b'30American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(OUTLINEScontinued frommegawatts per year of clean, renew-page 28) able energy to the grid, powering up limittheminduration,andwhichto660,000Virginiahomes.Provid-require more transparency which makeing this power with wind energy willHWYH2O.COMeven more explicit the need for a clearavoidasmuchas5milliontonsof National Defense justification. Mean- carbon dioxide emissions annuallywhile,theBidenAdministrationhasthe equivalent of planting more than held the line against Jones Act waiv- 80 million trees.ersdespiteconsiderablepressure.Carpenter notes: In my state of There have been opportunistic effortsVirginia, you have Dominion Energy torequestwaiversduetotheglobalordering a U.S. flagged wind turbine instability with the Russian invasion ofinstallationvesselataU.S.ship-Ukraine and the rise of energy prices:yard. Thats the Keppel Shipyard in My responses are: Dont do itIts notBrownsville, Texas. Dominion seized legal and its not needed. the business case for that. Thats fan-tastic. Theres money to be made here, o ffshorEW inDi nDustry Im really bullish. Holding out for a TheJonesActstandstobeaJones Act waiver is a loser That dog bigger issue in the near future with thedont hunt. Recognize what the rules advent of offshore wind projects. Asareandtalktothepeoplewhocan Carpenterpointsoutthereispoten- meet your needs.tial for new jobs and vessel operation businessforthegrowingU.S.off- us s hiPBuilDingshore wind industry: I am the ViceCarpenter says shipbuilding is a Presidentofthe AmericanMaritimecritical industry: It is so important to PartnershipwhichistheJonesActour economic security. Do we want to Coalition. I also chair AMPs offshorebuild ships in China? Thats a ridicu- W I T H O U R N E W A N Dwind committee and I am really pas- lous question in the current environ- I M P R O V E D G A T E W A Ysionate about this because there is soment. WeneedthesameattitudeofI N C E N T I V E , T H E R E H A Smuch opportunity for American mari- priorityandurgencycontractingforN E V E R B E E N A B E T T E Rtime in offshore wind. This is also aworkers in the shipbuilding industryT I M E T O S T A R T S H I P P I N GT I M E T O S T A R T S H I P P I N Ggreat opportunity for energy indepen- as we are looking to attract workersO N T H E G R E A T L A K E Sdenceandgreenhousegasemissionin the maritime industry. I feel veryW I T H H W Y H OreductionsWe are building up angoodaboutthecapabilityofU.S.2industryfromthegroundup.Itdidshipyards to do what needs to be done not exist before. Sometimes we hear:tobuildoutoffshorewind.Thisis Why cant we do things the way wevery much in the U.S. wheelhouse for didinEurope?andtheanswerisfeeder barges, ATBs (Articulated Tug because this isnt Europe. The ques- Barges), tugs, to move floating wind tionshouldbehowwecanmeetcomponents. Were good at that in the policy objectives in compliance withU.S.These are all things we have U.S.law.Developersareengagingall done in the oil and gas sector. U.S. inpartnershipswithdomesticmari- shipyards have long and good experi-time, so youve got DEME Offshoreence with these types of vessels andFor more information:partneringwithFossMaritimeonwe can transfer that expertise to the1-905-641-0309 or email
[email protected] Vineyard Wind project (offshoreoffshore wind industry.Massachusetts).YouvegotMaersk and Kirby working together to buildn EWM arkEto PPortunitiEs forout Empire Wind (offshore New Yorki nlanD anDc oastalv EssElsState). Kirby is the largest U.S. tankThere is more to be done to fully bargeoperator.Theydidnthaveause the potential of the waterways and(BOLSTERINGcontinued from13,000 units deployed by next spring.wind division. Now they do. That tellsinlandriverstomovecargoinanpage 26) Having our inland ports is also a you something about the opportunityenvironmental and sustainable way toincludingdesignationofafast-turn- very big advantage for us, said Melvin, for American maritime. get freight off crowded highways andaround express berth at Wando WelchreferringtoInlandPortGreer,served Carpentersayssheseesnewaway from population centers. Terminal for vessels requiring 1,000by Norfolk Southern, and CSX-served opportunitiesdevelopingasaresultShesays:Shippersexperienceor fewer moves; hiring of 150 moreInland Port Dillon. We are expanding ofDominionEnergysCoastalVir- over the last couple of years duringportoperationsworkers;offeringofInlandPortGreerwithin10yearsof giniaOffshore Wind(CVOW)proj- thepandemicandsupplychaindis- Sundaytruckgatehours;and,withopeningand thats unheard of.ect.Dominionsaysthatwhenfullyruptionsandchallengeswithothera$200millioninvestment,launch-Expansion of the Greer installa-constructedin2026,theCVOWmodes,havepeoplelookingwithing a port-owned and -operated chas- tion, located 212 miles northwest of project will deliver up to 8.8 million(OUTLINEScontinued on page 31) sis pool that should have more thanCharleston,isaddingalmost8,000 more feet of rail tracks plus increasing container yard capacity by 50 percent.South Carolina Ports has always differentiated itself in the way it cares for and advances its operational excel-lence, Melvin said. Thats not just from South Carolina Ports Authority employees, but it is the generational impactofourlongshoremen,our motorcarriers,ourstevedores,our tugcompanies.Imean,youcannot say enough good things when you are luckily located in a port city.Ourpeopleareourdifferentia-tors,andtheyhavebeenconsistent through the generations of our exis-tence, she added. We will continue towildlysupportourpeople,and, when I say our people, that means the entire maritime community.Goingforward,whatyouwill continue to see us do is boldly invest in infrastructure, Melvin said. When yousitstill,yourcustomersdont customs brokers&freight forwarders know for sure that you can handle their growth. Giving them that confidence www . jfmoran.com: 800.944.1041 allows them to continue to put capital in the ground, not only in South Caro-lina but through the Southeast.'