b'JANUARY 2024WAREHOUSE PROVIDERS 5(DIMENSIONScontinuedspaces,andtheupperfloorsventure to grow it rather thantheentireDaytonbuilding,SafewayTruckingCorpora-from page 4) were studio spaces, he said. cash out. whichwillbededicatedtotion,anasset-basedcarrier Francisco five years ago.KossaralsosaidthereInterestingly,thefound- temperature-controlledstor- and one of the largest dray-Kossar, a 25-year veteranisasixstoryverticalware- ers, then all graduate studentsage, is going to be supportingage concerns serving the Port of commercial real estate whohouse in Queens and a threeatCarnegieMellonUniver- our customers growth. of New York and New Jersey. is based in JLLs East Ruth- story397,000squarefootsity in Pittsburgh, developedThe niche that East CoastSafeway picks up containers erford,NewJersey,office,multi-levelindustrialprop- whatthecompanyclaimsoccupies in the temperature- at the port on a daily basis, isnt reluctant to talk. He firsterty in the Red Hook sectionisthefirstguaranteedsafecontrolled space is in the 55said Daly, and delivers them spotted high rise freight ware- ofBrooklynwhichisfullyfull-scaleautonomousheli- degreeto65degreerange.toourwarehouseortoour houses when he was in Shang- leasedtoe-commercegiantcopter, funded by the DefenseFindingprovidersinthatcustomerswarehouses.He haiandTokyo.TheywereAmazon. Two other massiveAdvancedResearchProjectrangeisoftenverydifficultenvisionsthattheDayton built close to the city center,multi-storywarehousesareAgency (DARPA), and testedfor cargo owners, said Daly.facility will serve distribution andtheywereveryefficientslatedforcompletionintheat the FBI training grounds inInNewJersey,itsaveryoperationswithina90-mile from a design and operationalBronx in early 2024. Quantico, VA.The helicoptertight market when it comes toradius, which he called our standpoint, he recalled. Multi-levelwarehousescouldavoidobstacles,landthat kind of space. We see thesweet spot, and which would Sincethen,Kossarandarearealityorunderdevel- itself,cover10kilometerssamethingasupanddownput southern New Jersey and hisseniorJLLcolleaguesopmentindenselypopulatedin three minutes and build athe I-95 corridor. thePhiladelphiaareaatthe have amassed a reputation forcitieslikeChicago,Seattle,3D map of its environment.EastCoastcontinuestoperiphery of its catchment.expertise in marketing verticalSan Diego, and San Francisco.Saidco-founderSankalpmaintainasignificantpres- Inrecentyears,East warehousesintheU.S.andInmanycasestheproper- Arora: Thats when we real- enceintheimmediateportCoast has made acquisitions consultingwithtenantswhoties are targeting e-commerceized drones are excellent dataarea, with buildings in Jerseyin an effort to become more can benefit from the logisticalgiant Amazon as a sole tenant.(DIMENSIONScontinuedCityandinElizabeth,andof a regional full-service tem-advantages they offer. (Prologis opened the first U.S.on page 14) still sees itself as a port-cen- perature-controlledlogistics Locationstillreignsmulti-story warehouse in Seat- tered services provider. Theprovider. In 2021, it acquired supreme as the primary con- tle some five years ago. It is aDayton building is not exactlyTemp-DistributionofMary-siderationinanyrealestatethree-level,590,000square(FACILITYcontinuedat the port but its also not inland,Inc.,atemperature-transactionandevenmorefootfacilitynearthePortoffrom page 4) Allentown,Pennsylvania,saidcontrolled transportation, and inmultilevelwarehousing.Seattle and close to rail con- probably need to be lookingDaly. Its an accessible loca- warehousing provider located There are realities that simplynections). a little outside of the immedi- tiontotheportandforouron the I-95 corridor just out-cannotbealtered.Kossarate port area. The containercustomerswhoarebringingside the Port of Baltimore. tells of a state of the art oneW arehousea utomation :weight restrictions that applyproduct and inventory into theThatacquisitionmade millionsquarefootverticald ronest akeF light generally do not pertain in theNewYork-NewJerseymar- usaregionaltemperature-distributioncenterat2505Innovative,automatedport district. ketplace. It is also a centrallycontrolfinalmiletrucking BrucknerintheNewYorkwarehouses are not confinedThere are plenty of drylocatedfacilityforcustomercompanyforthecandyand City borough of the Bronx. tomarqueehigh-techcities.warehousesinthemarket- pickupandfordistributionconfectioneryspace,said Another multi-level ware- One 27-person, five-year-oldplace,Dalyadded.Theinto the New York City areaDaly.Itbroughtustoan house property in Long Islandwarehouseinventoryman- differentiation in our key ver- and the region generally. operatingareawithabouta City was creatively designed.agement software concernticals is that all our customers300-mile radius for container ThefirsttwofloorswereGather AIis headquarteredrequiresomeleveloftem- d rayages ervices pickup and return and put us industrialspace,thethirdinPittsburghandthethreeperature control above freez- East Coast also providesin the Baltimore-Washington floorwereentertainmentfounders have stayed with theing. Its a niche market anddrayageservicesthroughitsmetropolitan area.Simply world Class JIT Warehousing & Logistics is a proven leader in the warehousing and transportation industry.Operating 5 facilities and a heavy lift yard located in Savannah, GA all within 3.5 miles of GPAterminals. JIT is your turn key, Just-In-Time operator. With over a quarter of a century in the import/exportindustry, JIT offers work class trucking, shipside delivery, intermodal services, specialty hauling,crane services, cross docking, escort services and so much more. All company owned equipmentincluding newly expanded heavy haul fleet. Newest Norfolk Southern rail served facility now open. JIT complexes can meet all logistics needs.'