b'14Editors 24 for 2024 ajot.comACL AJOT_SailSchedule_2023_ACL11/10/239:01 AMPage 1Whats in store for 24? Twenty-four trends, topics, and thoughts onThe Ultimatepotential headline makers for 2024 CARRY ALLBy George Lauriat, AJOTEditorsNote:Whatsinstorefor2024?WehaveanContainers, RORO, Breakbulkearly sampling of what might be the headliners for the next 12 months. Already weve seen significant disruption in shipping due to the combination of low water in the Panama Canal and the Houthis choking access to the Red Sea, effectively cutting off the Suez Canal from the Asia-Europe trade lane. And freightA SERVICErates have skyrocketed in reaction to the circuitous alternativeFROM NEW YORK TO TRANSIT TIMESroutings around Africa. AnditdoesnthelpthatthewarbetweenUkraineandANTWERP 20Russia is still slogging on and that the Israeli-Hamas conflict inDUBLIN 21Gaza is far from resolvedand has the potential to expand asBELFAST 20the Houthis have demonstrated. If there is another disruption,GOTHENBURG 25whether it is a natural incident such as a hurricane or COVID- HAMBURG 1719 like event, or another geo-political instance, how will theLIVERPOOL 13supply chain adjust to the impacts?RORO Customer Service Export Documentation Credit & CollectionsAnd there is always the economic fallout. Is another reces- 877-918-7676 888-802-0401 888-225-7747sion on the way? Can we control inflation or [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] other international trade and transportation issues areExport Customer Service Import Customer Servicealso beginning to percolate, like a potential East and Gulf coasts800-225-1235 888-802-0403labor dispute between the International Longshoremens Asso- [email protected] [email protected] (ILA) and waterfront management. There are other topics like AI (Artificial Intelligence) that are destined to be in the headlines over the remaining weeks of 2024. And finally, its hard to overlook the US Presidential elections(DIMENSIONScontinuedandinverynarrowaisles.workingwith3PLBarrett and what impacts they will have on trade in 2024 and beyond.from page 5) The drones photograph inven- DistributionCentershada Below are 24 trends and topic ideas for 2024.gathering machines. torystoredinpalletloca- challenging assignment when 1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Supply Chain Gather AIs founders alsotionsandthepicturesareits client, U.S. based high end There was an AI New York 2023 Summit and consensusrealized the helicopter formatuploadedintotheCloudglobalsneakerandapparel believes that AI will soon become the normal and that nocouldbescaleddowntoawhere the AI reads barcodes,company called Stadium Goods, large industry will not be impacted by AI. dronesizethatcouldnavi- text and other photographiccame aboard.Barrett housed 2. Whats Next After 5G? (6G) and what does it mean forgatetheinsideofacavern- information and compares itinitswarehouse450,000to logistics? ouswarehousesaidAroratowhatsinthewarehouse500,000individuallyserial-6Gnetworkswillusehigherfrequenciesandhavehigherand take automated invento- management system. ized and bagged shoe boxes capacity than 5G. It is expected to facilitate large improvements inries.With a venture capital- Asaresult,warehousestored in very narrow aisles.the areas of imaging, presence technology and location awareness.ist in its corner, the start-upemployeesnolongerspend,GatherAIssoftware, 6G expected to compliment AI. acquired an established com- hecontinues,long,tediouspoweringthewarehouses 3. E-Commerce Challengepanyinautonomousinven- hours doing manual inventoryroboticdrones,scannedthe Its estimated that e-commerce will grow by a 9% compoundtorymanagementcalledcountsworkingonforklifts.individual shoeboxes, so Bar-annual growth rate through 2027, compared to the projected 4%Ware, vaulting Gather AI toThereislesslikelihoodofrettDistributionwasableto for brick-and-mortar retail. Can the supply chain keep pace witha spot as the worlds largestmisplacingproducts.Gatherprovideitsfootwearclient e-commerce? Will e-commerce growth slow if customer expecta- software player in the space,AIisupto15timesfasterwith a 99.95% to 100% inven-tions are not met? the company contends. than manual cycle counting. tory count accuracy rates on 4. Cyber Threats: The other choke pointInaninterviewwithRather than market directlya weekly basis, said a Gather Cyber threats to the supply chain are growing and reach bothAJOT, Arora capsulized GathertocompanywarehousesandAI statement. It also freed up large and small providers. With the ability to cripple the move- AIsmodusoperandi.Wedistribution centers, Gather AIwarehousestaffwhowere ment of goods, is the Cyber threat becoming the other chokedonotdeveloptheautono- sells its inventory managementpreviouslydoingmanual point in global commerce? mous,commoditydrones.software mainly to third partycounting so they could work 5. Chips and Dips: Could the chip dispute trigger dips in auto- We supply the software thatlogistics (3PL) companies thatonothervalue-addedwork, motive manufacturing allowsthedronestoflyprovidewarehousingservicesresulting in efficiency gains, Back in 2020 a chip shortage triggered a global automotivethrough warehouses with noto a variety of their clients. saidArora.Howefficient? (STOREcontinued on page 15) Wi-FiorGPS,inthedarkFor example, Gather AI,The co-founder said the Bar-rettDistributionfacilitywas abletoreassignsixforklift operators to other warehouse chores when one drone took over their inventory manage-ment responsibilities.(DELETIONcontinued from page 8)Economist Bob Costello. It seems like every time freight improves, it takes a step back thefollowingmonth.While year-over-yearcomparisons are improving, unfortunately, the freight market remains in arecession.Lookingahead, withretailinventoriesfall-ing, we should see less of a headwindforretailfreight, but Im also not expecting a surge in freight levels in the coming months.Nonetheless,withthe economiccyclereturningto normal, 2024 may well turn outforlackofabetter wordnormal.Andthat mightjustbeenoughfora good year in trucking.'