b'OCTOBER 31 - NOVEMBER 20, 2022INLAND & MISSISSIPPI PORTS 31(EXPANDINGcontinued(OUTLINEScontinuedanditallowsustodealwithnotjustmanufacturersoflater this Fall and one of the from page 26) from page 30) transportationandlogisticselectricmotorvehicles,canquestions that was put out to developmentplayingacru- new eyes at the potential ofchallenges,whethertheyaretakeadvantageoffundingthegroupistohelpusput cial role. the waterways. I think thatsnaturaldisasters,apandemic,opportunities to test innova- alittlemoreclarityaround ColdSummitDevelop- fantastic! Of course, there isor some criminal act tive technologies in a mari- our public policy agenda and ment looks to break ground byworktobedonetoensureSheadded:Letstaketimeenvironment.Whetherwhat else would help. So, we yearend on a 280,000-square- you have the shoreside infra- advantage of funds providedutilizing hydrogen or metha- mayhavesomemoreasks footcoldstoragefacilityrep- structuresupport.SomaybeintheInfrastructureInvest- nol fuel alternatives, testingwhen we dig a little deeper resentingthefirstphaseofitsworthshippersdoingament and Jobs Act to investthesewouldbeextremelyinto this.atwo-phaseprojectonport- little upfront work to ensurein shoreside port infrastruc- constructive. Also,theEPA owned property situated aboutthat they have alternatives inture. Theres a huge opportu- has a program that has beenP rosPEcts for2022a mile from the front gate.transportation nity there. fundedforenginerepower- Carpenter says the indus-NowunderconstructionShe notes that when theing. There is a need to expandtryseconomicfortunesare is RL Colds development ofColonialPipelinewasthel oWErE Missions those programs because thereimproving:Itsalotbetter a300,000-square-footfacil- victim of a ransomware attackCarpenterseesprogressis a lot of innovation out there.than2021,andalotbetter ity on a 29-acre site 13 milesin May 2021, it infected someinthewaterwaysindus- Beingabletoreallyimple- than 2020. I will say that the from the port. of the pipelines digital sys- tryreducingemissionsbutmentnewcarbonreductionglassishalffull.Therehas Were extremely excitedtems,shuttingthemdowncites the importance of U.S.technologies at scale is goingbeenasignificantdemand about the private investmentforseveraldays:When theDepartment of Energy fund- to require a lot of money. So,formarinetransportation thats taking place, not just onColonialPipelinewasdown,ingandsupportfromthemore funding for these pro- and thats a good thing. The our property but near-port asyouhadinlandbargeswhoU.S.EnvironmentalProtec- grams enables vessel ownerscaveat is our work force chal-well, Clark said. couldmovefueltoNash- tion Agency (EPA): As weaswellasportstogetoutlengesyouvegottohave Onthenonrefrigeratedville,Evansville,Illinois,andtalk about sustainability, andandinstallcleanertechnol- the people to take advantage cargo side, Port City Logis- Paducah,Kentuckybecauselower zero carbon fuel thereogy. Robustly funding theseof these opportunities. Also, ticsInc.isembarkingonathere were rivers there and thatisanopportunitythattheprogramswouldbeaposi- everything is more expensive 150,000-square-footcross- keptpeopleabletofueltheirDepartmentofEnergypro- tivenextstep.AWOhasfrom steel, to paint, to engine dock facility for dry commodi- cars. Thats an example of howgram for advanced vehiclesgotaCEOleveltaskforcecomponents.Andthoseare tiesonport-ownedpropertytakingfulladvantageofourand technology can help thelookingatdecarbonizationchallenges.ButImbullish just outside the Port of Wilm- waterways gives us resiliencyindustry. Vessel owners, andand it is going to be meetingon the future of this industry.ington gate. And The Scoular Co.son-portgraintransload facilityisnowenteringits second season in operation.Meanwhile,thePortof Wilmingtons rail connectiv-ity is expanding. The Queen CityExpress,inaugurated in 2016 in conjunction with CSX, is on pace for another record volume year, and it is being augmented by start-up of the Wilmington Midwest Express,servingChicago, St.LouisandNorthwest OhiomarketsviathenewCLOSERCSXhubinRockyMount, North Carolina.Today, obviously with the congestion in other ports, car-riers are looking for options, Clarksaid,andthisisan optionthatisgettingtested, and we are very confident in it, with our ability to deliverON THE COLUMBIA RIVER IN WASHINGTON STATEChicago in five days.PortFASTERCarriers serving the of Wilmington include Seal-and, which added its second weekly Latin American service lastyear;CrowleyMaritime, withlongstandingCentral Americaservice;Indepen-dentContainerLine,with trans-AtlanticEuropeanser- DIRECT CONNECTIONS TO MAINLINE RAIL & INTERSTATE HIGHWAYSvice;Bahri,withfortnightlySMARTERcallsfromtheMiddleEast andIndia;andmembersof THEAllianceandZim/2M Alliance,withweeklyser-vices from China and South Korea via the Panama Canal.The Port of Wilmington also has received numerous ad-hocSTORAGE OPTIONS & FOREIGN TRADE ZONE SPACEcalls, including a half-dozenBETTERtrial calls from CMA CGMs Chesapeake Bay Express ser-vicefromChinaandSouth Korea via the Panama Canal. Clarksaiddiscussionsare proceeding with CMA CGM in hopes of landing a regular spot on that rotation.At the Port of MoreheadON-DOCK RAIL & DUAL-SERVED BY BNSF & UPCity, which is currently oper-ating at or near capacity, $30 millionisbeinginvestedin berthreconstructionanda new 75,000-square-foot ware- CONTACT US AT [email protected] | PORTOFLONGVIEW.COMhouse that should be ready in about a year.'