b'10American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comNew technology NAir Vacould alleviate JFKJohn F. Kennedy International Airport nEXIT 20Tr Wa yin ck Eastern Rd Rockaway Blvday BlvdT E Rockaw oxpJam wa y1cargo nightmare ic 5a 0GuS S t Rockaway Blvdta vd y R ti l Bre130 St n 5 Ave Boswr13 it Av Fa e er e rmBlEXIT 2 South ConduNassau Expwy vdHilton PA Medical AMB Cargo BldgsBy Peter Buxbaum, AJOT Garden Inn CBP ArkN. Bound1/4 mile away1 ary Rdth Co duiAve 8 Cargod see inset4t EXIT 20 d St r R 79 OEXIT 1SR Truckgale R dnIn 2020 and 2021, New Yorks John F. KennedySheraton c Parking 150 St Q7 Area D n 74 o 201 197 250i aHotel rvckaH Nor e Airport S .wa Plazas N AMB Cargo Bldgs go CargoPost y BlvdInternationalAirportbenefittedfromtheglobalEmployee 73 71 CBP 77arLeff Ctrend that saw shippers increasing their reliance onParking Building 402 Federal Circle 134 St Area C Office Eastern Rder yakwtsair-cargo services in the face of a choked ocean- EXIT 19 Bl lt Par 150 Ave OMSF Taxi HoldCargo Plaza AirTrain Stationv Be xpwydtransportation system. JFKs year-over-year growthB15 Nassau E Exit C Tow Impound Lot pass Rd Pan Am Rd JF KEx Rockaway BlvdComFederalBergen Rd Circle pwrate spiked to a high of 61.6% in April 2021, butLong Term Q10 Ltd HydrogenLimo, Bus, d y Terminal 7Fueling Station argo RParking S. Csincehasbeenonthedecline,reachingnegativeP Permittee Lot B15, Q3, Lefferts 130Blvd Commissary RdAirTrainPl CargoQ10levels in May 2022, when it shrank by 10.4%, fol- Howard P 9 Terminal 8 P P Terminal 5Stationlowed by 12.0% decreases each in June and July. Beach Long Term CargoArea B PSAirTrainParking d . Seangar RStation rvice N. Service Rd RdRFor a good portion of the twentieth century, JFKArea A PAJFK Medport CNGP r E. H dnga Adminwas the busiest air-cargo hub in the world. But inBldg De-Icing Fueling P Terminal 4a. H 2021, JFK ranked #8 for air-cargo tonnage amongW SheltAir Facility Citibank AirTrain RouteFBO/U.S. airports, down from #3 in 2000, and saw vol- PA Operations Terminal 1umes decrease by over 30% during that period. NowPA Terminal 2Policethat the pandemic flash in the pan appears to be over,Jamaica Bay AirTrain is ADA Compliantthe question is whether JFK can reverse its decades-long decline as an air-cargo industry leader.Many of JFKs problems stem from the night-marishconditionstruckersmustenduretoaccess the airports cargo facilities. A recent Rutgers Uni-versity study showed that 95% of freight forward-ers, brokers, airlines, and truckers rated wait times as poor or extremely poor at JFK, and 85% said wait times were worse or much worse than other airports. Issues cited in the study included inefficient dock scheduling,on-sitecongestion,andthelackofaThe Pioneer of Integrative Solutions on Land and Sea communication system to let truckers know when cargo is ready for pickup. We work from our off-airport location to sat-isfy an unrealistic 24-hour pickup window and risk incurring costly storage fees, said Mike DeVivo, presidentofM.R.Z. TruckingCorporation,which serves shippers at JFK.The Rutgers study explored implementing an air-port-wide Truck Flow Management System (TFMS) to streamline cargo operations, a move that DeVivo supports. There must be a serious effort to expand, modernizeandfullyintegratethecargohandling facilities on the airport, he said. A TFMS would reduce truck dwell time by 38% and save as much as $16 million a year in direct trucking costs annually, the Rutgers study found, by reducing man-hours and fuel consumption. Implementing a TFMS airport-wide can play animportantroleinreversingJFKairportslost marketshare,saidFrankLiggio,boardchairof GatewayJFK, a business improvement district rep-resentingtheoff-airportcargocommunity,anda sponsor of the Rutgers study. New Yorks air-cargo sector has the potential to grow with industry trends and not miss out on the opportunity to preserve and increase jobs.JFKs cargo infrastructure is in the process of being improveda new cargo building is scheduled to openStevedoring in 2024, expansions of access and on-airport roads are in progress, and a reconfiguration of cargo operations isMaritime & Logistics on the drawing boards. But these are no substitute for anintegrated,airport-widecommunicationssystemQuarry Owners & Operators for cargo, said Liggio. The existing cargo-manage-ment technology at JFK is not reflective of the availableTug & Barge Marine Towing technology in todays marketplace.JFKs cargo operations need updating on manyProperty & Port Management levels. But it remains to be seen if the improvements underway can restore the airport to its former glory,General & Marine Construction or just allow it to play catch-up.Aeroterm selects Ldige Industries for modernization project at JFK AirportAeroterm,North Americaslargestthirdparty on-airport developer, has selected Ldige Industries, the worlds leading provider of cargo terminal solu-tions,toinstallastate-of-the-artautomatedcargo systematJohnF.KennedyInternational Airportswww.carvercompanies.com new350,000-square-footcargofacility.Ldiges system will be exclusively used by Worldwide Flight Services (WFS), the main cargo handler at JFK.(PROJECTcontinued on page 14)'