b'12American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(ANNIVERSARYcontinued fromG&Ws short-lines are located inside page 6) theportboundariesfreightoftenis the Freightliner Group in the UK. placed directly on cars, essentially a NowG&Wownsoroperatesfirst mile for onward delivery that 122short-linerailroads,whichcan take the freight across the country. cumulatively amounts to around 13,000EquallymanyofG&Wsshort-line track-milesenough trackage to makerailroadsarelocatedinindustrial the company number six in the nationzones where the delivery is in effect intracklengthjustbehindthewell- the last mile of the transit.known Class 1 rail companies. As an example of the first and last mile, Dan Pavick, VP Operations for F Irst andl astm Ile theGreatLakesDivisiondescribed G&Ws rail companies are frequentlythe movement of an unusual freight, locatedinornearports.ForthisWereseeingagrowingmarketin reason, the G&W has an unusual butsomeofourareaswithfood,food descriptive tag line for a rail company,materials,inboundpastes,sugarsfirst and last mile. Because many ofthey [the customer] make all sorts of G&W CEO Michael Miller, Sue Fuller, Mort Fuller, G&W Executive Chairman Jack Hellmann, and G&W Great Lakes Division Vice President Dan Pavick.Photo by Robert Reynoldspasta sauces for distribution thatsdedication was to have a champagne 100%CaliforniatoRochester,Newbottle broken over the lead locomotive, York haul. It literally is the last mile. namedinthefoundershonor,by However,likethecompositionapersonofnote-inthiscasethe oftheshort-linesundertheG&Woriginalcompanysfoundersgreat-umbrella, the type of freight carriedgrandson Mort B. Fuller III. The two is varied. Quite literally is everythingnew locomotives, C44-9 (No. 1899) from tomato paste, described aboveand GP38-2 (No. 125) were painted tocoal,aggregates,scrapmetal,inaheritagecolorschemewhich chemicals,lumber,autos,plastics,wasthesameastheoriginalG&W andeventheenormousbladesoflocomotivesfromthe1970swhen wind turbines.Mort Fuller took controlling interest in the company. The new locomotives a t rIpB ackt o theB egInnIng were kept a secret for months as they Thecenterpieceofthe125thwerepaintedinthenearbyRetsof anniversarycelebrationwastheYard.Andaftertheceremoniesthe Former G&W Executive Chairman, President and CEO Mort Fuller and his wife, Sue, christendedicatingoftwonewlocomotives.locomotives were later deployed on the the new locomotive.Photo by Robert Reynolds Similar to the christening of a ship, the(ANNIVERSARYcontinued on page 14)'