b'26American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(EXPANDINGcontinuedwhile bringing new technolo- refrigeratedcontaineryard, from page 24) gies,includingaNavisN4complementingafirstphase nearly 250,000 containers fromterminaloperatingsystemopened in 2020. By a year from trucks to trains. and a customer access portalnow, the yard should offer 700 The most visible projectfor the trucking community. additional reefer plugs, bring-completedthisyearattheIthasintroducedsomeingthetotalnumberofsuch Port of Wilmington is a newnew levels of efficiency, saidplugs to more than 1,500.containerinterchangegateClark, noting that WilmingtonTemperature-controlled complex.OpenedinFebru- is already known for superiorcargos continue to represent a ary,thefacilityincreasesEast Coast truck turn times. key sector at the Port of Wilm-overallcapacity,takingtheAlso in Wilmington, groundington,withprivate-sector combined number of inboundhas been broken for the second(EXPANDINGcontinued SC Ports modernized Wando Welch Terminal can efficiently accommodateandoutboundlanesto13,phaseofastate-of-industryon page 31)three big containerships at the same time.(Photo credit: Walter Lagrenne, South Carolina Ports Authority)(BOLSTERINGcontinuedcompletion.Inpartnership from page 24) with Palmetto Railways, the handled1.44millionloadedstate-of-industryrailyardis import TEUs, up 22 percent,to handle competitive Class I Melvinsaid.Wepresentedservices of CSX and Norfolk reallywellasagatewayforSouthern. The facility is to be imports into the United States. supported by an inner harbor Sheaddedthat,withbargeoperation,advancing increasinglylargecontainer- on a similar timeframe.ships, the port handled nearlySeveraladditionalmea-2,500TEUspervesselcallsures are supporting fluidity, in the past fiscal year, up 28(BOLSTERINGcontinuedAs the latest major infrastructure enhancement at the Port of Wilmington, a new container gate complex is delivering percentfromtheprecedingon page 30) greater efficiencies for the trucking community, with 13 truck lanes and a Navis N4 terminal operating system.12-month period.Melvinsaidaholistic investment picture, involving modernizationoflongstand-ing facilities along with con-struction of new leading-edge infrastructure,hasfacilitated handling this record growth.A $550 million update of the1970s-designedWando WelchTerminalhasbrought big-ship-handlingcapabilities,No dwell with the last of 15 new 155-foot-lift-height ship-to-shore cranes erected over the summer. Now three 14,000-TEU-capacity shipstime.can be worked simultaneously. Meanwhile, the first phase of SC Ports Leatherman Ter-minalthefirstnewU.S.Just on greenfield terminal since 2009is a year and a half into opera-tionswithfive169-foot-tall cranescapableofworkinga 20,000-TEU megavessel. Twotime. further phases are planned over the next eight years or so at the terminal,whichwasbuilton a decommissioned U.S. Navy base site. Welcome to done.And,wrappingupthis year,thankstostateand federalfunding,isthe$600 millionCharlestonHarbor deepeningproject,deliver-ing the deepest harbor on theAmerican Journal of Transportation 8x 10 .125 08/16/22No Dwell Time. Just On TimeU.S.EastCoastat52feet atberthsand54feetalong theentrancechannel,mean-ingabsolutelynorestric-tionsinanytidalconditionTitle:Pub:We move fast. And we go further for you. The Port Trim Size:Job #:Bleed Size:Colors:Close Date: for a vessel drawing 48 feet,of Wilmington connects you to the Midwest region according to Melvin. via the Wilmington Midwest Express in as little as Thatsimportantnotfive days. And we offer competitive rates, efficient justforourimportcustom- on-port operation and a standard of service you 20077-NCP_JustOnTime_AJOT_Print_8X10_k1 NC Ports 20077 InDesign CC 4Cers,whoarebringingfullywont find anywhere else. Welcome to the port ladenshipsherefromAsiawhere fast is just the beginning. andEurope,butitsalso extremelyimportantforour exporters,shesaid,noting that outbound cargos include agriculturalcommodities,File Name: forest App: Client: productsandresins,aswellas automotive exports.Mostrecently,SCPorts broke ground in mid-October onthe$550millionNavy BaseIntermodalFacility,800.213.4430 // NCPorts.comaboutamilefromLeather-manTerminalviadedicated roadway, targeting mid-2025 22031_20077-NCP_JustOnTime_AJOT_Print_8x10_k1.indd 1 8/16/22 2:37 PM'