b'6TOP 100 NORTH AMERICAN TRUCKING COMPANIESajot.comTrucknet sets up Gulf-Israel/ AJOTs Top 100 North American Trucking Egypt land bridge Companieswith one big deletion Trucknets landbridge operation bypasses troubledYellow Freights demise is a big deletion in this years chart but still there are Red Sea pinch point. positives to be derived from 2023.Stuart Todd, AJOT By George Lauriat, AJOTThe Middle East in recentmentsservetohighlight weeks has seen the setting uphowco-operationbetweenIn January, theAJOTpublishes its list ofernment a 30% stake in the company. It didnt ofalandbridgeforgoodsIsraeliandArabcompaniesTop 100 North American Trucking Compa- help. A combination of creditor problems, high-unloaded from ships at portshasadvancedsincethesig- nies which tallies trucking companies fromlightedbyquarrelswiththeunionizedlabor, in the Gulf bound for Israel,nature of the 2020 AbrahamCanadaandtheUnitedStates.Mostofthedoomed the trucking company to bankruptcy.Egypt,andEurope,thusAccords,whichsawIsraelcompanies are familiar names, like UPS, OldNowwithYellowFreightsliquidation bypassingtheRedSeaandmakepeacewithfourArabDominion,J.BHuntorEstesthatyoupassunderway, chunks of Yellow Freights sizeable the threat of attacks on shipscountries,ledbytheUAEalong the highway, see parked at highway roadassets are being bitten off by top tier trucking by Houthi militia in Yemen. and Bahrain. stops, or see making deliveries at warehousescompanies like A. Duie Pyle, Estes, XPO, TFI, TrucknetEnterprise,anFollowingtheHouthisaround the country. But this year one big nameArcBest, FedEx, Knight Swift Canada Cartage Israelidigitalfreightmar- attacks,wewerecontactedis missingYellow Freight (YRC).andothers,likegreatwhitesfeedingonthe ketplacestart-up,hassignedby many businesses asking ifOn Sunday July 30 th , 2023, Yellow Freightfloating carcass of a dead whale. agreements with Emirati-basedwe could offer an alternativeceased operations and shortly later on AugustGenerally, YRC was often considered the PureTrans,whichoperatesasolution to transit through the6 thfiled for bankruptcy.nations largest LTL trucking firmusually landline transit network span- Suez Canal. It was somethingAlthough the company had been in finan- ranking within the top 6 trucking companies ningtheregion(anditspart- of a coincidence that we hadcial trouble for years, and industry analysts hadin AJOTs annual listnow the company is ner, port terminals operator DPalreadybeenworkingonalongquestionedthemanagementofYellowdeleted but not forgotten as the asset liquida-World),CoxLogistics(Bah- PoC(ProofofConcept)forFreight, it was still a shock that the hauler wenttion process continues. rain)andalsoEgypt-baseda land bridge for six or sevenbankrupt.LikemanynowextinctcorporateAs for the exit of Yellows capacity in the logisticsservicescompanymonthsandwerethereforegiants, there was a sense that they were too bigLTLmarket,withthedownturnindemand, WWCS, to co-ordinate truck- abletorespondswiftlytoto fail.other carriers have been able to pick up the ingservicesconnectingthetheseexceptionalcircum- And there was some logic sustaining thisslackwithoutshowingmuchofanupward DubaiportofJebelAliandstances,TrucknetsCEObelief. After all the Federal government itselfpush in freight rates. But there are few markets theportofMinaSalman,inHanan Fridman told AJOT inowned 30% of the corporation.more cyclical than LTL trucking and with the Bahrain, via Saudi Arabia andan interview. But how in the first place did the U.S. gov- next rise in demand, it will be interesting to see Jordan, to Haifa, in Israel andTrucknetoffersusersaernmentgettobeashareholderinYellow?if Yellows demise has an impact on rates or Port Said in Egypt, from wherefully digitized solution, whichBack in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemicwhether the improved networks will provide cargo can continue to Europe. includes real-time monitoring ofthe Trump Administration under the Cares Actsufficient capacity.trucks and the status of ship- through the Treasury Department in a curious a greementse nable ments,Fridmanexplained.movegranted YellowFreighta$700millionm ergers , a cquisitions andt ruckingo nc ooperativee FFort (BRIDGEcontinued onemergency loan on national security grounds.In2021throughearly2022therewere Inpassing,theseagree- page 8) In return Yellow Freight gave the Federal Gov- (DELETIONcontinued on page 8)If it matters to you, it matters to usNorthAmerican GLS FreightFreight Service in numbers freight.gls-us.comSimplify your supply chain 100+ terminalswith GLS Freight and benefit 3000+ employees (800) 237-9669from expedited shipping 5000+ deliveryacross the U.S. and even vehiclesbetween the U.S. and Canada!'