b'2American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comNew dimensions toWAREHOUSE warehouse automation Warehouse automation is now experiencing expansionPROVIDERS in unexpected niches. 2024By Chris Barnett, AJOT One of the most tedious but criti- But it does not shortchange users callynecessarylogisticalchoresison features which includes 3-D scan-measuringandweighingfreight ning technology to accurately calcu-whether it is a box, a pallet, or a ship- late the precise dimensions of a pallet pingcontainer.Ithastobeprecise;or parcel, Joachim said.noguesstimatesallowed.BotchtheFor example, while the software dimensions and space is wasted; time,system has a built-in scale to secure money and efficiency are all lost. theexactweightoftheshipment, Thats true for all transport modesCargoSpectrealsoincludestiny,ocean shipping, trucking, air cargo,embeddedcamerastorecordthe bargesoranyfreightthatrequiresphysicalconditionofeverypallet storage,warehousingpacking,load- thatmovesthroughthewarehouse, ing and documentation. Until the digi- explains the CEO of the company.tal age dawned, dimensioning asBut it doesnt stop there, he main-it is described in a single wordwastains. The collected pallet or parcel is amanual,timeconsumingexercisedocumented by saving it in the data-withampleopportunityforcostly(DIMENSIONScontinued on blunders and shipment-delaying mis- page 4)takes. And with no rigid standardiza-tion or reporting.Foryears,truckingcompaniesE B R A T I NtookadvantageofthisbyapplyingE L GenoughreweighandauditfeesCscannedbyexpensiveequipment theywereabletopurchase,alleges aformerwarehouseoperator.This allowedthemtoaddaccessorial1920-2020charges which many businesses haveOF Eneither the time nor the documenta- SERVICtionwithwhichtofight,headds. Additionally at $120,000 per system,SUCCESS STARTS WITH A WINNING TEAM!there was no way smaller companies could equip themselves to efficiently fight those charges.W arehousinga utomationF inds Since our establishment in 1920, we haveWE OFFER OUR CUSTOMERS:n eWn iches been providing our global customers a On-site Storage and Multi-modalpremier level of service through superior Theadventofcomputerizationhandling and performance, technologicalDistribution Servicesandnowartificialintelligence(AI)advancements, and a perpetual eyeCustomer Access to 24 hour Inventory Tracking andthescannerchangedthat.Plus,on customer satisfaction. Also, we offer one Standard Berths and Ro-Ro Ramps are available sometechnologyvisionariesandof the most cost effective and reliable labor Specially engineered Lifting Gearcompanies have refined and stream- forces in the North Atlantic.Container Transloading from / to Rail or Trucklinedtheprocessconsiderablyand cost effectively. The long-time freightWe have the ability to accommodate a On-site service provided by 2 Class I processorandwarehousemancitedvariety of automobile, breakbulk, bulk,Rail Carriersabove,JasonJoachim,chiefexecu- container and forest products. Our Efficient Distribution to Two Thirds of thetive, and co-founder of Cargo Spectredistinction, is based on our ability to closelyUnited States and Canadian populations within in Houston, is one of those trailblaz- coordinate your Stevedoring, Warehousing48 - 72 Hours ers. As the career warehouse operator- and Distribution Logistics. turned-technologyentrepreneurput it in an exclusive interview with the AmericanJournalofTransportation (AJOT), warehouse automation is in our DNA. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT US AT:JH STEVEDORING, INC. 2147 South Columbus Blvd. Philadelphia, PA 19148TEL: 215-218-3060FAX: 215-218-3078WEB: www.jhstevedoring.comJason Joachim, CEO and co-founderPENN WAREHOUSING & DISTRIBUTION, INC. of Cargo Spectre 2147 South Columbus Blvd. CargoSpectreFreightDimen- Philadelphia, PA 19148TEL: 215-218-3000sioningSystemsoundsexception- FAX: 215-218-3043ally complex and costly, but JoachimWEB: www.pennwarehousing.cominsists it is accurate and affordable whether it is dimensioning pallets or parcels. While the market is crowded with competitors, the system is priced some40%to50%belowitsrivals. We have made what was a $120,000 system10yearsagointoa$700 monthly service, he contends.'