomzi The Frankfurt office of MATRADE,Sulaimen,SeniorManager,Interna-MalaysiasofficialtradepromotiontionalCooperation,HalalDevelop-agency, recently made a strong pitchmentCorporation.TheMalaysian for MIHAS 2022 through a webinarConsulGeneralinFrankfurt,Farza-it recently organized in Frankfurt withmie Sarkawi, who opened the webinar, the participation of 45 business repre- described halal as a business valuePORTOFHAMBURG.COMsentatives. The webinar called Halalpropositionthatappealsuniversally as a Catalyst of Innovation and Sus- as it is aimed at ensuring the highestPort of Hamburg Marketing tainabilityforManufacturers,waslevel of care in product manufactur- Pickhuben 6, 20457 Hamburg, Germany jointly organized with the Hannoveringnot only in refraining from usingPhone: +49 40 377 09-0 Chamber of Commerce; Hannover isforbidden ingredients but in caring forE-Mail: [email protected] the venue of a trade show calledtheenvironment,socialwell-being HalalHannoverdedicatedexclu- and good governance. sively to the halal industry.Zuhaila Sedek said that the halal Thewebinarspeakersincludedindustry was a multi-billion industry ZuhailaSedek,MATRADETradewiththeconsumershavingastrong Commissioner in Frankfurt; Prof. Ir.purchasingpower.In2021,the Dr. Yus Aniza Yusof, Deputy Directorspending of the global Muslim popu-at Halal Products Research Institute,lationwasvaluedatUS$2trillion, University Putra Malaysia; Prof. Dr.and the value is projected to grow to(CAUTIOUScontinued fromthanwagegainserodinghouse-KatharinaRiehnfromtheGermanUS$2.8 trillion in 2024, as indicatedpage 23) holds purchasing power.by the 2022 State of the Global IslamicFormer President Donald TrumpSoaring inflation has eroded sup-Economy Report. In Germany, halalimposedtariffsonmorethan$300portfortheBidenadministrationin isseenasavaluepropositionthatbillion in Chinese imports from 2018publicsurveys,endangeringDemo-has a lot of similarities with organicafteraninvestigationconcludedcraticfortunesinNovembersmid-and vegan products and can serve theChina stole intellectual property fromterm congressional elections.demand of between 5.3 and 5.6 mil- American companies and forced them lion Muslims living in the country,to transfer technology.shemaintained,andurgedGermanThe duties covered goods includ- (STRATEGIEScontinued from businessestopartnerwithMalaysiaingindustrialinputssuchasmicro- page 26)in innovation and sustainable supplychipsandchemicals,andconsumerdriverswhoprefertoself-determine chain management.merchandise such as apparel and fur- their trucking enterprises.However, Malaysia faces compe- niture.WhiletheresbeennodirectFinally,maritimedockworkers titionfromotherMuslimcountries,indicationofwhichdutiesmaybeand airport ground handling employ-particularly Turkey, Saudi Arabia, andremoved,senioradministrationoffi- ees have been an indispensable asset the UAE; the national airlines of thesecialshavesaidreducingtariffsonin keeping our supply chains opera-countriesareworkingcloselywithhouseholditemscouldhelpeaseational,despitedirecircumstances local halal food exporters to promotesurge in the US cost of living. duetothepandemic.AstheU.S. theirexportstoGermanyandotherConsumer prices climbed 8.5% inWestCoastmaritimelabornegotia-Europeancountries.TheirsuccessJuly from a year before, down fromtionscontinue,forwardershopethe Zuhaila Sedek, MATRADE Tradewilldependontheefficacyoftheirthe four-decade high of 9.1% in June,new agreement will encourage more Commissioner supply chain networks.but still a pace that remains far fasterworkerrecruitmentatthosefacili-ties and realize that for our nation to remaincompetitive,thedocksand airports must have adequate staffing to operate efficiently. Further, govern-mentsneedtoexpeditethesecurity credentialingprocess,minimizing accessbadgewaitingtimes,thereby getting new employees to work faster.Thesesuggestionswillnotsolve the labor challenges facing the freight transportationindustrytodaybutiniti-ating improvements within each mode mayprovebeneficial.Makingcrucial changesinrecruitingandretaining supplychainworkersisaworthwhile goal for the freight industry and essen-tial to achieving global competitiveness.(PROFESSIONALScontinued from page 29)is complex. And has now evolved to includetechnologiesasanessential feature of each phase of an employees customs brokers&freight forwarders life cycle. From day-one onboarding to www . jfmoran.com: 800.944.1041 retirement, its an educational process with the application of more and more technology. But as Dr. Boone reminds us, its still a People-centric business.'